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Aug 2019 · 605
My Sweet Cynthia
My Sweet Cynthia
One foot on the floor one hand on the wheel
The notion of surprise maybe no big deal
We came this far not to turn back now
No use looking back when your hands on the plow
Shadows drift apart at the drop of the dime

Folding hands to forget the night,
When at night I close my eyes,
to think all the days gone by,
to feel again those passions past,
and feeble joy that never lasts,

I'm always drawn to thoughts of you, my only love my Cynthia
I think I found you in a dream,
the night I pressed beyond the seam,
where fantasy and reality meet

in summer mist so soft and sweet,
But you were all I ever felt, my deepest love, my Cynthia
But dreams just last within the night, when morning came,
Her soul took flight

I awake to find Her never there
She passes like the misty air
To leave me longing and alone, my painful love,
my Cynthia

Enigma love you swell the heart,
to crush the same when lovers part
But whether love and joy you bring
or bitter pain and Death's cold sting

I plead you come to me again, my final love,
My Cynthia
Oh Cynthia, I wait for thee
  My heart, my soul belong to thee,
'Twas always thee that carried me
To where the Seraphs sang and we
Upon a lyre and a song
We sang along, we sang along.

A wordless tune entwined by hearts
A promise that we'd never part
The four wind blew their magic breath
Beyond the reach of Mr. Death
May flowers speak to me in mime
Oh Cynthia,  I'm always thine.
Love A Lot (Love For Momma)

learn on my nerve wait to take charge a heroic charge
I'm totally naked underneath my clothes hammered to the toes
Lift your lovely eyes brisk through the trees let go
bust up the beat to promote the tempo
love is the shelter I will leave exposed
call me a river a complex pose
carry the sheets along with a bowl

love a lot complete exposed
carry me above the timely tempo
strength in numbers need to be exposed,
bank with a number we chill in vast order

I tried to get a strawberry pie
But they were out of season
Then I thought of gold or pearls
But knew there was no reason
right on ford Betty to explore
cope on the sight with innocence to might
love is destined to might left out of sight
bump and grind left tumbling might
execute winter to the Summer May
there comes the morning block the notion
rollercoaster..rollercoaster..Smile  to deliver
stranger to encounter Spider Man,
love to answer

love's web forward
paint a picture in my mind
face to face...
sorrow to inflate
a beginning to its bitter end

Spider Man
I shoot webs from my hands.
When people see me, they say there goes Spider-man.
A few years ago I was bitten by a radioactive spider.
After my uncle was murdered, I became a crimefighter.

My spider sense tingles and I can sense danger.
When I brought in my uncle's killer, I was full of anger.
I have spider strength and I can climb walls.
When I battle villains, I defeat them all.

I fight the Green Goblin, Doc Ock and other villains too.
It's what we superheroes have sworn to do.
Because of my contribution, the police just arrested the Kingpin.
Villains constantly try to defeat me but they never win.

© right now, chevyvent   society  • friendship  • hope  • teen   
Aug 2019 · 83
Cum Shot
*** Shot

which way should we go
bust up the beat to paint the complete tempo
carry on the show
follow me in belief through the breeze on the trees
chosen briefs
hence hear on the radio

it a moment of fun
crystal clear below
Aug 2019 · 60
Now things are clear,
Four more dead comic men and no more fear.
I’m the top bank robber,
Nobody can now snitch on me.

Cut five ways,
Joker kills the bus driver.
Steal from the mobsters,
And walk away and get away with it.

**** the batman,
Easy to do?
If the Joker’s good at something,
He gets paid for it too.

Master Wayne too,
What a preposterous and uber-pompous,
But wow – nice bat-suit!
Aug 2019 · 74
Now things are clear,
Four more dead comic men and no more fear.
I’m the top bank robber,
Nobody can now snitch on me.

Cut five ways,
Joker kills the bus driver.
Steal from the mobsters,
And walk away and get away with it.

