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Sep 2024 · 113
Silent Noise
Mark Rubilla Sep 2024
Is my life a tiptop in the wooden floor?
Or is it a slam on an open door?
Have I pour it out intentionally?
Or have I act as if I'm a weak tree?
My mind put a dare in front of me
Filling what's lacking as if my enemy
It's definitely some sort of horror
But is my walk at stake, I'm not sure
I see questions come and go
In the night sky, in the wind blow
Aug 2013 · 733
Mark Rubilla Aug 2013
Inhale exhale, I walked outside
The water is gone dry
Dreams fade in an  isolation
1 step at a time, schedules are untrace

Take a better look at a mirror
You can see the eyes of the mustache
Changing faces, changing fonts
All is well is in their cases

The world is talking aloud
With brown shading in the concepts
All colors exist but silence makes a camp
How can I swim and ignore it?

Youth, can you see the grace?
Uprooted while the bad things sneaked in
Hope now for this is able
Dont let sin **** you in your moments
Aug 2013 · 763
Its Morning
Mark Rubilla Aug 2013
I lived in my dreams
Seconds may adorable
They caught me off guard.
Aug 2013 · 1.8k
Mark Rubilla Aug 2013
Flee, as the desire go towards bad reputation
Change course as if end is calling
Still counting but the dirt isnt moving
Feet and effort comes together
Like nothing happens in days
Picture framed a portrait
Selfie as they say it bluntly
Peace as if peaceful in that place
Every tick of the time
Dots are dancing in the floor
No orchestrated music at all
Free, as they whispered it to one another
With the blaming tongues and teeth
They mailed it to their eardrum
Lie, no hope yet there is still
Truth, Egypt is the mountain
Bigger as the trust settled in
Watch them fall to their knees
For I say repeatedly in this case
There is still hope, there is still
Just trace the ace for better is the Sky
Than any developers of this land
They may come armored in gold and silver
With the finest stones and strong words
Jul 2013 · 1.7k
Hey, Neighborhood,
Mark Rubilla Jul 2013
I have a neighbor his name was Envy
Though I am sleeping, he always wakes me up
I admit that I am annoyed and never see a favor
Why is he like that? so hardheaded man
I never want him to be my companion
His family was not a good example
Everyone of them were drunkards,
Even the baby inside the womb of his daughter
They have no hope to be seen and hear
All things they have were all stolen from elsewhere
Like Mr. and Mrs. Greed their grand grand parent
Were so good in trickery to fool the eyes
From the oldest one to youngest were in training
In the famous Mobster University located everywhere
© M.B Rubilla 2010
Mark Rubilla Jul 2013
Wake up oh sleeper
Rise up for your destiny is not shallow as your think of it
Guilty, there is no restrain  
No human force can stop
This nature is barren for so long
Good thing is lack
The eyes is too blind to see
The hope of the True God

Taste and see when the Son is calling you Home
There is no heart of stone that can cease this
What a sweet sound
When the Son is calling you Home
Jul 2013 · 443
Mark Rubilla Jul 2013
Sink, as the shark follow you through
Even if the ocean is not your grave
Your decision means death and end

But there is still hope and its attributes
Look beyond, hope is not just word
Its foundation is founded by Him

Man can improvise as many machines
As they can create and build
But tell you its too shallow
Jul 2013 · 799
Waves Wave
Mark Rubilla Jul 2013
Music fades in every snap of the moment
Silence becomes the orchestra
No sound at all and its so dull
Am I  inside the tunnel?

Empty motions in this place
I know that the sea is a very well known singer
Since the day it was made and done
But I couldn't hear her voice

I said hello but it seems she said goodbye
Her waves wave forward never again back and forth
I sat down here for century
But my **expectation was put to rest
Oct 2012 · 597
October Beast
Mark Rubilla Oct 2012
Airplanes and trees are watching
With mirrored eyes and zoomed visions
I cant hide my own frame

Working, filling the voids and dying
Purposeful follow ups aren't simple
For every tick of the clock are worth it

I make sound annoying to the next island
Words like dagger cut through my veins
Im forced to  throw the towel

Pages of tears, sheets of desperation
Written down just to announce
Whats my mission all about
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Mark Rubilla Oct 2012
Oh connections
Where are your strength?
Strength within your legs
The red has past you by
The skin is now as thirsty
As the profound wasteland
The water is going up
And the hands are open wide
But the errors are finally seen
Broadcast in the cloud of the watchers
You cant hold the liquid in your  hands
Make up your mind folks
Wasting time and efforts
This is a sugarcoated reality
That you dreamed of for years
Typically your thinking big thoughts
Addressing the book in most faces
Now wake up oh shallow minds
The pain is waiting as you open the door
Leave your ocean size possession
Repent or perish
© M.B Rubilla 2010
Mark Rubilla Sep 2010
An admirer caught himself
Thinking of his first lady
He daydreamed about her
He wants her to be his lfe

But some circmstances in chain him
Without a brain to present it to her
When the moments grabs the opportunity
He begun to melt like white candle

