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Mark Tilford Jul 2016
it will beat time and time again
through thick and thin
it does not care what has been
it beats from what is within

it shows so much mercy
to the unworthy
even to the undeserving  
it's filled by the trustworthy

the beating is sustained by true love
the allowing of
the returning of

the beating heart
is who you are
of every day
every second of every hour
even if it's scared

share your beating heart
even if their's
skips a beat

the beating heart
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
In my sleep
In my dream
Heavens team
I could plainly see
they came to me
Daddy was there
Grandpa and Grandma
Aunts and uncles to
To give me a preview
Of heavens realm
They grab my soul
and off we go
Weaving through the clouds
high and low
Then we slow
There for me to view
The pearly white gates
Streets of gold
Must have been one heck of a look
on my face
In his full grace
There God stood
It's all good
Guess what
He is not dead
He was greeting everyone
No one fled
Next thing I knew
I was laying, wide awake, in my bed
was I asleep
was it in my dream
No matter
I found out
God is not dead

Last night
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
This I own
I choose to be
I have chosen to be
It is sad, now, that I have no one
to call my own
No one living in my home
Have I been lonely
Non without tears
No one to comfort my fears
Nor to hear my cheers
No one waiting for me
Laying here still alone
No one laying next to me
For some reason, I did not think,
someone I would ever need
Now  becoming  more needy
Really need some one next to me
Yes I have family
They are so busy actually

Now that my death is even more near
I fear
So many more tears
There are no more cheers
No one waiting upstairs for me
No one living in my home

I guess I will fulfill my destiny
and will die
Waiting for my death
No one laying next to me
No one in heaven waiting for me
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
That I would kneel and pray.....As I knelt I thought what will I pray.....For my family? I do that anyway......I know, I will pray that all men will be brave and learn how to behave and stop blowing each other away.....Then I thought I should pray for the lonely that love will come their way.....Maybe I will pray for all the faces that I have seen covered in pain to stop the blame .....I should, pray for the kids that have to runaway and loose their way.....That mothers will be mothers, fathers will be fathers and will teach their kids the right way......I will pray for the men and women that fight our wars and that there will be no more......I need to pray for the hungry  that their hunger will go away, for the poor that they suffer no more.....I will pray for people with addictions that their addiction will disappear and go away......For the sick and dying that they feel no more pain , in God's name.....That these dark times come and go and we will see more rainbows .....

That everyone is treated the same

Today I decided that
I would kneel and pray
As I knelt
I thought what would I pray

After all my thoughts
It dawned on me
I just prayed
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Always seeking the
The teller of
Value the
No conditions of
Should be taught from the time of youth
What happened  to our culture for the truth
When did it become uncouth
To tell the truth

Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Without color we all should be born
Because of, all we do now is mourn
As untimely deaths come to our
First born
Second born
Third born
Just because of their skin color
Our brothers
It's time we lay the weapons down
We all come together
Stand altogether
To stop loss of lives because of someone's skin color
(Black skin is not a sin)

This world
Now all we do is mourn
Evokes, fear across the world
Your neighbor?
Yes, they could be that near
Watch the news
It's something new every morning
They **** with no warning
Then our world goes into mourning
It's time
They lay their weapons down
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To stop them from going into any town
Let us not back down

This world
Now again we are mourning
Caused by mass shootings
Because someone thought it was their duty
Not being choosy
In their shooting
Afterwards people standing behind
( the second amendment )
Of an aged constitution
It's time
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To change the
There is no other solution

It's time
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To stop
The pollution  
of  minds
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
When people use to pray
When the bible showed us the way
Them were the good 'O days
When people did not stray
From them good ways
When every Sunday was the Lord's day
When you feared the end of days
When people walked the good pathways
When people wanted to climb heavens stairway
When we did not with everyone lay
When we married to stay
When we knelt down to pray
Them were the good 'O ways
When our days were not gray
When our neighbors were in trouble
we did not turn our backs and turn away
When sinners were welcomed in church
When the American Flag was always on display
When all men were brave
And knew how to behave
When you were on the roadway
Everyone nodded and waved

When everyone was treated the same way

What happened
Them good 'o days
The good 'o ways
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