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Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Come from expecting

You expect your husband to do laundry on his day off
Instead he plays golf

You expect to get the promotion
There was never a notion

You expect a raise
All you hear is nay's

You expect an I love you
Because you thought it was due
It does not happen
Never just in passing

You expect an A on the test
Because you did your best
Instead an F

You expect the kids to clean their mess
You pick up the rest

You expect flowers
You wait for hours

You expect great ***
You leave perplexed

You expect your date to be on time
All you can hear is the clock chime

A world of expectations
Filled with disappointments
Go with the flow
Then who cares about the no's
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Lots, A Ton  
Having a taste of a sweet bun
Don't know the meaning of none
Can't stop once it has begun
I am never done
With having fun
I am not to old
I have no grandsons
You will not see me with a shotgun
I will always have a water gun
How fun !!
I am free
You should come hang with me
The fun will proceed
Trust me !!
You see!!
I do not give a **** !!
Always doing what I want
Fun, I flaunt
My house on the lake front
Lets just say I do not  bunt
But sure the hell can grunt...WINK
Not over with, at a blink
I will bring you to the brink
**** straight I am the missing link
Drink !
Drink !
Drink !
While those champagne glasses clink  
Oh yes it is exactly what you think
Believe me you will not rethink

Mark Tilford Jun 2016
You warned me
It was close to the end
There is nothing left to mend
No, we will not be friends
Got to let it go
Thought our love was strong
I guess I was wrong
How long
No reason to prolong
Not lasting one more day
No more dues to pay
Going to miss our play
Be on your way
You will never find anyone that
makes love like me
You will see
I am sure you will agree
While your searching for someone like me
I am telling you
After you get through a few
You will want to come back to me
You say please
I will remind you
You told me
Now I am telling you
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
That I caused
No reason really
Maybe just because
I broke all the love laws
No heart for me from my visit to OZ
Now I have to take pause
To all the pain that I caused
I am sorry for that pain
Looking back, I can see how lame
For all, I was to blame
******* my middle name
Referring to you as nothing more than a dame
Now feeling so much shame
I never treated you as my equal
or the same
My M O and my game
A bad boy was my claim to fame
All that *******, I have overcame
Being a man is to lay claim
What a foolish man
No wonder her and everyone else has ran
Avoided jumping back into the frying pan

Now I have a different plan
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Standing on my own two feet
Nothing I have to beat
Only life, I have to, I need, to cheat
Lessons learned

I am a simple man
Unfortunately, so many not a fan  
Judging me
Because I am a different man
Because I am who I am
Called me so many different names
It is not who I am
In return not calling them
I would never abuse them
I am just that kind of man

It is not in me
I do not have a need to

Does not define me
I do not need it's pity

I am a man
A **** good man
Standing on my own two feet
Doing the best I can
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Not me
I am free

Of all the *******
The day to day political grit

Some say I have no ambition
Not true
Living is my ambition

Never had to pay a dime of tuition
"Having debt"
Living with no regret

I never have to fret
Believe me I am no one's threat

Life is my asset
The people that I have met
I never forget

Being happy
Is my outlet

Is not me
Because I
Never wanted to be
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
With our families and our friends
Never Enough Time To Spend
Just letting our lives blend
Never Enough Time To Spend
Seems to be a normal trend
Never Enough Time To Spend
The words, I intend
Maybe this weekend
Regret, we will in the end

Time is of the essence
Family and friends
Becoming more of a quintessence's

Here today and gone tomorrow
Then feeling so much sorrow
Time, you cannot borrow

Nothing is more important then your family and friends
Not your job
Not your cell phone
Not Facebook
Not your favorite T.V. show
Not your favorite sport

Make enough time to spend
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