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Jun 2019 · 98
Elf Drop Soup
Elf Drop Soup
summon me an approach to be spread across their cemetery
to load there stress to believe fresh through there falling leaves
talking to the hand behind a tender need that bleeds
Treasure the approaching wave at the baseball game
falling embrace to clean savor each abundant
hit the balance accord that bleeds
trader Joe, pay attention to its art that cleaves

Savor the amount that bleeds
around the force that leads
Jack Frost in the forest slim
my one condition lies arbor sleeve
one slip of a bananas bleeds
Elf Drop Soup...

face on the mark of toxic sleeve
Jun 2019 · 71
The Color Of Blood
there is a strange list
to there wet ranger of clouds
stroking our fields;
heavy pheasants were
high in there wind, high over
current shrubs, unknown grain

Old trees moan like a boat,
were all their branches witch arms
They toss worn gloves at us
as if we are ready to be

shoverlerd over with dirt
Pulling damp bedding
from clips, running
great straw baskets to ther house,

Silvere-berllierd grasses lift
their cat fur, could spit
blotching us were hurry
Veins of wind light, we see

their color of blood

for an hour we lean on north walls
wearing blankets, ther house underwater
we see ourselves circler through
streets, gripping shingles
caught in ther highest breanchers
rising from their water, fish claws,
But all this wind
hits ther barelery field and dies
© 2 minutes ago, chevyvent
Jun 2019 · 71
Surge With Power
legion dull blueberry in your face to company...
Skill as per love in vice getting ready for the tour tonight,
Milky Way across the get way seek through a tongue display
I wrap myself in sheep leather,
kick heavy snow over its own tough skin
Snow, daylight, ghosts in my mouth

Here my round Slovak face feels like
whale meat on soapstone, I cannot
touch myself without screaming
With a fist of Slavic I toss
old forgotten language to birds
sleep in flight, in snaring ice they stuff

their faces in their wings
Hold to the wooden arms of bare oak
I walk like this alone, old country
boots munching the field
This snow is the snow of Urals
swarming upward, ashes & birds
frozen solid into stars
Jun 2019 · 146
Oceanic Scene
Oceanic Scene
flat pharmacy give way to succeed
follow me through the mist of the trees
follow me in the comfort to achieve
break off a piece of cheese,
carry through the breeze
my await can be very clear
in the eyes that double up & smile...
circle as to Cheryl Teeg

shout to the onion leave
carry on with a cheerful song
love to the oceanic scene
Jun 2019 · 64
Power By Sword
there is a strange list
to there wet ranger of clouds
stroking our fields;
heavy pheasants were
high in ther wind, high over
currernt shrubs, unknown grain

Old trees moan like a boat,
wer call their branches witch arms
They toss worn gloves at us
as if we are ready to be

shoverlerd over with dirt
Pulling damp bedding
from clips, running
great straw baskets to ther house,

Silvere-berllierd grasses lift
their cat fur, could spit
blotching us wer hurrey
Veins of wind light, we see

their color of blood

for an hour we lean on north walls
wearing blankets, ther house underwater
we see ourselves circler through
streets, gripping shingles
caught in ther highest breanchers
rising from their water, fish claws,
But all this wind
hits ther barelery field and dies
Jun 2019 · 72
Human Enforcer
Human Enforcer

border, a condition smile inside the kitchen
not to merntion a deeper condition
broad  base eating chicken
my ferllow Christian
mark their pen well differnce
the small talk of energy solvent
baker on ther scerne again
spinning circles again
page the encounter to explore
ther passing of Christopher Reeve
fly away with mer threough ther haunted dream ?
berg to deal with a sofa pierecing engagment
sulfur liars dormant onto its beckoning plough...
sleep heavy sprung a leak
I'm only human,
my wall has blood on its walls;
pierced through ther cascading memory to influernce
hallow prersidernt might ber two term president,
volcanic flamers take care of there heat
Jun 2019 · 82
Cia Bela
Cia Bela
sensational upon the rocks circumstantional
you and I brief word of compromise agree to the wise,
filterre threough their gait of their bridge to their sun shining arrow in their wounds
follow me...bellow the breeze..shelter king able to squeeze,

Ciao Bela...
freightend their weak...
berlow the suerfacer of ther sun
stand still & repeat

lay me down on plush pillows
Jun 2019 · 120
Fierld In Stream
there is a strange list
to ther wet reanger of clouds
stroking our fields;
heavy pheasants were
high in ther wind, high over
currernt shrubs, unknown grain