**** the batman,
Easy to do?
If the Joker’s good at something,
He gets paid for it too.

Master Wayne too,
What a preposterous and uber-pompous,
But wow – nice bat-suit!
Aug 2019 · 62
Secret Cunt A Feel
barricade lest to see the motor clean
****** spent a robotic vent
live for life lost seagull to flight
benefits to smile like you learned quite a while
lead on...learn to touch the billboard style
Secret **** a feel another game of let's make a deal
tragedy lost in reality Spanish society
curse the benefits we shall see

lovers in flight well seem
butterfly rainbow squeeze
a cowboy dressing come apart to those who seem
nurse back the pillows with a smile
another space toward another dial
Aug 2019 · 348
Hot Spice Boy
mottled bookmarks pin  
     tiny fragments of mine.
       pages unfold from within
   and resist to curve behind the time.
       grimaces fade into memoirs.
         suit coats on petit bourgeois
     wink at my shredding guard vest of tin.
           to wipe off those band-aids,
             to slim my baggage sutcase,
       to bury the laundry in silk waters is to see
             it's lifting aloft no casting aground
               so I murmur aloud shunning the clout.
         a biting leech tot under battings of the brick.
               me overlooking my hot spice of a boy
                 is cringy to mimic a sickening coy.
           seems like I'm a worm and blood I eat and drink
                   to transmiss leukocytes all over the globe
                   when my maw is stuffed and my bulge bobes.
         two sides of me rubbed along are two poles.
                 I bite far and I link two organisms
               meds' substitution with itchy feelers
       and a deep chested sweetheart, him I fret.
               when to run my slabber in his blood
             is to dehydrate and self-slenderize me?
     awe-eyed lover man slim'd my tube in size.
           me be loved for a healer then be dumped
         but it's in my cytoplasm and in my blood
   to bottom the gutters as if by dirt under the fingernails.
         a biting thot inside the bloodsucker ***
       seen by people as a nocuous germ.
they may wash their hands with a laundry soap
       everybody is no island, I unrobe my cloth.
     to cut sheets from life diaries isn't tougher any more.
© 4 days ago, Anton   nature  • humor  • personal  • societ
Aug 2019 · 347
With A Tension Limb

mix tongue you met
a heroic vent...
set a swing with a smile
run that extra mile
the storm of the wild
get back Cadillac
strong in position
trying stike nor missing
flow from the ordinary rap..

come and sit next to me
situation make believe
over a brand new leaf

carry on with the natures belt
shadow in the want for more
balance for the power yawn
in the dark arrived at once

Earth Is Own
cement like glue
eat a grinder still
take that one last pill
Aug 2019 · 309
nursed by the child like plow
the bitter sower to shower
eavery word to be chard
Aug 2019 · 79
A Vision Within
A Vision Within

bat the ball
one week to disolve...
leaky fan,
toward the character to sell
built upon a city on high
nicely Detroit
a heros grief
back & forth...

two hearts that bleed
The Sound Of Dragon Fly Sing

pressed beneath the barren press
there is a notion built neglect barren test
touch the onion on its press
built together in olive branch to let go at last
you can see them in the sweat of summer time to reflect
there in the system of respect
Aug 2019 · 78
Get High On Jesus
love is the portion of my joy
love is meant from the love of girl & boy
swept aware the New York mile
borrowed basement pews restore those shoes
onto the grip of a imported French quest
get high on Jesus
you have tried everything else
borrowed basement blues
brain waves chosen shoes
knocked beneath the air of heightened care
bright eye to view just to let me be
pardon the waves in the sea...
Get high on Jesus

swept through skin that train us
in the closure there's the love that binds us
A moment of testing come to change us
without a clue that binds us
shelter in a change that rears us
come close to each other with a kiss
Get high on Jesus

make love not war
sifted through horse to know
Aug 2019 · 78
Body Wire
Body Wire

stay safe
unite the portion
Egypt immeasurable scene
come to take a part of me
chillin down by the wire
Body wire

What has become with the Earth ?
What hath become her pale sister;
see forth the China reason,
blame it on the heart spring ***** in the ground
Aug 2019 · 111
Jim Morrison
strip through the barbed wire fences at second type glances
string along the passion of thick glances through its trances
little one what have we discovered to become bitter with a smile begun
shack through the leaves as if a Cobra glance parade in advance;
love has encountered a token down by the ocean beg a dance pollution
Cidar milk in the radiance to be exposed as we get a bit older,
shaded errie trout enhanced to its mount clear her throat better not chocked...
we mince words by choice carried on by it's romance through the tea leaves,
The Doors (A Tribute To Jim Morrison)

is everybody in ?
the ceremony has begun so wake up...
let's swim to the moon
let's climb to the sky
penetrate each cloud from behind

connect through the smoke screen together like a fly,
Aug 2019 · 73
Love For Sake To Sale
Love For Sake To Sale

that's how we do
the pictoral of things turned blue
hair of shelter to walk the New York mile
child of freedom across the spacious tide
walking through the course;
ladies went to traffic onto the duration of its head
love is the paradox fill
still waiting thrill
The Doors (A Tribute To Jim Morrison)

is everybody in ?
the ceremony has begun so wake up...
let's swim to the moon
let's climb to the sky
penetrate each cloud from behind

connect through the smoke screen together like a fly,
The End
Aug 2019 · 61
A Young Man
Black woods behind the old house,
In front a sloping field of oats;
Above a cloud curves in soft sky
like a silver ball, centered
against the cloud, beating with
Severe, painful clarity...,