He wish upon the billions stars above
Keep hoping of the day, it will reveal
Every morning, he longs to see her face
To touch it like the mirror on the wall

How can he be start a talk as a casual talk?
When is the perfect time to find the ace?
His heart was beating faster than the normal
He seems so nervous to welcome the day

I said to him, Oh boy, just be relax and still
Wait patiently upon that precious time
Your line is not too thick to pass by
Or yourself is not ready to stand with it

And the admirer, listens to the advice
He put it into his heart's treasure box
Hide the key into his close palm, his mouth shut
And he enjoys his life as a single guy
© M.B Rubilla 2010
Sep 2010 · 647
Beautiful Indeed Are You
Mark Rubilla Sep 2010
The night was indeed a beautiful one
Something that I can treasure in my mind
Something  that will penetrate to the bone

Follow me as I paint this time with a smile
Lets make a portrait of joy in the heart
Lets share it to the generation  next to us

I do believe that this will bear fruit
Fruits like faith, hope, and love
By practicing this, many will confide in Him
© M.B Rubilla 2010
Sep 2010 · 563
Edit Your Fate
Mark Rubilla Sep 2010
Far from the edge
Always make a mistake
Run for your life
'coz the chances are nigh

Edit your fate
By facing the opposite
Ask a faithful  friend
For you to comprehend

Let the brave man inside
Show his active pride
Take note the biggest fight
Let the foes know that you are right

With boldness from the mind
All of them will be blind
Like the man who shot his eyes
He will face his prize
© M.B Rubilla 2010
Mark Rubilla Aug 2010
You have been the surface
Its all about my hopeless case
I’m so reckless type of man
I never realize that I’m done

Can you save me from this circle?
Cause I cant reach out the main bell
I know I can trust you in this
Because You know whats my best

Oh my sweet Lord Jesus
You rescued me from the past
The ancient sin and rebellion
I caught myself in action

This is all ***** and disgusting
In my shame I cannot sing
The chorus of being with you
I discover that I cant see the view

I sighed cause I want to overcome
But I need to see where it came from
Where do they get their strength
I long to watch their hurts and faint

Renew my unclean mind O God
I need to see You smile and be glad
In thing I have been doing
I declare that You are the King
Mark Rubilla Jul 2010
I am the sea who always make noise.
Shouting like gongs and cymbals in the middle of the night
When someone says "hush everyone was sleeping
Just shut up there" i stop for a while
And the other minute show up
My featured talent will come forth again

hey, you who silent there in your sleep
I am the speakers of your worst nightmare
I am the one crawls inside ears
And whispers my loudest definitions
Of my figures of speech all day long

Its not enough to count the current sheep
In the line in your mind, coz as you focus
I am the disturbance that never contended
With just sitting around and behave like a mature man

Sorry to tell you, this is what I am
Wherever you will go whether east or west
Remember, put this into your library
I am born to give you thorns and other sharp objects into your life
I command you to give up now
You never win against me
I am the Egypt in your dreams
And you are just a frail boy
How can you win in that posture?
© M.B Rubilla 2010
Mark Rubilla Jul 2010
Every strips of resound season
Pull away by the endless green light of time
Can you feel the cold wind of the step by step
Nostalgic mind blowing memories?
If so, hope now

Hope is the presentable reaction
to life's ups and downs

So ask your inner self to number each
Of the link that connects to the uncertain room

When you see yourself in a lack of open door interest
This is the time to hold on to what is eternal,
To switch on to what is unblemished sense of the Maker

Let the heaven knows the concerns of your heart
For They longs to hear your voice
And it is like a sweet song sang to them
Jul 2010 · 672
Quisseparabit? Quid Pro quo
Mark Rubilla Jul 2010
Dear Love
Is this You that i longing for?
Calendar seeking?
Finder keepers?
Window watching?
I guess this is no sense at all

Putting myself into the risk
Without visions to be follow
Im merely chasing after the wind
Laying on the background
And knowing that the perfect picture
Will come as i linger upon

In this worthless acts ive made,
Wave your hands again
Just like the past years
So that i will recognize you
That this my weaknesses and mistake

If my eyes will go dull
And ears will collapse its purpose
My only option s to gave it back to you as an offering
For You will heal this dilemma
And use it for Your name
Jul 2010 · 751
The Beauty And The Man Afar
Mark Rubilla Jul 2010
The moon is watching you tonight.
Every steps that youve made are capture n his eyes.
When i watch over him, i sigh and so jealous
Coz he sees you clearly

I miss you my dearest
I wish i am there with you
Singing songs with the star at night
And sharing memories that we have treasured

But this is all partial, we are separated
Im here and you are there
If only i can travel the worldl
Like the speed of the light
I will do so, for i always wanted
To meet you face to face

And you and i will wait wherever we are
Until the time is right, the place is set
And ready to be reap the seed that God
Planted within our hearts
And we together water it with
Love and transparency to each other
Mark Rubilla May 2010
The world was wandering
On their own perishable wilderness
Researching to eradicate the truth
From the eyes of the people

