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10h · 16
The author
Mark Bell 10h
The author who wrote
His readers would die
His words were parasites
His sentences bled
Nobody had survived
What they had read.
Still his readers did
Like the thrill,
Opened the covers with
There free will.
The parasites would
Bleed them dry,
Infect there minds
And surely die.
Stories are told
You must take a look
Thousands of people
Have died in books.
17h · 21
Down again
Mark Bell 17h
Falling into the
The deep dark black,
Anxiety high
No light through
My cracks.
On my own
Feel very alone,
Everything creeks
And ****** groans,
Even the cat is having
A moan.
I Don’t need alcohol
I Don’t need love
Im over the abyss
I need a gentle shove.
Oh well life’s a pain
There’s always sun after
The ******* rain.
1d · 46
Every avenue
Blocked and dark,
Flowers are not
Blooming in the park.
Future looks bleak
Full of sorrow
Days of darkness
Are starting tomorrow.
Factions are restless
There upsetting the quo
A shroud of not knowing
As the cold wind blows.
Days and nights fold
Into one
This is the day
War has begun,
Now in the mornings
Around the lake
The flowers in the park
Know they’ve made a mistake.
1d · 38
Solved a problem
It wasn’t wise
I brought a gun
Someone was going
To die
Nobody was listening
I was going insane
So I put a bullet in my brain.
Solved a problem It wasn’t
Wise if you got a gun
Well something dies..
1d · 38
Dreaming dreams
Of you and me
Cuddling up
Under the apple tree.
Lips upon lips we
Have created a smile
I think we might
Stay here
for a long while.
Tender touches
Finding our way
Is this love
Is this our day.
Bodies entwine
In a loving play.
2d · 37
In a kiss
When I kiss you
I want to laugh
The feeling you
Give me is like
A silk scarf.
Warm and soft
Tender to touch
The feeling of laughter,
I think
I love you,
Oh so much.
We sit and stare
No conversation
To share,
Drinking slowly
Time going  slow
It’s like being in
An orchard  where
Apples don’t grow.
Closing the highways
Is not our thing
Our songs
had great
Lyrics and
we could sing,
So why our we staring
No talk to share
Let’s get them growing
Them apples and pears.
Im not doing
This tug of war,
It’s upsetting
The children
Thats for sure.
The rope we pull
when it breaks it’s
Going to be a
Hurtful mistake.
Can’t you see it’s
Not all about us.
All our friends
And children
have become
Please my darling
Don’t shut the doors
Because all it
causes is
These tug
of wars,
2d · 43
Wonderful nature
Blackbird chirping
For his mate
What he didn’t know
It’s what the foxy ate.
Nature is a blissful place
When other creatures
Can eat your face.
3d · 31
A rose will blossom
In the month of June
As sure as the sands
Create the dunes.
The sun will shine
After the pouring rain
sure as the wolf
That howls in
the open plains.
Winter follows autumn
As the trees shed there leaves
As sure as the mouse that
Hunts for the cheese.
Everything living
Must take a breath
As sure as the wanderer
Who must rest.
4d · 35
My mate dave
There was a man called Dave
A man of not many words
One of his witty sayings was
You can’t polish a ****.
He Liked the smell of money
Told jokes dark and
humorously funny,
In his company
You would dare not to blink
You might have missed him
Trying to Buy you a drink.
He Liked a little flutter
Would gamble on a horse
More than usual lost
it was
Just A matter of course.
Worked as a lineman
They called him BT
Used to mend the phone lines
Yes For you and me,
A man for all seasons
A man for the girls
He will now be sorely missed
Now not in this world.
4d · 29
You’ve cast your line
Put up your sails
The sorceress of doom
With six inch nails.
Will I ever be free
From your flesh eating chains
Trapped in Your
my brain.
The only way out
Is sending you back to hell,
Alas I’ll be coming
with you
oh clucking well.
4d · 34
Tell me a story
Tell me a story
Of truths and lies,
Lots of intrigue
With a web of spies.
Street corners and
Shady dives
Crooks and gangsters
Trying to stay alive.
Information being
Brought and sold
Gangland killings
Leaving victims cold.
Every black suit
Trying to make a buck
Headless chickens
Not giving a cluck.
As night follows day
And all said is done,
Nothing like a cup of tea
And a lovely currant bun.
5d · 30
End of the road
Uneven pavements
With broken curbs
Moving sluggish
Still undeterred,
Dripping wet
Grimacing with pain
Disturbing thoughts
As I walk through the rain.
Soldiering on
The sun breaks through
Im feeling sick
Since the death of you.
Im walking blindly
Into a wall of sound,
My heartbeat stops
As I hit the ground.