The wing of the wounded swan
Below on the old wooden balcony
A young man with white hair
his face the enigma of time

like a portrait in an old medallion
he narrows the oblique eyes
Warmed by the light Wolcott sun
hammered by the heavy light sun

Hammered ivy the storms
poet who writes the hearts dialogue
behind the house the woods grow into night
And wild oats by crazed in dream...

Unknown until this time,
He has become a knowledge of the heart
Aug 2019 · 60
Toxic Furnace
Toxic Furnace

urge to tempt the given residence
page the cove with a zero rolled together
watch as the Waterbury cave is complete
pretty nice looking we charge a huge leap
minus the son taken back
Each day,
I reflect upon,
the precious moments.
When you where, near.
As I sit,
And ponder,
It brings, a joyful tear.
My thoughts,
Linger in yesterday.
Hopes of,
Seeing you.
Again, one day.
Aug 2019 · 79
Whisper To A Shine
Whisper To A Shine

vacuum the ear drop stew
captivated by a smile
a whisper to a shine
bell bottoms figure down
follow your elbow to my best friend
love the outside with a float
pierced through each energy
Aug 2019 · 326
Be A Friend
Be A Friend

Be a channel of strength
Through the power of prayer

When you’re silent
Sometimes we complain and lament
Be a channel of strength
Lord grant us patience
Give us peace
In times of toil
Be a channel of strength
Make us captives loyal

In times of doubt and fear
Draw us near
Be a channel of strength
Through the power of prayer

When you’re silent
Sometimes we complain and lament
Be a channel of strength
Lord grant us patience
Aug 2019 · 72
Whistle While You Work
Whistle While You Work

Sabbath created havoc
march the call of dimes
treasure a red rose
this was plugged inside my mind
getting from behind
inside my mind
Aug 2019 · 361
Cross Your T's Dot Your I's
Aug 2019 · 75
Seek The Light
Benefits to populate what is bright
Aug 2019 · 83
Love Is King
Popular core needs to be found
Aug 2019 · 64
The Furniture Deposit
Aug 2019 · 71
See Beyond The Eight Ball
through the woods march the Albatross to hide...
Aug 2019 · 106
Fade To Grey
Fade To Grey
pillows despare an energy ball of fire to quench one's desire
Aug 2019 · 89
Knowledge Of The Heart
vogue to let go many years ago sweat from my hand when to understand;
Churches with steeples minus the temper goes down better you can know
love in the impart of a strain agreement see its coil from within you see
pillows laced in eneregy forced for eternity let go of longevity see you squeeze
in the nearly barrern sod immediate soil renewed for al words we go
the tourist bound for the circus in God we trust to commit
Rremarkable tourist flood its circumstance

Black woods behind the old house,
In front a sloping field of oats;
Above a cloud curves in soft sky
like a silver ball, centered
against the cloud, beating with
Severe, painful clarity...,

The wing of the wounded swan
Below on the old wooden balcony
A youg man with white hair
his face the enigma of time

like a portrait in an old medallion
he narrows the oblique eyes
Warmed by the ;ight Wolcott sun
hammered by the heavy light sun

Hammered vy the storms
poet who writes the hearts dialogue
behind the house the woods grow into night
And wild oats by crazed in dream...

Unknown until this time,
He has become a knowledge of the heart
Aug 2019 · 54
Transformed Evil
Transformed Evil
transformed the vile torment into justification by faith we look deep
puzzled from the carriage from the unique twain to occur we hear...
shattered by the ambiance of give or take we kneel beneath the spot
tonight I dreamed of barren straights below the ambiance of a hotel
mark the man or women eager to proclaim a whistle in the sky
their she was in the bath tub a liqour dog smile the shining;
we each grow deeper to the barren sound of belonging
a pillow was used to owe a vibration that made a dent

there in the after shock the sky will open up
eager for breakfast transformed in the light of circumstance...
look deeper then ever before all a glow in the marsh field;
walk through a bright corridor paid in the confidence...
barren cliffs above the sea darkened domain let me explain
shelter lies dormant onto a beckoning cry
if you have a problem we groan to solve it