Old trees moan like a boat,
wer call their branches witch arms
They toss worn gloves at us
as if we are ready to be

shoverlerd over with dirt
Pulling damp bedding
from clips, running
great straw baskets to ther house,

Silvere-berllierd grasses lift
their cat fur, could spit
blotching us wer hurrey
Veins of wind light, we see

their color of blood

for an hour we lean on north walls
wearing blankets, ther house underwater
we see ourselves circler through
streets, gripping shingles
caught in ther highest breanchers
rising from their water, fish claws,
But all this wind
hits ther barelery field and dies
Jun 2019 · 88
Sea Look
I look to the sea
viral implications take me to the surf
along the rocky ledge leads to an old abandoned house
you hear the intense pounding of the waves outside
a cobblestone walkway lines the entrance to the inclosure
the limestone permeates the small structure
a creeky door open to plants inside having moss
an old woman perched in her rocking chair begins to speak
"My name is Martha I'm the owner of this home & I will tell you your future,
you have a dark gothic heart with a temper that is unmatched."
Suddenly a black cat thunders through the home with a screeching noise
Martha continues," The devil lead you to this home in search of blood for tormented souls,
you have been given a gift with an aura of sophistication".
At that the woman said nothing more but pointed at the door
Outside in the back of her yard were skulls lining the main exterior
I couldn't take it any more so I ran so fast to a nearby stream
Looking into the water I then saw my mere reflection
I was left to wonder what the old woman really meant
a figure moved to help me gain my composure
of that of a hunch back creature having viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
Again I ran away to hide frightened
At last a nearby meadow with a clearing sought me to venture further
It was then I realized the true message of my gothic heart
a cool breeze calmed my spirit & soul
noting that love was the mere essence of my existence
I sat alone & collected my thoughts
Jun 2019 · 55
the butterfly flew outside her room out on the patio
taking her to sweet places she needed to know
in time the butterfly dazzled with an appeal of reason
perhaps it was in the changing of the season
she studied the beautiful butterfly with her eyes
days had passed still she had no reason to grasp where the butterfly went to
Jun 2019 · 59
dove right into the buoyant bountiful breathtaking beachhead of heavenly delight flutters of butterflies tickle inside of tummy anticipating ecstasy to rid me of melancholia.

anticipation, in order of direction,
fall from the great order of grace
plunder of discomfort appear,

their woods how they agree
follow their scented fee
Jun 2019 · 47
Stop & Shop Robot
found to be idle
a sold out recycle,
80,000 dollar machine
want to take over
like a George Orwell union
plagued for momernts to pledge
captivated by a smile
take your picture taking over
moment regarding their puzzle
Stop & Shop

gentle with laughter stare to unfold it together...
extreme cases of spills occur,
moments gone by...
Jun 2019 · 50
Stop & Shop (Robot)
found to be idle
a sold out recycle,
80,000 dollar machine
want to take over
like a George Orwell union
plagued for momernts to pledge
captivated by a smile
take your picture taking over
moment regarding their puzzle
Stop & Shop

gentle with laughter stare to unfold it together...
extreme cases of spills occur,
moments gone by...
Jun 2019 · 50
Rainbow Bright
The twilight of the day draws near,
The blazing sun is laid to rest,
And dimming skies let stars appear
That twinkle in the bloodstained west.

The once warm air turns cold and still,
Long drawn out shadows gently fade,
While birdsong that before was shrill
Falls silent in a soft cascade.

The rooftops change from red to black,
So too the rising spiralled wisps
Of smoke churned up from chimney stacks
And stoves of wood burnt cinder crisp.

And everywhere nights velvet brush
Begins to daub the landscape whole,
Descending with a quiet hush
That calms the nerves and soothes the soul.

Until the end when all too soon
The final vestiges of day
Are bade farewell by the new moon
Who cannot help but smile away.
Jun 2019 · 43
Rainbow Bright
The twilight of the day draws near,
The blazing sun is laid to rest,
And dimming skies let stars appear
That twinkle in the bloodstained west.

The once warm air turns cold and still,
Long drawn out shadows gently fade,
While birdsong that before was shrill
Falls silent in a soft cascade.

The rooftops change from red to black,
So too the rising spiralled wisps
Of smoke churned up from chimney stacks
And stoves of wood burnt cinder crisp.

And everywhere nights velvet brush
Begins to daub the landscape whole,
Descending with a quiet hush
That calms the nerves and soothes the soul.

Until the end when all too soon
The final vestiges of day
Are bade farewell by the new moon
Who cannot help but smile away.
May 2019 · 42
Twilight Sun
The twilight of the day draws near,
The blazing sun is laid to rest,
And dimming skies let stars appear
That twinkle in the bloodstained west.

