Got myself in a bit of a mess
Insult William the conqueror
I do confess
He wasn’t pleased
He felt a bit sick
I started the war in 1066.
Spanish armada
Francis drake
I sunk all the ships
It’s just deep fake.
Great Britain is my home
It has a mighty roar
I got up to a bit of
And caused a civil war.
Boer war
I had to settle a score
We had a fight
We called a truce
With my mate Bruce
It was a honourable draw.
I was on HMS Victory
Cruising up the Nile
I caused a bit of raucous
It made old Nelson smile.
I caused the First World War
Bucket and ***** in hand
I was on holiday
killing my best mate
Archduke Ferdinand .
Sitting at home in 39
Bored with nothing
To do
That’s where I had the
To start World War Two
Troubled I was
I needed to play
Crossed the ocean
Went to the USA
There I concocted
My next mischievous
I got the Americans to
Invade Vietnam.
Hope I haven’t offended
With this bravado rhyme
I just me despicable me
You got it Im
Planning world war three.