They gave them handkerchief
And the human beings received it
with gratefulness, they dont know, they' re deceived
They taught them how to blindfold their vision
Although, they bump, hurt and wounded
They smile, knowing that was just fine

But the Serpent too grinning
Putting the circuit of brainwashing in their minds
They dont understand, they were pull away
From the Way, which give them forever life

They thought, it was ok to continue
They fed their children with the same theory
And the children pass it on to their children
All through their lifetime, everything will build confusion
As the end will knock into their doors

Crying and regret will be their campsite
Full of darkness and a dungeon of fire
The light will be absent there
And this is their worse graveyard
Mark Rubilla May 2010
The Atmosphere was the witness
He watched me as i soar high
And elevated down the floor
It seem so ironic, hoping for a mistake
Glistening upon their acts of parasite

Its so sick, totally its killing me
They may innocent at the first place
But later, they changed their colors
As before a light and silent
Later on, black was govern everything

Its bright was nailed in the inner part
Unwillingness was intensely in frame
It never touch by a merely hand
Not even water dissolved their strength

Sometimes as I pass by to their eyes
They accused me of wearing the guilty clothing line
It breaks my glass inside
And tear apart all my papers
Which signifies the signature in me
The passes through the infinity

Hey, is there any hope in a stalker like me?
I need to shift from this low class human being
To something a head turner in a positive ways
Building again the last integrity
That I had put inside my pocket

Dearest moment, are you still there?
Come, I invite to go with me
As I pull myself out from this tall bottle
Be my stronghold in this opera
May 2010 · 878
A Product of Imagination
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Ambitious House
Trying to play a kite
Running on the field
Wearing a joyful smile
Into its window and door

With a music from the stereo
All around him were singing
The same song,dancing into the tune

The sun was there
Providing a light
To show the way
And guarding his steps

The clouds were there too
Blowing the wind
With a gentle sweet breeze
The house was so enjoy
Was so loved by His Carpenter

When the night comes
A never ending search of gratitude
That will burst out from
The utmost part of the structure

The house was slept but
Still the reverie was You,
O Carpenter, depicted by Your grace
Built by Your hands
With a four foundation
Which was Christ Himself

Sleep O house
For there will be tomorrow
Under the scorching sun
And the delightful moon and stars
That keep on twinkling at night

You may not a mansion
Or a castle that spotlight
On their mind always
Still be blessed
Enjoy what you had possess
Learn to be content

O Ambitious house
Run play a kite
Enjoy life into its fullness
While you are still in this mundane
- From Of Asterisk
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Other fellows thought thatr this fun,
But if they watch my heart
They will see dismay and discouragement
Im not happy with this
If only I cry and then gone
No, its too hard to say goodbye
Cause I have no ears to hear advice
No heart to feel something
Dont let this situation rule over me
You know my capacity, I cant handle it
Now Im suffering, help me God

Pour out into my whole being
Take this miseries that hinders me
To call Your name and this confusion
That always rely on my feelings
I know that you can calm the raging sea
As You order them to stop
And I know that You can calm mine too

As I go to the altar of my heart
Where You are the core of it
Cleanse this mind, heal it
Renew everything from the inside and out
For I know that this is an ort for you
And Your power was tested and proven
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I can see myself hoping for the escape
To turn from the old ways and embrace the white future
it seems like easy to say but if I trust myself
I will surely be face the total wreck

I dont want to be on that stage
Where ruin will be my dress, and my food
Instead, I need to strive to get the fruit and eat it
I need to toil, while my sweat were falling at my shadow

Just for tonight, cleanse this darkness
Make it more productive
Even when he has a second thoughts
Force it until it becomes like cotton soft.

Put a new lungs inside of me
I wanted to breathe the modern day ozone
Just to refresh myself from my thoughts
Orchestrate me, orchestrate my world
- From Of Asterisk
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Im sorry, for I made a final conclusion
Rather than I step out and try just one time
I said to myself I cant do this on my own
But I found out that I never seek Your counsel
I just thinking negatively
And it never please You

My conclusion brings no good at all
Regret will really waits at the end
I must stand and dont give in
For the feeling I had can be deceiving
I must look forward to whats ahead of me
Cause I know Im not good at this

As You look at my empty hand
You have seen the potential
Your thoughts of me were higher
I cant believe that I have this in this life
You delight in me more than twice
So to speak, it is myriad

How great is Your love for me
As I speak out Your name
All oppsition will fade away
And all will be tear down
Like a candle under the scourching sun
Thank You God, for Your passion today
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Glory to the Highest
Sing throughout your throat
All you wandering
Call His name, scream it louder
Let it swell into your heart
You are the apple of His eyes

Glory to the Highest
All His splendor and majesty
Bow down and confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
Open your mouth, share it to other
In any particular ways

Glory to the Highest
Lets parade throughout the streets
With the banner that says
I am not ashamed
And let love and righteousness
Reign through our lives