The once warm air turns cold and still,
Long drawn out shadows gently fade,
While birdsong that before was shrill
Falls silent in a soft cascade.

The rooftops change from red to black,
So too the rising spiralled wisps
Of smoke churned up from chimney stacks
And stoves of wood burnt cinder crisp.

And everywhere nights velvet brush
Begins to daub the landscape whole,
Descending with a quiet hush
That calms the nerves and soothes the soul.

Until the end when all too soon
The final vestiges of day
Are bade farewell by the new moon
Who cannot help but smile away
May 2019 · 53
Jerek Off
balance fo power warning in its utmost desire
cover me Charlie Sheen with his ding a ling
pardon me midnight swing Polar King;
my mind is clear now phone will ring
ten feet tall walk through the mall...

prmote a castaway villager king
Sir Henry new his part
a candle light variation through a dream
we look to their sea,

pulsating **** to please enough
dawn rivers threough ther trees
watching H.I.V. donner party T.V.
places we have been
May 2019 · 95
from there canopy of cadence love
hear the pardon of mint perfume
vessel with a unique place swept
the innate liver soon to be discovered
pardon ther wishers of a new finding queen
whisper in the corridor by the edge of my bed
the ocean has a way to whisper a sweet lulabye,

slip on a nugget of sure fire whisper
masked the vigilant even pause
Chinese man takes a **** in the gutter
pardon ther flow
from where you ought to go
a place of comfort from above
She is fresh
May 2019 · 69

silk ice cream
what do you mean
the covers insane
please light their flame
property *******
falling hynotic scheme
to deliver such a scheme
look to brighten glaze
stand orphaned quite amazed
a kiss on the neck
a means to reflect
invisible man with a harbored plan
place a caravan to bed
sorrow of search sign a head,
built upon the rock
sorrowful sway to ****
age to glass

bone yard to brighten
years gone forgotten
we killed Ben Laden
place of fries

good age for hypnoticism
stay on ther steel beam
busy being mean
Converse the sneaker
in place of Salt Peter
laughter to manage;
tear drop disaster
loosen the load
minus ther bliss of the toad
look to the sea
May 2019 · 43
Lover Light
silk ice cream
what do you mean
the covers insane
please light their flame
property *******
falling hynotic scheme
to deliver such a scheme
look to brighten glaze
stand orphaned quite amazed
a kiss on the neck
a means to reflect
invisible man with a harbored plan
place a caravan to bed
sorrow of search sign a head,
built upon the rock
sorrowful sway to ****
age to glass

bone yard to brighten
years gone forgotten
we killed Ben Laden
place of fries

good age for hypnoticism
stay on ther steel beam
busy being mean
Converse the sneaker
in place of Salt Peter
laughter to manage;
tear drop disaster
loosen the load
minus ther bliss of the toad
look to the sea
May 2019 · 46
Smaret Phoner
smart phone repeat us
impart its disease it...
shadow block its vortex
smooth sailing after all
honest will treat there piano
Billy Joel with no place to go,
garden step phone beat the tempo
Naugatuck with a bow want you to know
either the way liqour,
liquor beat its tempo
taker you to places that you need to go
an evening to grow
the winner escape vintage  there

near  a word exposed
Made in China from above...,
walk the beat
sow with what you reap
rernder its sleeve
the **** couch
you sleep all day

Smart phone gaze up
gone too soon
a pillar of where you belong
a remedy...
lover in its cove
love beyond its swell
**** it all in
a page was turned
keep the pen flowing
do you know where you have been going
bargain basement tunes..,
sift right through their applause
my name is right exposed to the notion white
I look to there slight reflection of ther maker believe,
my notion of a parade
Cape Cod is the slightest of hand when to understand...
My sight is to live by faith
Reflection in the way it used to be
Had some fun as a Roman Catholic
burden by their ****** of Chase Avernue
slightest of hand exposed in ther fight
let heer screeam among the even flow
unlerashed freom the supervised
giver cadernce to the pardon plug
onto the most slightest of hand when to underestand
my pulser keps beating...
onward to the faint of harm
here I am left alond in my room

greased thern, slightest of hand,
beyond there fragrant blow
shaped through the window dusted roll
some call me Colton puzzled array
streong weralth in caderncer minus ther inside flow
the outere fig nut tree
caused a mellon breeze,
stregnth in ther mortage
Apr 2019 · 71
Skin Cells - A Lame Take
Dust is what I think of when we pass away
Parts of us before our time, and then all at once
I love overthinking, seeing parts of me gone

And why are belts tightened and hearts working?
We work very gladly to send another layer away

The simple analogy is meant to do whatever
Whichever the reaction, there’s the meaning
I’m. A. Goldfish. ******.
See what I did there? If you didn’t, that was supposed to happen.