5d · 45
Once bitten
Enigma of stone
On hallowed land.
In winter the snow
Shall coat,
The wise old owl
Is having a cuddle
With a nice
and friendly stoat.

Hydra and the nymph
Warming their
minds to spring,
The northern lights
Do a dance
As the blackbirds
Begin to sing.

Rays of sunshine
Summer has begun
Hare’s and bluebells
Do a jive
Enigma of stone on
hallowed land as the
Countryside comes alive.

Green turns to brown
As the warm air fades
The onset of winter
draws near,
The stoat turns to the wise
Old owl and says let’s
Get the **** out of here.
5d · 48
Lucky me
Sweet Marie
Girl of my dreams,
Sadistic *****
Classy obscene.
Dream lover
Dressed to ****,
She loves to thrill.
Cyanide lips
Fantastic *******,
*** on the agenda
Was a daily fest.
I am her medicine
Lucky old me,
Im in her clutches
Never wanting to be free.
5d · 58
The chimes of your bell
Never to return
You went to your death
My heart will burn,
Im lost without you
I will have to pray
That our chimes
Can be together
One summer day,
5d · 103
I once stood tall
Last brick left
When once a wall
Falling down
When once stood tall
A tiled hat
Windows as eyes
Proud as punch
As people passed by,
My family have gone
All turned to dust,
Im the last brick standing
Now die I must.
5d · 48
Strictly come dancing
We came together
My dancing partner
Was a talented *****.
We danced the tango,
then the foxtrot
Then she gave a cough
And one of her legs
fell off.
The whole experience
Did not go to plan
We had to withdraw
From the next dance,
The French can can.
5d · 51
Curve ball
Nature throws up
A curve ball
Why did she throw
You to me,
Nature throws up
A curve ball
Through my
beer goggles
Now You
are all I see.
You’ve infected
my beer
With the taste of love
Natures curve ball
Was tossed from
Heaven above.
This curve ball
needed to be caught,
So down the road
Of rehabilitation
Every step I fought.
No more beer googles
No hazy nights
Who was this curve ball
Who brought me back
To the light.
There was a twist I
will not share
With this curve ball
I do not care.
6d · 96
Teenage dreams
Teenage dreams
Emotions awry
Angst in abundance,
Tears we cry.
Am I a woman
Or still a girl my
Teenage dreams
Are like a clammed
Up pearl.
Can’t sought out
This from that
Can’t decide
What side to bat.
Avenues no safety net
Open the door see
what you get
Teenage dreams
A minefield of good
Always fearful
And misunderstood.
6d · 110
Hard nut to crack
You sweet woman
With a heart of steel
If I crack the safe
Do we have a deal.
If I fall
no need to react,
Im quite tenacious
I will bounce back.
The code to your heart
Will be difficult to break
It’s like swimming
Inside a frozen lake.
I know your worth it
Your pure gold inside
So Im prepared
To take this task and
Crack it with pride.
I think I’ve found
a weak point I needed
A break
In going to entice
chocolate cake.
7d · 1.7k
Good riddance
Shut the door
Don’t come back
Once you were
Now Im covered
In cracks.
I was stalwart
True and fit
Years with you
Now I don’t
want to live,
I was smitten I
Fell for your games
There’s only me to
Really to blame.
So shut that door
And don’t come back
The lights have gone out
In this beaten up shack.
Property been sealed
Now  I must rebuild,
7d · 35
Little me the killer I
Me assassinated
Thee elusive butterfly
7d · 62
Poor poor Lilly
Poor poor Lilly
Tattered and torn
Been this way
From the day
She was born,
Had a family
Of  Jackals  and
Nasty Crows
No one took interest
In poor Lillies woes.
Life was hard there
Was no relief
The abuse got bad
Went beyond belief.
Lilly had a white dress
It was her party
Her 21st
She invited all her family
To quench their thirst.
Everybody was there
Abusers and all
Then to her,
she made
The right call
She stood on the table
And with aplomb
Pressed the button on
Her phone and off
Went the bomb.
The house of the Jackals
The house of the Crows
There now a piece of land
Where nothing grows.
Mar 17 · 38
Being creative
Mark Bell Mar 17
Gingerbread men
Creating art work
For you and me
Picasso Monet
Turner Van Gogh
Brilliant artists
Till their heads
Fell off.
Gingerbread men
Are living today
Painting artwork
In a different way.
The art world holds
Them all aloft
Without LSD
Their heads fall of.
Mar 17 · 29
She’s leaving me
Mark Bell Mar 17
Yes Im leaving
Of you trot
Don’t  forget
To take your
baby in the cot.
Parenting skills
Are not on  my CV
Paternal instincts
Are lost in me.