Glory to the Highest
Every morning, there will be changes
In our actions and motives
We will become a blessing
In every corner of this world
We will become an imitators of Him

Glory to the Highest
He become the sin of this land
To set us free from all thie chains
And one can ever defeat us
For we are more than conquer
By His bloodshed on the cross

Glory to the Highest
Mansions were build
As our eternal home
All foundation was Christ Himself
Never again moths will attack
And forever we will dwell in Him

Glory to the Highest
Once we were lost like sheep
But now we were found
Cradled into His arms
And now we were close to His heart
Carried back to the green pasture

Glory to the Highest
We can move all the mountain
As if they were like dust
We can walk through water
For nothing is impossible to god
All was easy and simple

Glory to the Highest
Giants were dwarfs and weak
Through the faith that we have
Prayers can be a bridge
To a lifetime relationship
And east to west will be near

Glory to the Highest
Once we desire something
God has a heart and ears
To give us what we asked
In His time and proper place
It will be grand and beautiful
- From Of Asterisk
May 2010 · 813
Until It So Desire
Mark Rubilla May 2010
The year has gone by into this scene.
Call her name, tell her your final words.
And prepare your hands to wave goodbye.
Remember the wisdom that she’d taught.
Make it a pathway to your destination.

Previous fall learn from it step by step.
Back to basic if you want to be refresh.
Truly, as you walk into this righteousness.
Your picture frame becomes more than just gold
That money cant buy it, kings and rulers will sigh.

Run O Church, You are destine to have grace.
The Man of sorrow washed you with the crimson.
Now by the thing He had done so long ago.
You are called as a overcomer over life and death.
A soldier that cannot be defeated and look down.

Every strike of the double edged sword
Equivalent to dozens of killed enemy.
That is the power of the might
Which is available to the Architect Himself.
No other Man like Him in the planet.

Not even the strongest of this world
Can stand and totally fathom.
For the strongest of this land
Was just like the most weakest for Him
And its so amazing to think about that.
May 2010 · 1.1k
I'm A Turtle On A Fence Post
Mark Rubilla May 2010
The road towards my house is getting more shaky.
My action becomes like in a slow motive room.
Get me out from this place, efface everything out from this mind.
I know in my heart that You can do everything that is grand and awesome.

At first im so enjoy with this, i let her eat whatever she likes
Many times, i marinated her to become more sweeter than before.
And everything was pleasant in my sight like driving in a smooth highway.
Now, i tell you that i cant draw my own face as i stared the mirror.

The sound of happiness seems walking away from my ears.
The light of every houses is now dimming towards darkness.
I dont know what to do and what am i suppose to say.
Im tired of saying sorry, I need a heart of repentant.

Here i am gazing up the sky claiming that there will be restoration.
In this open air, feelings will be entitled as a legend or a myth.
My intention was to make it clear in my side that this is wrong.
And nothing was ever good will be perform in a vast of man.

Memories were made to see what is the best for the future.
O Morning Star, train my feet to stand in every adversity
Made by whether myself or by the enemy, let it strike die down.
And its move bring forth strong knees and brand new level of faith.
- From Of Asterisk
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I am not aware of this
Im just ignoring its power
Restless I am from this situation
The founding skies does saw it happening

Why is he acting like a monster
And time to time screams roar
In my mind and waist line
I cant see my winning stunts now

Look at my knees, , its trembling
Tonight, guard me from this dirt
Dark unspecial thought life
Who is he? dont let the audience hanging

He is the brother of my dreams
He brings multi-spots and blemishes
All around me become scary
I call him as my nightmare

I am isolated myself from moving
Because his motion is unpredictable
It is not vibrant in this velvet idea
He also carried out loads of commotion

Cute if I spells out of his name
But it so dangerous if he bother me
I pray that he will not visit me tonight
Because I wanted a rest for tomorrow
- From Of Asterisk
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I will check my motives
You will search my heart
Unveil my God, all that is in veil.
Just a gleams of thoseand I will be bless

Im so affected by my own decision.
Tonight , Im like carrying a tons of burdens.
Fix me up, turn on my light.
I cant reach out my own switch.

The harsh wind sweeps away everything.
My strength, my focus and my being.
The sound of my voice, I cant control it all
I beg you to rescue me from this.

Here is my storms again, bothering my innocent.
They were keep on shaking me.
Trying to eradicate me from the place where I am standing.
Hold tight, dont be dismay, this battle is not yours.

Take heart, pray for grace from the Lord.
If He will not answer your cry.
Take heart, He is not too slow to answer your prayer.
He has a time table, He made all perfect at His own time.

Have you seen the real picture.
You are a portrait, decorated by His love
Clothed by His beauty that man cant comprehend.
You are a priceless, million dollar will discouraged.

Dont just trust Him, but believe that this is it.
Put yourself into the hands of the One who owns you.
Gather all your broken piece.
Let His touch change your destiny from this to that.
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Silent voices will open the sky.
Desperate tentmakers will be comforted.
With rain from above that different from the usual.
Embrace the flood, go with it, collide.