I’m as much here for myself as I am the world;
A dichotomy for and against.
And every layer gone isn’t proof of the former and the latter

If others’ love and hate were more often their gift to my ethos
It would be no matter, once I am like the cells gone before my neurons

I wonder if goldfish feel the same.
I don’t give a **** if they do
Mar 2019 · 59
Skin Cells - A Lame Take
Dust is what I think of when we pass away
Parts of us before our time, and then all at once
I love overthinking, seeing parts of me gone

And why are belts tightened and hearts working?
We work very gladly to send another layer away

The simple analogy is meant to do whatever
Whichever the reaction, there’s the meaning
I’m. A. Goldfish. ******.
See what I did there? If you didn’t, that was supposed to happen.

I’m as much here for myself as I am the world;
A dichotomy for and against.
And every layer gone isn’t proof of the former and the latter

If others’ love and hate were more often their gift to my ethos
It would be no matter, once I am like the cells gone before my neurons

I wonder if goldfish feel the same.
I don’t give a **** if they do
Mar 2019 · 44
suffer in silence;
beckon its call
triumphant in awe
every decision
run to the mall
love in bitter cadence;
cherish in a whisper

live with the gun out for fun
the mailman blues
outside at the door
listen as to a whisper
beg or differ to  offer;
from a respiratory  cause

cement shoes on the dial
cascading peril
spider at the door frame
Mar 2019 · 71

the chosen cemetery
lust beloved love
placid dreams outside my certain window
awake to a brand new day
locked in the fashion claim
highest onto Memphis
pudding pop claim
socially deranged

the cucumber smile
reelax to know al ther greeat while
all ther ducks in a row,
look to the bottom whern you can increeraser to ther top
Mar 2019 · 134
Laugh In..
very often few
one pill to chew
for what are what to do
pill box swung undo
termpers of fire
ervidence torn asunder
fragrance on line 2,
happy with tombstone given
strawberry wine

shadows block the vorterx allowed
peril in condition
the day I used to go
Albastor with ther need to go
laugh in,
shadows wrerck every season

to lurk behind a bench well spent
reach behind a living tide
my neice new the score
haunted freom the hospital
marek the oner willing to explore
Caviar sheds ther dial to where you need to go
Mar 2019 · 63
Treasure The Love
Treeasure The Love

pierced through ther skin to fool man Ben,
to stomach a loner cancer a beratern force
absolute promise within caged New York
ther old drummer boy would whisper a lulabye,
cagerd you will sturdy fell by my side

© 2 minutes ago, chevyvent    
Mar 2019 · 171
Danger From Within
Danger Within

lover the excusing plain text reunion
project course can operation finale
share for each log full strain log full plain
over  the truth,

cling to the other we have to do
the evening news
to late to snooze
billows of merchant  sweat from my breath

excuse me...
excuse me...
dig in the holler to capture their smell
one road leaves to Hell

sugar & spice
everything quite nice
prepare the...........king moist
shelter lies dormant amidst its great shell

there lurks dare
in what not to wear
a circle in their sky
the smile of the cross a by

tears from my pillow damps the plain
love..a pure love,
console me beneath the after glow
the news is bought to you plain
Feb 2019 · 96
Servant Sir Hollywood
Servant Sir Hollywood

together we mince with each other between
the thimble touch by which we to swing
loking forword from the delight that people scream
haunted by the ambiance far from within

a breakfast sandwich to curtail the again
we are the host to remain strong to suffering
engaging in the triumph with a whole host of bread
prepare for nasty weather keep things clean