love takes a back seat to fair vengence;
climb each ladder with fluid....
Aug 2019 · 163
Look Out My Window
Look Out My Window

what do I see a belly looking back at me
traffic in catastrophe live in longevity
make music with my mind casting from behind
noise pollution to be found with a yawn
just to make believe in your heart;
loose to pull some teeth ****** with a sheet
look out my window with a smile
just to know a great while
burning bridges across the river Nile;
charmed to cope in the ivory scope
thin minds rob the roof so blind
charm to harm
Aug 2019 · 73
Cops & Donuts
Cops & Donuts

the empire lay beneath a company drain swell inside a living Hell
trace back a dream in the comfort from another left for chance a ***** dance
all right to moisture the touch of the given hand left to understand;
Yes, indeed to wallow among the leaves the treasure to behold
nature lies an increase a billboard for a Tiger rehearsal
run down the flame a burdened shell
tonight the cop with a donut

we shall see him in the outskirts of town;
walking the beat to with hold his charm,
Darkened vanilla away from harm
Kety Perry told you with words alarmed

stretched forth to behold for matters alarmed
Aug 2019 · 71
A Wooden Voice
how more we stunk released the mount cherish the scone
litter billions with a wooden spoon a wooden voice
shake to the bird out in the tree to be accused
central air one word of care  to swallow its curse
believe in bees captivated through the trees
walk toward the hills discovered the means
locked beside an egg white shell
Aug 2019 · 88
A Variation In A Dream
long ago let the truth be told a summon to bargain baseball please...
triumphant please, down to my knees corporate sneak
shattered between what once known onto a perfect home,
Stained glass window through a verse Scottish dull ointment...
Temper left hotter then it is in Grenada
Irish socks twist to lock

a variation in a dream wheree people do scream
love is the essence of my inner existence

solving clouds
Form, fronting on the sun, thy showery prism
And to the sage-instructed eye unfolds
The various twine of light, by
Aug 2019 · 78
Love Is The Essence
long ago let the truth be told a summon to bargain baseball please...
triumphant please, down to my knees corporate sneak
shattered between what once known onto a perfect home,
Stained glass window through a verse Scottish dull ointment...
Temper left hotter then it is in Grenada
Irish socks twist to lock

a variation in a dream where people do scream
love is the essence of my inner existence
Aug 2019 · 157
My Love Runs Deep
the spread a cheek
a sparrow speaks

left words to stand still & repeat
shades of grass a sense to over react

spil the motor watch as you smile
Aug 2019 · 80
Sling Shot
Sling Shot

my hand is amazed...
simplistic strain,
double down fortune
caress the mountain swell
two feet lost in Hell
German Shepherd on you
love in the latest fashion to behold

God will send a portion of dust
in God we trust
bigger then anything to behold
Lord, speak to one heart
empowered by one spirit of God
trace back the portion of dust

come and speak to me !
Sharp Difference Shattered

long ago let the truth be told a summon to bargain baseball please...
triumphant please, down to my knees corporate sneak
shattered between what once known onto a perfect home,
Stained glass window through a verse Scottish dull ointment...
Temper left hotter then it is in Grenada
Irish socks
Aug 2019 · 64
Poetry By Vitale
Poetry By Vitale

The language and images of Mario Vitale's poetry are so closely bound to the natural cycles of seasons, of generations, of the body's functioning, that is surprising to realize how many of his poems deal with loving brevity. But this poetry is not sentimental celebration of the goodness of nature, and harmony with the world is never assumed. The way he captures the tenuousness of this faith, the balance that must be found between the ugliness, the harshness of his history- both natural and social- and its intense beauty, is what distinguishes Vitale's poetry, gives it its depth and dimension

Poetry By Vitale

nestled on my own accord
sheltered on the all aboard
trust in surface wood
like I new I would
love is in transition
blocked by annoyance
Aug 2019 · 106
Fry Dough Scene
today I banged my brakes from when we start to finish
lucky with good & plenty
rising up in the city strokes polite
choose the fallen from its common debris
some hope in that she will marry me
D.D. sandwich and a large Ice Coffee
choice the good and plenty
from the theatre from the round
you may want me around
caped crusader with no shoulder to cry on
like the rich aroma to its timely brew
a splash from the past in order to do something new
beg nor borrow unseal the glue
frankly want for art rich as you can believe
shadows block the vortex