Dont trust your international instinct.
Dig, dig, dig it out, search your heart.
There is something inside of you.

I know that youre in the battle now.
Between your inward and outward being.
You have been defeated by your flesh and desires.
Learn how to be giant over it.

Look at the days, the deadline has been set.
Dont allow this chronic noise disturb your silent.
Energize yourself and ignite your senses.
The grace has been poured out.

Come, lets eat the word and drink the right one.
Truly, we will not dismay, we can stand firm.
The truth will guide us into the road to eternity.
This path has a signature printed by the Creator.

As the hour goes by, this will be our nature.
We will set this city on fire, burning hot.
The biotic and abiotic will know Him.
And acknowledge Him as the Maker of all them.

Clap your hands, you low self-esteem kids.
Put your trust and believe that you will be deliver.
In all your ways acknowledge.
And He will make your path straight.
- From Of Asterisk
May 2010 · 878
The Team
Mark Rubilla May 2010
In the days of my loneliness and isolation
I never expect that you’ll welcome me with open arms
How sweet you are in me
People may not see it performed, but I am overwhelmed
Let me say this to you all
You are my favorite crowd
And my heart is keep on watching over you
Because you have been a blessing to me
God is so gracious, more than enough, in times like this
I know that you are not perfect in attitude
You are still going to that goal
My thoughts are changed
For you have been used by the Lord
I will press on towards the finish line
I will win this prize and never give up
Keep on trying to become God wanted me to be
Without the encouragement and the seeds that you had planted to me
I will never write this note
This is my love for you
Rejoice with me in songs that overwhelmed my soul
We will go together as one body of Christ
As one heart towards the Way
This is my grateful self
I praise God to you Youth of Promise
For your loving kindness to me and my family
Much love and much hug for you all guys
My soul celebrates of your faithfulness toward God and devotion to Him
Through grace, we have been saved
And through that we have met and filled with joy
I declare that this is my church
No matter what’s my feeling upon you
I became rooted here and being cared by you
In this solid rock I will write my story and testimony
Even hope begins to become hopeless
I know that God is here with me
Circumstances may come to our relationship with one another
There is a way and that way will lead us home safety in His hand
And together we will dwell in the house of Lord, forevermore.
May 2010 · 635
Dont Forget To Call
Mark Rubilla May 2010
The oceans will come against us, man
Disasters are everywhere
You can see the causes of this
They have no life in them
But they as human did, seek revenge
We must understand that we made a mistake
These are the consequences and the fruit of our deeds in lives
We have abuse it daily
Get ready, we have to suffer with this physically
The hour is near and this is it
The waves from the sea are getting closer to us
Run for your life, this is not a game
And you cant play hide and seek with the nature
You must never ignore the warnings
They have no brain to spare lives
Mercies are no room to their vocabulary either
Beware of the small holes that you have seen lately
They are small, but they are so dangerous

Take heart now in this situations
We have God, that is powerful and so awesome
He can turn this scenario, upside down, He is with us
Look at he rescue is coming to town
Believe now, open your eyes
This is His favor, The impact cant harm us
His hand is here, keeping us from harm
The Lord allow these calamities for a purpose
To restore all that He owns
And to renew the heart of His people
Tragedy is continually to coming to hit us
Dont be terrified and panic must set aside
The fortress is here with His arms becomes our strong foundation
Be still, this attitudes of our environment will come to past by
And tomorrow we will caught ourselves finds home in His embrace
Mark Rubilla May 2010
When You are not here with me
As I look into the mirror
I know that this man in front of me is so weary
I cant understand why is this happening
Emptiness will cover my face
I dont want this situation blinded my focus
Come now, king over this world of mine
Get me back into Your arms
You are the one who is called faithful
Embrace me into Your unfailing love
Dont leave here hanging and astray
I want to inherit Your promises
Because this things will carry me to the green pasture
In this life, You know me as weak and timid
I cant do such things that bring You glory
Im full of doubt and disobedience
Forgive me for I never dance as You wanted
Take this fear that always darken my ways
Plant a seed so that one day I will gather and harvest all the fruits that is in it
Breathe to me once again, this time
For me have hope and insights
As I walk through this waters
When I am brokenhearted I have no idea where should I turn,
but when I saw You waving Your hands
I know that You can help me to overcome this
As I put my trust in You, blessing had been been filled the void of my life
And numerous of that inside in my heart
Guide my desires to please You
Let our light shine through me
Im really wanted the one to happen
Through Your Spirit, im become victorious
In action, in speech and in my thought life
Im grateful that You have save me from myself
because I really hate it when I am holding the joystick
Selfishness will become the front man
Stop this guy before he will start his sing
Cover your ears, you people around this dude
Close your eyes dont copy his appearance
Change the mindset of this guy
Lord, I believe that You can
Fight for me now in this battle
Im called to be Your soldier
Prepare me alongside with Your troupe
So that we can truly win this war
Through Your grace that surrounds me
All glory belongs to You
Its all about You, My King
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I am making a wall that is so much
I cant break it down, on my own
this is my mistake and I cant change it
I tried my best to tear this apart
but my best is so worse

