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I was once a beautiful, & colorful girl.

I had a lover of my own,

and hair of great bouncing curl.

My dearest and I had the truest of loves,

the kind that sent pangs,

through the hearts of white doves.

Ages ago, we were out on a sail,

t’was a beautiful day,

with a marvelous gale.

‘Till, in seconds, there came,

a downpour of rain,

and a scene that would change,

life of this poor dame.

I discovered my dear,

he was shrouded in fear,

clutching and fleeing and never looking back.

He abandoned our ship,

while we were under attack

I was thrown overboard,

with a most violent shove.

There I felt hands,

not of the usual class,

but thinner and sharper,

like that of broken glass.

It was then I was pulled,

roughly down to the dim.

The endless depths of the sea,

without him.

I looked up to the sky,

but oh, by & by,

the light of the world,

was shrinking rapidly.

The vixens and creatures of the dark,

surround me.

I would float, breathlessly,

among a world, under water.

Where the sea-souls of men,

are taken for slaughter.

It wasn’t the vast sea,

of splendid blue-green,

you know the kind,

that you see in a dream.

It was red and green and horrid, pitch black,

and he never looked back.

Didn’t toss me a float,

or a rope for my throat.

And when I rose to the top,

I swam to the shore.

The tide came and went,

a swift, gentle roar.

I stood there for what,

had seemed like years,

and your back facing me,

couldn’t fathom the tears.

The world spun on,

as she always does,

and my heart broke again

a million ******, pieces it was.

you had left,

you had gone,

but I was still holding on

to a past full of lies

and of tainted goodbyes.

my cries,

should have been,

for all of my wasted time.
Kiss her down her spine
Sighs of frustration
Bare hips sway beneath white sheets

I am the cartographer
Mapping her desire
My mind is moving much too fast,
To ****** a slippery slumber.
So I'll ache and wait,
And watch my brain wither,
As loneliness quenches its hunger.
 Jan 2013 Marissa Burts
 Jan 2013 Marissa Burts
This is a poem about any teenage girl.
When she tries, sometimes she fails,
But most of the time, when she thinks she fails,
She really didn’t.
Even so, when she fails, she cries.
When she cries, she hides it.
When she hides it, she’s pretending.
When she’s pretending, she isn’t being herself.
When she isn’t being herself she becomes one of millions,
Lost in the sea of girls who are only trying to become people that they’re not.
Tossed by waves of propriety, undulating in the tears she keeps to herself and those of others.
She can’t find solid ground to stand on; there’s no way she can stay afloat.
She reaches out her arm to try and grab onto someone, someone she thinks is strong,
Only to find that they are slowly sinking too.
Lately I find
There’s nothing to write about.
Because for once in my life
When I lay my head down to rest
I regret nothing.

I remember those poor decisions
I made as a naïve young girl
And I recall those moments
I wish I could have back.
But I see clarity
And have stopped blaming the cosmos
For when bad things happen to good people.

I am instead thinking
as I fall asleep
How thankful I am
for the loving people around me
(and across an ocean)
And for not being so ******* up
That I'd forget that fact.

I am proud
Of where life has led me
And the hard work it took
Just to get here.
And I am excited
For the prospect of a new journey
where all of those bad decisions
have no effect.
And just maybe,
Oh maybe.
I’ll get my happy ending.
 Jan 2013 Marissa Burts
26 letters make words
And words make sentences
And sentences make phrases
And phrases make paragraphs
And paragraphs make stories
And if you're lucky,
Stories turn into songs.

Songs state emotions
Emotions cause feelings
But feelings cause emotions
It's an endless repeating pattern of thoughts.
Thoughts make us human
But so does the brain
The heart
Pumping the life to our veins.
But why do we live
Why do we thrive
Why do we wonder about the time that goes by
Time is aging
Aging is growing
But growing means we eventually all die.
Why do we die
But why do we live
Why can't we control the pain that we give
To ourselves
To our lives
It all makes us cry
Why do we cry
Why do we tear
Why do we force ourselves to listen to things we don't want to hear
Why go through torture
Why go through sorrow
When death could easily be the best thing about tomorrow.
What is this feeling in my veins?
Thawing my frostbitten heart, but not for your own gain...
After the long cold months of walking in pain
Your melting my lungs so I can breathe again

A word so short
Short and plain
So much potential
Associated with so much pain
You've awakened a part of me that I thought to be dead
Jump-started by the words you've put in my head

Can this be true?
Am I falling for you?
Only time can tell...
But I hope you'll catch me.

The fire that reawakens even the dead
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