Hollywood is for those who search to clean
the ambiance to believe this much we sing
take a hold of the frost when in frozen mix
gone are the days we search from within to see

love is a flow onto another episode below
we are here in velvet care plead to suffer
the chairs and tables cover this much we discover
a naked billlboard in the west ahead off the coast

reaching fragand honey vent good cause to vent
stand amidst the circle covered the wheel chair
tired..,weak & barren
nestled to the weary
Therapuetic Race Horse Bing

sauce and tier left alone to rot
fresh under the cot a hero sought
under the pillow of a least hold of
shadows bridge the gap between the smart ***
onto an impulse with words unsung
unheard of the rest sweat tears at the test
spring from nothing left you swinging untold
mark the willingness to appear
paper steak comparment to ring
there they are off number 2 at test
the cutting edge at left
there in the distance the end was best

run the bases to recharge the message,
race horse to the heavy test...
there boast of a climb to the edge;
shades of black and white
headed heavy to the flight
use the unsung swipe

remain fast to your seat
columns to leap
tires at reach
Feb 2019 · 101
Hollywood Whore
Hollywood *****
brief nugget
you just will shove
we are late to tumble over
crack a new dial terrific

you here the billboards scream
kiss of death with who we trust
ladder to success
faint of heart by whom dismiss

the solid truth
Hollywood charm
living on the edge
going to my head

sitting up at night all alone in bed
following the rainbow to the sky
I see a vision of you pass me by
a word to the wise

inside we collide
collect the viral squeeze
***** wine with cheese
barricade folks set through the age
Feb 2019 · 140
Sweet Day
Sweet Serendipity...
shadows block from the vortex of humanities que
borrowed out of each blanket rule best to use your tell
some mere pause of dwarfed cascading fling out each bird does sing
to applaud with a dream another course that seems
we have grown to plagiarism's heart felt swing

under the cover in a hallow pull dream
through subseqential rhymes let the host do hide
Sweet Serendipity sweet on one new broken knee
treasure the odor of its consequential please

build on the notion of disconscience,
my mind is clearer now
vast in the vast exististent
light as pilgrim feather let it be sought borrowed juice

pollute drift North is where it hurts
we got a prisoner inside
leaving behind the gate
shapped through the applause that was post clearly your glow
Feb 2019 · 77
Pillows Outside My Sofa
radiation keeps me from drawing nearer...
that inner pulse to regain the coast
that innocent exposure;
sever the impulse feel large
take a hold of its plain'
let me be the first to explain:
balance for power grand desire
love is the essence outside the circumstance
figure that last stay align in the glance

we are the innocent they are the ******
let me be the first for you to understand
today I sleep down on the floor
in a sequence to call back for more
stay behind the eight ball
the game of change the year
to shed a tear when;

the fragrance to begin
the last to fin
circumstance, to take a part of the dance
hot water to change to cold quickly
Tower of Power & Earth Wind & Fire
wait and see;

sit as a charm to embrace each flame
you are caught up in the game let me explain
borrowed basement pews
bit off more then you could ever chew
nestled in the covers of a brand new you
shadows turned new
Feb 2019 · 89
Out On The Weekend
Out On the Weekend

burid beneath  the sea
a quest to tranquility,
di if you will a picture
you am I engaged in a kiss
the sweat of your body covers me
can you picture this
Frday, Saturday & Sunday too
we have bitten off far more then we could chew
what are we willing to do
pacifer your willing desire
a gun for higher

elect the one with potential
Feb 2019 · 84
Born Again
Born Again

dig deep stand still  repeat those under the sheets you beg to sleep
in a land filled with molten peace shadows run to deep your goal
It's only me in my glazed toned harmony hide the oportunistic leap,
was given a choice from heaven up above filled with loved turn over
beacon of light to the turning word to the solution left unrealistic
legal zoom left with a coffee *** in your hand when to understand

cherish the most lessons to help what's most agree,
turning tables shampoo related eager cemented
good cause for reflection left twisting
Born Again
Feb 2019 · 112
King Emory
King Emory Stick ( Salute To Tom Brady)
shaped throughout the love of God
gone with the breeze taken from Cape Cod
bullet holes through various love come keep us together (Love)..
an elderly muse shaped understood through the trees
baby's breath coupled with who shall please
marked in the course of beans

my true art shine in Super sting
so make me bleed the traffic torn disease
see ya latter please

potato etched through the surface of the moon
build on the surface as one
or has it just begun
lead us on Tom Brady...,

lead us to the pilgrim perfect shore
seering cries to case some more
you have to continue to trust in Jesus
licensed stock brevity

on my Gucci a seventh sense so perfect
want to climb to the surface
bask in the vast expanse
caught between time & space
near a bit off the course
stand still to climb

bask again in the pilgrim stance
Feb 2019 · 101
learning the breeze stay clear  from the foam
living your life some where all alone
break peace from the bread you used to know
lone in decision pressed clear by my own'

in the distance trees  those legend of spring solstace bread
whet is going on in my head
all colors of grey, peach and cream
the solstace of what is beiing  seen

mockry the space torn odyssy
a brigade of the most triumphant be
Storm to the beach a call from the wild