With you I felt as a team
Me you
and the baby
Living a dream.
Now your leaving
And of you trot
Take the baby
And the ****** cot.
Mar 15 · 33
Mark Bell Mar 15
Coming home
From a fruitless war
My minds playing tricks
Every turn
Becomes a shut door,
A battered orange
A battered pear
Seems to me no one cares.
I was bad now they want
Me to be good
No consequences
And misunderstood,
Bad blood running
Through my veins
A fruitless war will
Drive you insane.
Hospital days
Giving me sweet pills
Im still dead in the head
No happiness no thrills.
Mar 15 · 39
One of them days
Mark Bell Mar 15
Have you had
One of them days,
He’s packed his bags
Not left a note
Just walked out
With his hat and coat.
He’s not all there what
Dos he think
He’s left washing up
In the sink.
Have you had
One of them days
I shall not fret
Im going to the
bookmakers and have a bet.
No more slamming of
The door shut I am
Putting television on
Sitting on my ****.
He will come back
Lured by the scent of the rose
Looking glum
Looking dimmer
Then the **** can cook my dinner.
Mar 14 · 57
To hard to handle
Mark Bell Mar 14
Afraid of you
Yes I am
Your like a grenade
In a bake bean can.
Volatile excited loon
Your the lead weight
Inside a big fat balloon,
Your the fire from
The lighted candle
Very lovely to hard
To handle.
Electric wire
In a bucket of water
I think I’d be hung up and
Lovingly tortured.
For me you sweetheart
To many ifs and buts,
So Im going to decline
And you can keep
Your legs shut.
Mar 14 · 50
Mark Bell Mar 14
Ten thousand years
Living on a rock with
Only one shoe and
Only one sock.
The waves have
Battered me taken
It’s toll,
Eaten me time and again
And solidified my soul.
I’ve prayed to the
god, titan of the sea,
I want to die
So please release me
Ten thousand years
Living on a rock
I need new shoes
And another sock.
Mar 14 · 51
Mark Bell Mar 14
Blinded by your
Gorgeous looks
A lovely cover
To a dangerous book..
Every chapter
Twists and turns
Problem is one
Shall not learn
So Im blinded
But I can see
I have an imagination
I carry it around
With me.
Mar 14 · 293
Never plain
Mark Bell Mar 14
No Jane
Your a pain,
Giving to you
Is just insane.
Plain old Jane
Just isn’t you,
See my dear
You haven’t a clue.
I give
you take
I’ve fallen for you
Thats my mistake.
If you receive
And cannot give
Half a life you
Will live.
I will always burn when
You offer nothing
In return.
But Thats my mistake
When one cannot
Eat the cake.
Mar 12 · 55
Troubled relationships
Mark Bell Mar 12
Afraid of Clare she
Drove me insane
Lost all my hair
Now Im in pain.
Said to Louise
Never to part
Carnivorous *****
Went and
Ate my heart.
Tried dating Marie
She broke my back
She was wonderful
No charm no tack.
Never was one
To hold on to
a sinking raft,
I just think it’s me
I am to flipped
Stupidly daft.
Mar 11 · 76
Mark Bell Mar 11
It must be love
Happiness high
No more dark
Clouds in my sky.
Warmth is flowing
Through my veins
Heart feeling good
No more pain.
We talk we hold hands
We start making
Wonderful plans,
But we all know
It’s all total crap
In the happiness trap.
Mar 8 · 36
Mark Bell Mar 8
Sensation of seeds
That germinate
From your heart
Candy apple red
I hope we don’t part.
The butterflies you
Give me are warming
With you my lovely
Where do's one begin.
Your smile is infectious
Blossoming of the rose
These seeds of beauty
Everything grows.
Mar 2 · 44
My protector
Mark Bell Mar 2
My halo woman
Full of charm
Protects me safely
From all the
Worlds harm.
Elegant stylish
Immense respect,
My halo woman
She will protect.
I love this woman
Whom I adore
She rides my train
I know,
Thats for sure.
Her heart is golden
Pure as snow
My halo woman
Is my life’s flow.
Feb 28 · 65
Mark Bell Feb 28
Feels like
your drifting
Slip sliding away
The ball
started rolling,
The drifter
in you needs
To go out
and play.
The smiles
have gone
by frowns
Go with
my blessing
And create
new sounds,
New horizons,
Views what you see
Please find in your
Heart to drift
back to me.
Mark Bell Feb 28
Im going to wear
yellow shoes
to heaven ,
Put all my thoughts
On lucky number seven,
Weather sunshine
Or wether rain
My cat Molly is driving
Me insane.
