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Feb 2018 · 376
Lydia my Sweet Lydia let down your flowing hair
her eyes glisten through the sunset port
harbor respects for passion & lust
you had been mindful in the past
dream big to heavens port
of long ago passing dreams

when I look deep into your eyes Lydia
I can see my future
filled with hope for a better tomorrow
through the flames of sorrow sweet Lydia
a pearl of deep desires reflects your heart

I saw you shiver in the rain
as you drenched your coat in sullen boots
minutes ago a tender smile would flow
gives cadence to the simple
as a beacon of light
to a much hurting word in need of love

Lydia my dearest Lydia as a fawn is groomed in late pastures fell
your charm and warmth is so hard to tell
a challenge to be free is a quest of time
your heart is an opened door until we meet in heaven
Feb 2018 · 134
look deep in my eyes you shall see the karma of my lasting legacy willing to achieve
took a zip line down to my baby's grind sought out peace for a sure fire sweet relief
rolling them bones in the back of the joint have a 5th in my hand you all understand
made my first grand at the tender age of thirteen washing dishes busy as a bee
come and sit neck to me a story of a homeboy being capped in the knee

there's a whole host of rubbers when your in trouble make my Martini strong on the double
just like Fred & Barney Rubble need to keep your head up no its not some set up
wear your Sundays best yes life is a big test but now we rest
flirting with fire blowing it up in the most fullest desire coming down to the wire
music is in my blood just like a cow chews on its cud kinda sweep some things under the rug

there's magic in the music scene rolling out the red carpet like a village queen
living in a land so very mean got one foot in heaven the others in hell
but I got a good story to tell two rappers in the night looking so bad for a fight
one hand on the mic the other on the floor sweep blood off the floor sweeping for more
plenty plenty stop shopping at J.C Penney spinning records the best way they can

soaring to new heights that is their right a good cause to focus filled with cement shoes singing the blues
Freddie Mercury died of aids but he isn't a distant memory folks come sit next to me
there's a promise that's made in the dark coming to its fullest light
bitter sweet liqour the ***** was holding my finger don't call me late for dinner

it's a crowning achievement to stay in the zone you maybe home all alone
try to be mindul stay in the moment when you take a shower feel the warmth on your back
here the birds chirping outside the smell of the perfume scent love the decor of the room
treasure a red rose that was plucked a time before you gave your old lady making gravy
not to shady we meet in the middle playing second fiddle as you may dribble
things come and go but this much I know we bust up the beat to promote the tempo
Jan 2018 · 108
Real Talk
bruh, there's a lot going on with your life you got school and responsibilitties
yet lets get back to the basics of love where we start to care deeply for each other
keep a quiet date to set your claim where you can breath & stay in the game
in quiet moments such as these come to your inner senses let go of all hate

practice what you preach even share this in the streets where peeps do meet
inside you may want to hide behind four walls that ruin ya'll know what your doing
Smile with your head lifted up to the sky as your slated time passes by
let there be no mistake we need to calm down and meditate take a deep breath in

yeah, I know you got drama in your life a taste of bitter spice but this will pass
stay true to yourself just like a soldier going out to war calm your nerves down
Honor your father and mother my brother that things may go well with you
although deep inside you may want to run away and hide that's a bad idea

shoot from the heart you will light the inner spark to where you need to go
stop your swearing even though that could be tough but it pays to have good conduct
never rush pushing others ver the edge stand your ground instead of painting the town
Real talk from me to you from the heart stay true cause your the only one you got
Jan 2018 · 144
The Violin
the violin was playing out in the corridor then a faint drawn out sound
in walks in a passing fare maiden skin pale and fainting from the heat
an exquisite bar was serving drinks down at the Prior Square experience
a glance to the left you can see the scenic view of the ocean with seagulls

remember me in times like these the pressing heart to a sweet homily
there's power in a song as it hit the strings
elps one get along sought after cadence
do not be afraid of a vision for it will teach you of what is to become
silently at night in my bed I dream of a demonic presence taking me away and dropping me

Breath deep through each attempt of extravagance yet at a glance it fades in the sunlight
Brandished through the ivy dressed with a taste of salt pete sipping tea alone
we stand erected to embrace its logical persuasion through the village gate
best to comtemplate the given addage of brevity along with a glimpse of cadence

At night the villagers get together for a dance to celebrate the order of the day
pier long in the deep manifestation of an audience plagued with vast new ideals
decor of decorated lavish attendees in the Prior Square holing hands
times like these are but far in few between
Jan 2018 · 70
This Is The Real Me
This Is The Real Me

how does one become a poet in a **** hole of existence
we run a muck through the give and take of sought through cadence
I'm bipolar, suicidial & psychophrenic
I've been hospitalized for an extensive stay
suffer in silence through depression deep in thought
yet in group I seek comfort for being mindful of my actions
groping my way through the enterprise
days I have panic attacks sweat episodes
this is the real me