Ive been hopeless, no where else to go
Is there an open door for me to go in?
Take this ways, Im so vulnerable
When I am alone and with the crowd
I end up with tears at night
And praying facedown to the floor

This heart is always thinking of you
In my dreams, you are there
Sometimes you are annoyed of me
Just like in reality
And it breaks my heart
I woke and I ask myself

Why are you so selfish?
You are always thinking of that
Many people were telling you to stop
but are you listening to them?
This will carry you to great deliverance

Its been too long since Ive been here
Im so anxious of the future
So curious that never wanted to lose my affection
Because of this self-centeredness of myself
I cant talk with you personally
My tongue never produced a word
There is no victory in my way
It condemns me day after day

My time was consumed by this feeling
I thought that this is over
but as I walk towards holiness
Its getting so hard and heavy
I cant defeat this fiery ordeals

They are everywhere
I can sense there presence
God, you know my heart
If this is love
Teach me how to prepare
If this is not the thing that You suppose to be with me
Let the root of this infatuation vanish
Let it sink into the ocean floor
Or bury it into the ground
So that I will never put to shame
Mark Rubilla May 2010
i don’t know where you are now
but this is from my heart
i love you with all my being.

keep on serving our Lord
seek Him first, O my princess
we will meet together at His time not ours.

i know that you are searching too
just like me, this time i’m praying
that we will never give up worship Him.

he is our strength in this life.
we can endure this love while waiting,
God destined us, we can’t deny it.

take me as I am, no matter who you are
the Lord is faithful, He is here in this letter
hope you read this love note.

tonight is the night, i will never forget
with everything - i commit to God
my desires and my heartbeats to Him alone.

good night my dear, my love
this is for you, i may fail in this journey
still i’m here stand again, waiting for that hour.

in this walk toward uncertainty
i will trust in His promises
towards righteousness and holiness.

refine by fire as waiting patiently
on the realities that stands the day before i was born
the relationship of ours will be a surface.

God is for us.
May 2010 · 688
Wonderfully Complex
Mark Rubilla May 2010
God, I pray that You will take up all the barriers
that makes my road to success seems impossible to cross.

I had been walking like a man that leaders does not exist.
Just keep on watching the cars passing by.
Im like counting them all, it never cease from running.
The digits of my mouth its getting expanded as I count.

O worthless, when would you become a worthy?
Be willing to change for the best.
Stop your pride from being bigger than you are.
This thing isnt from God, its from His enemy number one.

Have you seen the picture as you read His Words?
Victory is in you, my friend, because Jesus is there,
accompanying you, in times of catastrophes and joyful hours.
The glory of the Lord never forgotten in that.

He made you greater than you thought of yourself.
You are not a junk in a junkyard, He molded you in His own image.
The Lord called you as His masterpiece, amazing and honorable in His sight.
He never ever made a single mistake.
Even pain in any other forms were for His purposes.

Try to look at the moon and the stars in the skies.
Each of them shines so bright and wonderful as it is.
This is my God, He is loving at all times.
Unseen, but He is here with me walking all the days of our life.

Imagine this:
Every lose will be a gain in the nearest future.
Of all this matters only Him can satisfy my thirst.
And only Him can give me courage to walk on seas and waters.
Every storms will put to silent.

God is awesome, no one can comprehend His ways.
I may perish in the times of my death.
I will celebrate, my soul rejoice in dancing,
for this is the time, when I will start my days
in worshiping Him in spirit and in truth.
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Oh my ocean, why are you so harsh to me?
I thought that you leave alone empty
But as I refocus my mind and step forward
Your sound of insecurities was within me
Holding me tight, pushing me down
Into this glamorous still water
Look at me, Im drowning, its not funny though
Your waters may **** me unpleasantly
My piled up memory will gone
Floating into your wide territories
Stand as a food for the mouth of the creatures
Above and below the water
If I ask you a controversial question
Will you answer my concerns?
Will you come and do something ironic?
Coz all of my life, Im not breathing
All of me was wasted by the time
Ignored by many and weak in the eyes of the world
Oh poor poor ocean
Do you believe in God?
Do you know that He is stronger than you?
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Flee away from my life, I command you
You have no authority over me
Otherwise, I have the Lord Jesus in me
I believe that by His Spirit, I can overcome you
All your scheme and all your patterns
You can quote my name in your mind
But you cant bring to your grave
May 2010 · 984
Veni, Vidi, Deus Vicit
Mark Rubilla May 2010
How marvelous is the view
Even when its cloudy and it may rain
Just a few minute or hours from now
But still im grateful of this ministering skies

It so wide that no one can measure it up
T square cant, steel tape looses its grips
They were bemused thinking of such things
How to chase the width of each corner

As I watch this heavenly body moving
Though lying in this bed made of string
The moon is like an eyes that staring at me
And Im so blessed that the empty head turns to fun filled