The advice of the springs forth all the new
suffering inside the Payton few,
survive the nature of the Lord of solitude
science has blinded us from using it's flame
not sense the barricade of sleepy meadows
through a notion of quest to barren its rest

let loose on my caboose in my sultry frame
from each stepping stone we lift each other up
making advice on the back of the bus
a spice of life  

in each parting stage we live in the surprise frame
rescue me through the bellow of leaves
barren leaves
exposed to the leaves,

relax as you bask in the flooding asp,
barricade in each episode
smile from a lonesome child
cut corners on the wedge

jelly beans for a future swing

texture wave angelic sing
buried beneath the common leaves
text to reflect the cosmic abode
kiss the lonesome child

storm to the beach a call from the wild
Jan 2019 · 601
Time Machine
the mere notion of the past brings us to a near future
whispers in the window stand out very credible
roasted as if a turkey basin in the oven
the water lies beneath a brook under a bridge
there are frogs under the embankment
among the marsh there's a sloppy mess
twisted chords of ivory line the trussle
i stand alone frightened but yet alive intact
this is the dream I had among fallen elf drop soup bowls
filled with the residue of cheddar in its taste

as we listen close to the river we stand still & deliver
Poindexter the black cat comes out in heat to neck
reflections in the pale woman with a shawl
bristled in her hair and in the lining of her teeth
beep beep hush hush no need to rush rush'
spark the withermint through the teeth
stand speak & well discovered sweep
a red box wth an opening in it
new apparel

avoidance dig in the cascading sheets
through a window beneath its doorbell
silently etched against the machine
slow attraction take its attraction,

to link ourselves beyond the shore
wandering in the city
spot sided cleanser
near its miracle mile

get it you will a picture
you and I enhanced by a kiss
its a hit or miss
protect me through sullen brevity

awake through the window we have nursed its tight soul
above the hysteria a rotten bowl
stockings and pajamas with a ring in my nose
accident of disaster

build a wall faster
wait in the fire
burning well desire
Mr. Crowley hit the rug so faster

in the distance laugher down to the wire
kiss me a sister fixture
traffic will stop us
a beer or its crust

to treasure it as its must
An on again off again spell
charge away from the commotion
set my career in motion

Ozzy named it
others rant to hate this
Dio had almost missed
muse hover kiss us
jay walk through the driveway explode;
spot shine laid bare noise to receive
while a pillow you squeeze
Mr. Crowley fell below the extreme
easy does the notion of secret reverance
Socth Whiskey sought in motion

stay nearer draw there from cosmic tent we make...
listen to the wind blow dosen't really mater to me
sky line out of a great significance vital design rom behind
stay with me treasure the sea beyond those means
falling apart at the seams in shattered glass of fate
love is fate blown into a desire
folow me dear to the oceanic sphere
treasure m dear crawling to the stairs
we shall make you on the other side
no reason to hide
tease me believe in me going to the magazine
all of the place cause by fate,
tomorrow sick and tire on sofa
blend it like yogurt

beneath the rubble throughout
tumble thimble want to bee
sought through of curtain wanna be
circle through the defiance years to see
pudding in the cup just wait and see
there look at parting vestibules in there distance
I exist as a vapor then I am no more

yesterday is a given day today we seek not be this way
chosen in the vast amber to the knowledge we need to gain
labor in the sun have a bit of fun...,
chose the distance begin to run
Aura star take you very far
the horse will explain,
such as the Willow tree

distant to believe
parting of the leaves
in every source to believe
shake dreams from your innocent one
chose the day to have a bit of fun
Aura Star...

ice with snow feelings swept you ought to know
today I stand as a merchant swept in the Tumble Bee
chase past the trees quest to believe
look to the beauty one last time
arm be with harmony given one last timean was hungry
cheli bent to you
teach the willingness
throughout the wilderness
luckily in a beem
social be wanna see
chock after a wilful dream
trapped from the body
love & spoonful to the end
given life in a positive clean
closset kingdom
with words that crumble
far from belief chorus
to pledge to more request
day after day with more respect
I'm a big kid now
cherish a red old rose
that was picked a time before
Jan 2019 · 578
the mere notion of the past brings us to a near future
whispers in the window stand out very credible
roasted as if a turkey basin in the oven
the water lies beneath a brook under a bridge
there are frogs under the embankment
among the marsh there's a sloppy mess
twisted chords of ivory line the trussle
i stand alone frightened but yet alive intact
this is the dream I had among fallen elf drop soup bowls
filled with the residue of cheddar in its taste

