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Mark Tilford Jan 2017
after i slip away into the dark space
into the unknown place
after my end
remember, the look on my face
on the day of our first place
not the sick face
remember, my strong beating heart
not the fading part
remember, my soft touch to your face
not the times
that i could not reach up, to touch that smiling face
because i was in a bad place
remember, when i would lay with you
the warmth
remember, the lighter times
not the darker times
the times that were only yours and mine
remember, all the joy
not this sorrow
remember, our time is borrowed
we are not promised tomorrow
remember, my love
lasted the whole time i was on this earth
it will last beyond my re-birth
remember, i had no fears
do not cry
do not shed tears
remember, i am just in a different place
i will always be watching over that smiling face
i was sorry
i could not stay
it was meant to be this way
my love
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
I want you to tell me how
With all these clouds
How our love can be allowed
Regardless of our promise
of our vow
I don't know
After you went solo
Our love you overthrow  
When you let everything go
Bringing us down so low
It has not been that long ago
I think his name was Joe
What a low blow
It still burns
As the world still turns
Lesson learned
Loving you what as it earned
You will not listen to my terms
They are firm
I see through the charm
No matter the tears or the performance
It is of no importance
With all the clouds
It is storming
Because you gave no warning
I am listening

You can tell me
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
I can not believe

Just friends
Is not satisfactory
All you need to do is agree
can't you see

How can we loose
So sad
If we do not have a romance
Take a chance

Could you ?
Would you ?

Promise I will be true to

I have feelings for you
When I am around you
I get so excited over you

To the end
That we can amend
Rules were made to bend

Make the best girlfriends

Make the best boyfriends

Please do not say it depends
Ask me when
Lets begin

You and me
more than
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
Where you should go to confess your sins
A place I have hardly been
I have had no real cause
It has been hard for me to follow those good laws
Yes, I guess a real dog
Of why, I do not have a long monologue
With the preacher I have never had a dialogue
God knows !!
Something that I chose
Living within the Devil's shadow
That was then
This is now
It's Sunday
Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed
When Christ shall come
With a shout of acclaimation
To take me home what joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim my God how great thou art
Then sings my soul my savior God to thee
How great thou art
It's Sunday
Is now my place
it opened it's door
and showed me so much more
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
Your family they will know your embrace
That there is lots of love, than just a trace
Pray, that you will know God's grace
That heaven will one day be your home place
Pray, that you will never be deceived
That you will live free
Pray, that all your dreams come true
Your never blue
Pray, you will achieve all that you pursue
That all your difficulties you will make it through
Pray, that you never have to grieve
That you will always believe
Pray, your eyes never fill with tears
That you never know fear
Pray, you have good health for years
That any evil disappears
Pray, you are never alone
That love is all you have known
Pray, that you will always be at your best
That you are blessed
Pray, that you are never down and out
That you live free of doubt
Pray, that you never loose your way
That you trust in whatever comes your way
Pray, that you never loose your will to fight
For what is right
Pray, that you will always be wise
That you will not fall for all the lies
Pray, that you will always here I love you
That you are due
Pray, that you find the passage way to
A prayer for you and all
Merry Christmas everyone
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
The first lie
The second lie
Then the third lie
I ignored
They continued
Then I was floored
No longer could I absorb
I could not ignore
All of my wondering
The answers came from you
There was more than just a few
Clue after clue
Two wrongs does not make it right
Now I have so much insight
Everything is not alright
In hindsight
Why fight
For what might
I will do my best to be polite
We will no longer unite
No appetite
Never come into my sight

A liar
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
How could you ever forget
When there was no threat
Nothing suppressed
Not yet, any regrets
The First
When it was all about when, where and how
you would connect
Totally obsessed
With very little farewells
Only they, were you aware
Their faults you easily could accept
Harsh words never in eithers alphabet
The First
You just knew it would go on and on
Never giving thought
that it would not last a lifetime
Committing all the love crimes
It was not just from time to time
It was fulltime
The First
You could not accept less
You needed more and more
When you did not have to ask for
There was no walking out the door
You just stayed indoors
To explore
Ending with an encore

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