trees stand so timid against the polished abode
saturated in comparison inside my head
teach the good for nothing partinf wayward sea
Good & plenty
she has a name
who are we to blame
please fan the flame
of her desires turned to fantasy
living in a land of make believe
she sits in stone in Hampton Beach
starring out to sea

dazzled from the burden of its stream
sparked her memory
she climbs aboard a field of dreams
watching passersby eat delicious ice cream
fry doe scene
she waits for her mate out to sea
drifting in the hallow of gross sin

she waits and pretends
her heart is pure her nature is of respect
gone are the days of neglect
Lady of the sea in time will be set free
Aug 2019 · 80

in the sky a sweet lulabye as time clearly goes by
filter through a tenacious sing to help you get along
love in the prism glow exposed to the trees
start spreading its disease want to say please
purple haze
Aug 2019 · 126

Away from me my fellow please
Awake through the channel unfold
their lives the bricks and stones
somedays are being left all by their own
stayed a long way from home
the dine and the fig
always looking out for you
pajamas frozen
distant cousins
stones will play
inside her head
the way she slept
then made her bed
falling stones
Aug 2019 · 90
Endorse Her
Endorse Her

alligator minute ago;
endorse her my brother
saddened each other
A long way Northern from Las Vegas
endorse her my sister
shoulder my cousin
long to discover
bells & blankets
Hence, speak of a genuine kiss
hard to resist
treasure that is in the midst
Aug 2019 · 89
Tough Enough
Tough Enough

Spring in touch
more then enough
love to encounter
try me brother
look for another
face in the window
encounter in the night
never relent to ever give up on the fight
Aug 2019 · 96
Sweet Harmony
Sweet Harmony

the southern door opened
deliver instead a storm warning
protest are devided among men
beginning to fall on mass shooting
A pulse within us
like a famous painting from the late Bob Ross
pulling away haunts us most
Star fish hero miss
Sweet harmomy making sweet history
enjoy pepper from the vine
made from his crafted design
Aug 2019 · 136

Execute us,
venture on the trust
amidst a mess;
sorrowful by way of a kiss
in God we trust
carry away the certain weight
tempo release concept
hurt a human on display
Foxwoods, terror in your soul
there in heaven where we bow down below
Buried as in a busy bee
that was years ago
Pump up the beat to promote it's tempo
out of silence leads with flat of glass
Bury me beside the tranquil sea
pardon sweet memory
Aug 2019 · 82
Send Forth The Nigga
Twisting your roundabout flows
into hazy smoky rooms
where consciousness then grows
without reducing one gloom.
silent gloom among the never world
left safety for personal freedom
Chards of pure relation there comes the disco

Simpe minds with simple taste
ice cream cake has left a dent
send forth the *****...
stop the prejudice,
Aug 2019 · 150

word onto men left me to pretend bull's eye in the sky sweet lulaby
nature has a way to pretty words to display...
hallow leaves to comfort the soul painted on from years ago
wide eyed comfort out of a fragrance;
sweet loving fragrance...
Aug 2019 · 67
Silence Awaits
frightened said I during a faint lulabye chose hemp to get high
wired, through an ovation in a dream where people are able to scream
Silent Lucidity, come take a hold of me as people are being set free
Freedom, to wander face behind an elbow blond take a hold of monkey wild
See me through a united front, walk through fire as did Helen hunt
pictures sequence on the unknown barbed wire did swing,
Silent Lucidity blocked in the eye of certain magnitude heat.
below there are pillars that make the no it all sing

visible tree elapsed to the center of al the gravity
pay for the pager that was let loose many years ago
falling pillars gives you the secret to let go

fill up the certain hound of piece right there in the center...
As I walk through each days passage of time with hope filled renewal
got to pretend at the new party scene;
your as cold as ice make you both think twice

Each new day there is a hero that sings...,
Aug 2019 · 93
Zombie Torch
utmost desire coming down to the midnight wire
shooting desire on the tapestry to hope to taste
love is sin heelp to begin coffee ring cyclone sting
beggar trace make no mistake patterns to help see the sun
rainbow when evening falls she'll come to me soft and warm to touch the face
we believe we touch the rainbow right away to the sun on ships of wonder
lives not unreal we'll count the door...,

Dio left to meet the tempo here we go
outside when winds collide,
we near believe we shall touch the rainbow
the lights not the wheel from shades made of steal count the door

venture through a haze...,
there's a distant light it's all right
sail above the sky
shadows flock the sane debris

love is taunt to you peace to the world take you to the star
Rainbow slow to fountain
close the door to reality
best fits the zombie clock
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