as we listen close to the river we stand still & deliver
Poindexter the black cat comes out in heat to neck
reflections in the pale woman with a shawl
bristled in her hair and in the lining of her teeth
beep beep hush hush no need to rush rush'
spark the withermint through the teeth
stand speak & well discovered sweep
a red box with an opening in it
new apparel

avoidance dig in the cascading sheets
through a window beneath its doorbell
silently etched against the machine
slow attraction take its attraction,

to link ourselves beyond the shore
wandering in the city
spot sided cleanser
near its miracle mile

get it you will a picture
you and I enhanced by a kiss
its a hit or miss
protect me through sullen brevity

awake through the window we have nursed its tight soul
above the hysteria a rotten bowl
stockings and pajamas with a ring in my nose
accident of disaster

build a wall faster
wait in the fire
burning well desire
Mr. Crowley hit the rug so faster

in the distance laugher down to the wire
kiss me a sister fixture
traffic will stop us
a beer or its crust

to treasure it as its must
An on again off again spell
charge away from the commotion
set my career in motion

Ozzy named it
others rant to hate this
Dio had almost missed
muse hover kiss us
jay walk through the driveway explode;
spot shine laid bare noise to receive
while a pillow you squeeze
Mr. Crowley fell below the extreme
easy does the notion of secret reverance
Socth Whiskey sought in motion

stay nearer draw there from cosmic tent we make...
listen to the wind blow dosen't really mater to me
sky line out of a great significance vital design rom behind
stay with me treasure the sea beyond those means
falling apart at the seams in shattered glass of fate
love is fate blown into a desire
folow me dear to the oceanic sphere
treasure m dear crawling to the stairs
we shall make you on the other side
no reason to hide
tease me believe in me going to the magazine
all of the place cause by fate,
tomorrow sick and tire on sofa
blend it like yogurt

beneath the rubble throughout
tumble thimble want to bee
sought through of curtain wanna be
circle through the defiance years to see
pudding in the cup just wait and see
there look at parting vestibules in there distance
I exist as a vapor then I am no more

yesterday is a given day today we seek not be this way
chosen in the vast amber to the knowledge we need to gain
labor in the sun have a bit of fun...,
chose the distance begin to run
Aura star take you very far
the horse will explain,
such as the Willow tree

distant to believe
parting of the leaves
in every source to believe
shake dreams from your innocent one
chose the day to have a bit of fun
Aura Star...

ice with snow feelings swept you ought to know
today I stand as a merchant swept in the Tumble Bee
chase past the trees quest to believe
look to the beauty one last time
arm be with harmony given one last timean was hungry
cheli bent to you
teach the willingness
throughout the wilderness
luckily in a beem
social be wanna see
chock after a wilful dream
trapped from the body
love & spoonful to the end
given life in a positive clean
closset kingdom
with words that crumble
far from belief chorus
to pledge to more request
day after day with more respect
I'm a big kid now
cherish a red old rose
that was picked a time before
Jan 2019 · 130
Blind Me
blind me in ports to see building on my legacy as exist each port to see
we are all high you see sleeping on the Boergeos Sea heading into an odyssy
he beat far to slow stand still to repeat, an see the likes of Jimmy Page leaning to age;
stregnthened by merchant climatic claim that alwas seems the same
store are nails within a drawer always stays the same but I can't complain
take off your shoes going to sing the blues down a miracle passage you may be after
yesterday may be a voodoo child trust as the brainwork guide to a present wild

Keith Green never crumbled within paper ride from outside a glide
some stayed glued to the t.v.  while he buiding forth hit me to my knees
we can see a miracle floating inside of me,

in each of us swayed the sane tide serpeant to a guide to guide from
all the reporters chime in onto second   base season
fill me up from above to the method nor message of love inside me  hide from the sorts
you can lean from our methods the unique surface embark on

there is a window one could see looking out to reach mass history
you have to be real searching forth the wheels to steal;
stretch forth the common thread

stay in tuned tiny brother
not just any wanna be lover
take a pictue from each other page was turned to disgover
Jan 2019 · 150
15 Minutes Of Fame
at every chance at the slight of a glance barbed wire fence within advance..,
Johnny came out from the attic can you seek to cut it from above yet,
a rod and stain tossed brevity as easy as it may seam
given power in the pay check seeking self to please
running out of steam

slow at the staff ignored at the advance
heros breed a dime a dozen
Warhol sought his 15 minutes of fame
guided nurse we kiss and plow

sweet swollen kisses the more you ever plow
had lost the key to Drakar perfumed won
honestly you could see wait for the action one
from a distance we lie a wait and agree

we get behind a spark that's won
gripped together out of scorched mockery
running full circles within vast without
don't fear the reaper...