In this moment of soft delicate air
Machines suddenly stop their vibration
Gaze at whole beauty and take a time
To open their utmost beings

And the cloudy atmosphere has gone by
It really enlightens my new year eve, as I observe
The falling rain has postponed its delicacies
And i feel the warm touch of the season
Mark Rubilla May 2010
In the day, I was really rebellious
A hard headed kid, jumping in despair
I know that those things were wrong
And I caught myself **** that very desire

My soul purpose was put in the solitary room
Letting it grow old without the taste of water
I cant survive as if Im watching a prisoner into a jail
Longing to his own sons and daughters

I sigh, pondering every steps of my life
When temptation were smaller that I am
But I know now that this for my own good
Taking the risk will bring me to the place of maturity

Prevail Your totality inside this temple
Sweep away all the pessimistic that is walking around
I admit that I am in the twilight of time now
Re-arrange my furniture, make it Your way, Father

Everything that I have is rubik's cube
Its simple at the first see but hard later on
In my condition now, I will confide in You
Though the sun and winter freeze weeks
© M.B Rubilla 2010
May 2010 · 741
Sowing Reaping Mathematics
Mark Rubilla May 2010
If familiarity was represented
I tell you that, not doing it
Is the best way to express love
Even when its so hard

If i stand here, tonight
I will become stronger
And tomorrow will be a blessed day
The outcome will bring goodness

This is my avenue to tell my mind
That temptations has a result
If i walk with his trail
Into a seemingly harmless trap

My heart will hurt me
By saying you’re not a believer
From the morning till the next
He will keep on repeating the words

I really hate that situation
The feeling of turning back
From the good side and to bad
And it never honor Your name, indeed
- From Of Asterisk
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Walking in the pitch black road
Anyting in the way were no light
I easily bump into both side
And didnt notice that there is a sharp object

There was love inside, gribbing for air
But bcoz of deep darkness the essence was gone
Everything was lost and wreck
All eyes were blindfolded

The shape of the normal heart
Was all the different and difficult
To comprehence and seems confusing
Where do i find the haven in this place?

Inside this gyrated ambition and hopes
Its really impossible for me to escape
They were wearing mask and camouflage
In fact, inwardly they were greed and pride

So search me in this room of sadness
Direct my senses to draw me to exit door
Everything in the dark has seen by You
Whether into a cave or in the deep somewhere
Mark Rubilla May 2010
As the twilight unfold into great colors
The life He sets for us was in gleam
Just like a scene inside the kaleidoscope
We dont totally understand why is it beautiful
We try to search for it via books and wisdom
Yet, none of those material cant explain further

Millions were asking the same question
Each of it, revolves back and forth the wall
Even the mountain stands quietly
Never been exempted to be ask by this subject
All things were bouncing in our motives
But truly if we earnestly seek we shall find it

Individually, touch your heart, this time
Feel the gravity lift you upstair
Where wonderful things were happening
Just stay there, as you close your eyes
Let love that passes through all understanding
Fill up the ambience of the abyss and labyrinth
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I remember the last time
When I stepped out from the place
Were I have been settle in
My feet was trembling that moment
But I stand and talked to you

With tears falling from our eyes
You began to speak life to me
And truly, Im so enlighten
Later on, you embraced me with joy
A fire from above resided in me

As the day came forth, until now
There is still struggle and plagues
Which keep on holding my place
I cant see whats ahead of me
I sigh, hoping the grace of God

Summer came and summer says goodbye
You are still the girl that i admired to
The graceful one, a year ago
Up to now, beautiful in my heart
Hope you read this love letter

This is what I am, inspired bcoz of you
Your voice seems a lullaby to me
That keeps on singing at night
Even when sometimes its like annoying
But dont really care about it

Hold me tight, in this thin line
For I know that this hardships
In a wonderful forms and figures
One day, the door to exodus
Will welcome us into safe haven

O my miss maybe, dont ignore this
Bcoz this is my sweet happiness
In a shape of a whole heart
May you will be blessed
And thank God for what He did

I will not climb to the pedestal
Just to win your heart and love
I will dress up myself with simple man
Carrying this paper, pen and my faith
And wait upon the open doors
Mark Rubilla May 2010
The walls was seemingly so high and so thick
I searched for a ladder to reach the top
I grin with confident, knowing that I can do something great
As I strive for the gold to see the picture
My intention was slap by the word "no"
I tried to hide the sorrow within me
I told her to keep it as a child
But both them never stop laughing and crying
Without no further reason
Without thinking of my benefits
They had whispering in front of me
Maybe they thought I never saw them
Yet I stay relax in the hot sun
Knowing that this is the summer here
Full of uncertainties, full of questions
Its sounds awkward roaming around
Like everybody's looking at me, straight
Hey gentlemen, why are you staring at me?
Is there any offensive moves ive done?
Tell me through your eyes
I need to solve this, before I will go away
The gentleman never move his mouth
Im so annoyed by his actions
But I stay calm and still and went away
At this point, Im so alive and kicking
I asked another gentlemen
Another question in a way he will answer
Where is the Fire Exit?
He never say anything
But point the way to safe and sound
May 2010 · 2.3k
Meningitis And Pneumonia??
Mark Rubilla May 2010
In Your name, there is healing
Cities with an epidemic illnesses
Stands like the Mt. Horeb
Mighty in posture forever