I once kissed the queen
Upon her ****
Won mastermind
Did not use a pass
I write this ****
Because I’m not
Mentally well
My grammar is ****
And i cannot smell.
I just wish we can all
Live in peace and
My humble abode
As a twenty year lease.
Sometimes I want to
Write good poetry
But that talent
Is not in me.
Mark Bell Feb 27
A voice came in from
the deep blue sea,
From a ghostly old
Sea dog lost at sea.,
I was to carry his voice
I was to be the host,
To find his lady who
Lived once on the rugged coast.
Many cliffs I willingly climbed
With a wide smile on my face,
Till I came to a graveyard
A sweet quaint old quiet place.
There was once his widow
His wonderful beautiful bride,
I relayed his voice to her
Now alongside her
he now resides.
When I visit the seaside
And look pleasingly out to sea,
The voice of the old sea dog
Says thank you to me.
Feb 26 · 67
Too my diddy men
Mark Bell Feb 26
All my disciples
Are eating
L S D trifles
Spaced out,
Thought they were
The Diddy men.
They followed me
Down the garden path
Those L S D trifles
We’re such a laugh.
Feb 26 · 76
Mark Bell Feb 26
Did not swim
Did not run
Didn’t dance
Had no fun.
Never knew
My father
Neither my mum,
Nor experience
The rays of the sun.
Did not know love
Did not know like
Didn’t even get
to ride a bike,
I wasn’t for this
Revolving earth
I was a new born
Died at birth.
Feb 25 · 48
Mark Bell Feb 25
Riding the rhythm
Of limitless sound
Riding the highway
Countryside abound
Riding the nights
Riding the days
It’s the rhythm
For me on
My B S A.
Place to place
We’re living outside
The human race,
Feb 25 · 35
Me or me
Mark Bell Feb 25
This freak of a person
Is beyond compare
It’s like dancing
With an electric chair
Has a personality
Thats rather taboo
****** scary
And well to do.
In a figure of speech
He has two heads
One very sweet
Thee other you’ll dread
Happenings around this
****** freak
Is quite exciting
never bleak.
Has many disguises
Rather vain
Is it me or me
Who is quite insane.
Feb 25 · 38
Cold shoulder
Mark Bell Feb 25
Needing to be heard
Sociably inept
Communication flaw
My words  have no depth,
I try to converse
You don’t hear what I say
It’s like having a script
But no where to play.
Words are like land mines
I’ll say the wrong thing
Then everything goes
Haywire and the
silence begins.
Then I think how
To put things right
I might as well have put
My head in a bucket of *****.
Then she says get your
Head out the ***** if you don’t
You won’t be having *** tonight.
Feb 25 · 78
My woman
Mark Bell Feb 25
My Spartan woman
Strong of heart
Very tenacious
Smile so bright
My Spartan woman
My guiding light.
Woman of power
Astute of brain,
She’s my shield
When the arrows rain.
My Spartan woman
The queen of love
Even the stars
Look in awe above,
Lots of respect
Hold high in esteem
My Spartan woman has O C D
And just wants to clean.
Mark Bell Feb 25
There’s a place
On top of the hill
Where they prescribe me
My happy pill,
Through revolving doors
And up the stairs
All those drugs
They like to share,
I need my dose
I need my pill
In that place
On top of the hill.
Men in white coats
Are keeping me afloat
All I am is a sinking boat.
Waters aren’t calm
A wall short of a brick
That place on the hill
We give me my fix.
I know I have
my scarred flaws
Everything goes away
Through those revolving doors.
Mark Bell Feb 24
Walking through
With a frog
on my head
Wearing a tutu
Thats slightly
bright red.
Our home was
A transit
Shaped like a *****
We were great
You should have
Seen us.
Stongingly proud
Stiff upper lip
The frog
In a bikini
And a Elvis quiff.
Then one day froggy
Ran of with a
Beautiful blonde
Got married and lives
In a romantic pond.
Me and my transit
Travelling all alone
Sitting talking to a traffic cone.
Feb 24 · 58
Who are you
Mark Bell Feb 24
You have no appeal
You’re a stupid ****
Okay Thats enough
I’ve gathered that.
Ease upon this
realism bit
It’s wearing me down
It don’t quite sit.
You despise me
Grotesquely wharped
Everything I do
I come up short.
I know it’s all a silly game
But when I look in
The mirror we are
The same.
Feb 24 · 48
Mark Bell Feb 24
The promise land is calling
But I can’t help falling
The land of beauty
The land of hope
Im high on sunshine
So why am I swinging
From the end of this rope.
A spinning world
I need to depart
The promise land is calling
Is death really a new start.
Is there life after death
Im not sure
I don’t care
Paradise is freedom
from to much despair.
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