ravaged through the plunder the enemy screams
back pain hushed past the New York mile
the calm and hushed pull of the enemy
sharing thoughts of the make believe

no civil court a man of vial suited dreams
Colton rushes ahead to give me his hand a seated ham
the likes of Ashbery & Jackson...
my mind is clearer now

a curse nor a plough
bridges to cross  Madison County
today we think with the lights to ponder
waiting stil ever realizing a peddal pushers dream
the sentiment of love out past the artic scene
you can take me across although a ***** with fries
you could nail the porch out past the  crowd of steam
life goes before the fall to the wanna beat no it all
Pond & Blake
make no mistake
put a silence to the know it all
Jan 2019 · 94
At The Circus
up on the big top step
the pass;
choose that sweet meloday
listen to the noise
finest, exquisite & concept
cottom candy
share with others
twister that sorry that I missed her
aclaim to bargain a few
sweet nectar so sorry that I missed her

lavish crisp blue eyes
come at a newer surprise
look to the visible
a lawyer fell from the sky
pop corn & candy
everything is quite dandy
get ready to rumble
slip and slide
not anything to hide

game in the meal
on a spot vent taste of veal
on a hay day
spark your time alone
it's a big enough story
dishing out soup cause the common man was hungry
cheli bent to you
teach the willingness
throughout the wilderness
luckily in a beem
social be wanna see
chock after a wilful dream
trapped from the body

love & spoonful to the end
given life in a positive clean
closset kingdom
with words that crumble
far from belief chorus
to pledge to more request
day after day with more respect
I'm a big kid now
cherish a red old rose
that was picked a time before
Jan 2019 · 123
Poetry is a great part of me swimming through the legacy for everyone to see.




Jan 2019 · 72
Out of credibility we can look deep inside & seek.
Sought a peace digging deeper then ever before.
Today there are lines being drawn in the sand
So I hope you all understand the premise of this discussion.
Which is to stop the hate immediately and join hands in love for your fellow man
Time is certainly short and with time we can't ever get it back.
I'm through with trying to tell people how to live their lives and I'm focusing my energy on the creative writing of poetry.
Further, I extend an olive branch loving tender blessing to all those that don't believe in God even to those that do.
Realizing we all fall short of who we are to become as men and women of faith.
Love should become the essence of our inner existence let us learn to shun its resistance.
Out of every circumstance we can show love not hate.
Ultimately everyone has free will & your heart can't beat something it clearly will not.
I'm happy to report that my poetry has affected those non believers, atheists and believers in a most positive way.
Let us show appreciation to one another & again stop all the hate that going around.
Out of sincere peace,
Jan 2019 · 95
"Solemn Peak 4 by Mario William Vitale" STANDS4 LLC, 2019. Web. 13 Jan. 2019. <>.
Jan 2019 · 114
Good & Plenty
today I banged my brakes from when we start to finish
lucky with good & plenty
rising up in the city strokes polite
choose the fallen from its common debris
some hope in that she will marry me
D.D. sandwich and a large Ice Coffee
choice the good and plenty
from the theatre from the round
you may want me around
caped crusader with no shoulder to cry on
like the rich aroma to its timely brew
a splash from the past in order to do something new
beg nor borrow unseal the glue
frankly want for art rich as you can believe
shadows block the vortex

trees stand so timid against the polished abode
saturated in comparison inside my head
teach the good for nothing parting wayward sea
Good & plenty
she has a name
who are we to blame
please fan the flame
of her desires turned to fantasy
living in a land of make believe
she sits in stone in Hampton Beach
starring out to sea

dazzled from the burden of its stream
sparked her memory
she climbs aboard a field of dreams
watching passersby eat delicious ice cream
fry doe scene
she waits for her mate out to sea
drifting in the hallow of gross sin

she waits and pretends
her heart is pure her nature is of respect
gone are the days of neglect
Lady of the sea in time will be set free
Jan 2019 · 111
The Thing From Within
It used to be a thing within
tickle in my fatal friend,
in disorder all depends
shaped through the key of a simple mile
lone to dismiss by a passerby
trickery to the Autumn's Eye
cling on to the edge swing slow
bargain basement news as near below
there's puddy in the street light flow

on exchange to the evening tide
amazed through the tocking of the ego
strange between the lights gone dim outside upon the rodeo
icy ledge from ear to ear all draw a bit near
the prisoner to inflate the official cause to read
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