As Your stretch stretch Your hands
Leprosy’s from every nation cast down
Desperate heart finds, its home
In the green pasture besides the still water

The night will be as it is
But the morning bring great deliverance
At some point of, there will be songs
Of thankfulness from the inside

Your love for us never fails and cease
Springs of water flows like fountain
From Your grace to my place
Im once frail and sick but im release

Far from the medicine and gurney
Your faithfulness in my life
Brings tremendous miracles in many ways
I just I just declare it in faith and love

I say to the world You are Healer
A great Physician of the Father
I experience it right now, the touch
Tomorrow will be a testimony like no other
Mark Rubilla May 2010
To love and never expect a return
This is what the message of the cross
Unfathomable is the scenery
Being sin of the world and die

Out of being a sinner and rebellious
Still salvation flows like streams of water
Each trees cant be wither and dried up
All of them will satisfy by each resources

Once a person prayed for their needs
The ear of the Father leans on it
Just like a earthly father did to his son’s request
But nothing can compare His concept

Adversities has conquered by this Light
From the day He was born, as a human being
To the time of His death and resurrection
Now, until forever, eternity has set in the heart

The black was covered and washed away
By the red blood of the Lamb
And finally, the unblemish white has displayed
For all the Earth will see and experience it

As I see, martyr dies for the gospel sake
They confide in the Lord for their lives
They knew that if they pass away, there is a reward
Which is unexplainable and is myriad
Mark Rubilla May 2010
If the area is clear
I will let my mouth speak
The struggle Ive been through
I will make it known to you

Pls, allow me to grab the mic
Just for this time
So that you will not be confuse
In what am I going to say

I will lay down my heart
To avoid pride and selfishness
For this will be my greatest confrontation
Ever in all of my life, Im so nervous

Let me configure the wrong things
The puzzle which running inside me
For a good reason to value
Over this case named life

I wanted to breathe again
Without this barriers that I set in
Long, long time ago in this place
Called the body of Christ

Forgive me, I admit that I made
A lot of mistake, unnoticeable
Imagining things which unpleasant to you
All my yes were all in vain

I know I broke your silence
Your world seems avoiding me
As I saw it, clearly in my both eyes
I sigh, how can I step out from this?

Great is the mess that Im building
It is much taller than skyscrapers
No aroma of blessing can be smell
Instead, burden like a pieces of log

Hope this will be a tool
For us to meet like first time
Forgetting the past faults
And continue living in Agape
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Even when the rain fell down, tonight
We believe that You are still our God
Who bring such blessing of many folds
Within this city, we had live in

The music stops from making sound
The ends seems to cut short
All this will going to silent a little bit
But this event is just the beginning

This city has blessed by many fruit
Yu poured out some incredible things
The weather was so find and mild
I cant comprehend, why is this?

One day, redemption will embrace us
All people from every race will be save
Impossibility seems knocking at the door
Therefore, He cannot defeat us at all

We are the redeem, i believe that
God never forsaken our call upon His name
All that we are was not in vain
For this city has been restored
Mark Rubilla Apr 2010
Now, I understand how to live life to the fullest
By submitting our lives to the Lordship of the Spirit
As He works in us, He needs our participation
But just a little bit appearance of us, He will do the rest

Through His power, He sets convictions in this mundane
For us to avoid violation called the sinful selves
He poured out miraculous signs and wonders to know that God is real
Then the dead will rise to life, sickness will be heal

God was truly performed His promises, as He said
I will not leave you nor forsake you, I am with you
The Holy Spirit came, after Jesus went to arrange the heaven
For the greatest and grandest reunion the man can attend

The courage He has was like the same as the shepherd boy
Who never feared the raging lions, bears and giant
This is what the word says being Spirit filled life
Shake this place, just like the day of Pentecoast

This generation will arise through the grace and wisdom
That not even the well known scholars can attain
All they have has no good at all compare to the One lives in us
We are called to be His possess, we are His temple, forevermore
- From Of Asterisk
Mark Rubilla Apr 2010
I can totally visualize my situation
A relationship with my Cinderella is not yet
To come in this very intense moment
I need to stay closer to You, first
And everything from the start to the end will follow

I need to fix my life by the help of Your grace
Dancing alone in this floor will not be go well
The waves of the sound will be as harsh as the sea
So hold me tight, prevent me from the shipwreck
I know You know what's the best for me

Waiting may not be simple as speaking ABC
But truly, lingering in the property of God
Is worth waiting for and pretty good
Its like eating a well cook delicacy
Its open of the mouth feels enjoyment

I am a person who the watches beauty
Who longs to be with someone who loves me
Until I will breathe my last breathe
If you are willing, cleanse my inside and out
Let the love which coming from You overflow
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