I see two cats at the edge of my bed that aren't there
see the eye of the Alan Parsons project on my door
I'm manic one moment and bipolar the next
take a good **** that I scream inside for help
I'm in classes seeking help for my depression
was denied social security three times

what the **** am I here for
for I exist as a vapor then I am no more
lingering, unfolding & loving
I have a good heart
yet I wear a pamper do to falling **** that comes out my stead
I'm wrapped up with emotions
yet I'm continuing to play on the one guitar string I'm being dealt.
haven't worked since 2015
living off of my mother's help for now
I'm telling you the truth this time no sugar coating it.
Jan 2018 · 133
Lift Up The Banner Of love
Lift Up The Banner Of Love

lift up your heads don't be misled
through days of reached cadence let loose
don't be a reck lose to the shoes
yesterdays news will sing its blues
we must be willing to choose
light of all knowing laughter with peace
spreading the great news with dancing feet

columns of pillars languished as gold
beautiful notion of time to unfold
heroes block the vortex of the eye
a straddling passerby
why does one equate logic with fear
all should draw so ever near
all in fun with good cheer

beautiful duration of a souls fixation
tempers of fire blowing up in its fullest desire
a pathway to peace with sorted dancing fet
a good way to meet & greet
love has languished promises bares a promise
in the long run filtered through the sun
Jan 2018 · 125
Do Not Be Afraid
Look at the greatness of Mother Nature
Springtime wakes the tree
a dream, a bud, a flower
Inside the fruit a kernel
A visual precious hope
Through Believe comes Perseverance,
Through Perseverance comes the Faith
And Faith then foster Hope
All fruits of Love and Beauty
out of a spring loosened to ports unknown
we then scramble for existence
there is a direct revelation
carbon copy bandits
in it's cool wonder to be heard
love laughs to an explosion of sorts
a great report to suffer alone

here I lie on a bed of roses
some may decline to tickle one's noses
but by choice one is explosive
the following of a great explosion
keep everything quite clean
get a part of the scene
love is a science needs to flow
choose which way you should go
love is here to stay
do not be afraid
a lot of different  bigotry
its not a surprise its not a shock
orchestra of the ****
what possibly can take place in Korea
the current developments of nano
police brutality
whenever your being distracted ultimately you should have been paying attention
let's get back to what we know to be focusing on
if a man wants to build a wall to keep people out somethings wrong
"Fetching water with leaking bowls
Filled with lots of lost tadpoles
Coal bad governance unending scroll
I am indifferent about **** hole."
Jan 2018 · 98
Cool Like That
It's on point
that's no doubt
we fight, ***** & pout
yet through a glossy field
in rich ardent plains
I'm cool like that
a real fat cat
the cry of relief
through the elegant bed sheets
in times well spent in thought
I'm cool like that
trigger the harmony
In it's longevity
things are getting a bit heavy
are you all ready ?
Jan 2018 · 143
Believe In Hope
through the duration of time to think sublime
heroes are made through like hellos
the wrestling with the window
one to embark on its solstace
throughout the duration of time so fine
with love to climb upon
long lines formed in desolation
burst inside with appreciation
live long &  prosper
keep your mind in heavenlies
illusively through a dream
meadows are plain in view
horizons of beautiful personifications
each door we close there's always one opened
search your heart to help impart the meaning
believe in hope
so far to cope
down to your last thin rope
love has hope we can share
let's look above to the heavenly love
sare with others a brand new you
Jan 2018 · 249
Mario William Vitale
Mario William Vitale
A Connecticut Yankee with a sensitive heart,
a poet who is always thankful when we
comment on his creative work and polite
to others who are just beginning to write.

A gentleman and poet who enters contests
testing the waters of unknown hosts who
might be overly critical and not so kind,
Mario raises himself above the negativity,
realizing that there are ways to conquer
with kindness and truth by sharing his
philosophy throughout his groups.

Mean-spirited people are not his cup of tea,
similar to rubbing salt in an open wound,
Mario believes that there is goodness in
most people as he is an encourager who
believes in bringing out the best of his AP
family throughout the years.

If I could I would bake Mario a pizza with
everything on it except anchovies for being
so empathetic to all.
Jan 2018 · 86
Illumination II

illumination through a blessed brigade
to bask in the great expanse between time & space
equate logic for love swept underneath the rug
pulling teeth out in the street with dancing feet
love is in action to what we can fashion
it's as simple as asking in your visitation
columns of piers shelter through my fears
we must embrace this time of love's design
each new day is a stepping stone falling headlong alone
love can reach the tender heart to impart

listen to the wind the wind of my soul
hearts torn in ambition through its restitution
do you all know what you are doing
through varied trials and tribulations
one must never be faking
time heals wounds
yet time waits for no one
let us stand as one to be honored as one
each of us has been given a choice
we roll in a voice of simplicity
Strangers In A Strange Land II

There I was completely wasted, out of work and down
All inside it's so frustrating as I look inside
through a barricade getting lost in a haze
decorated doorways pierced with a lively apparel
as light as a nail thick as a brick
search inside to find what needs to be fixed
a toast to sullen brevity
a drop in the pan made for me to understand
tragedy it's own best commodity
choices with voices learn in rehearsels
one equated logic with fear to shed a single tear
we can only take so much in life
amidst it's given strife
the spice of life
love lingers on in deep apparel
through the throttle on a bottle we shall learn
balance is power
to become transparent
what's the confidence
throughout every circumstance
to take time to breath
love is gained it also has lost
humanities heaviest of cost
Jan 2018 · 159
outside his window they hover over

through gallows of granduer to endure


great wisdom comes from above given to him

through temples of fire long lines alone


Tyson was used to providing

learn to take each new day in perspective


never let them leave you second guessing

I must clearly confess


The birdman was a dreamer

a no it all talker falling apart at the seams


a closet king in a world so very mean

destined for soaring heights tonight in flight


there was a lesson to be learned

the birdman goes for a watch


chooses it’s greatest need watch as some may bleed

out of every circumstance learn to take part in the dance


super sized surprise through it’s twisted lines

look deep within my friend


columns of piers we shed a single tear

for all to draw ever nearer
Jan 2018 · 93
Surprised By Grace
Each day
each passing hour
one word of confidence
to advance to take part in the dance
loving each other further everyday
in cadence we will love
through love we can grow
another flower grows
each new episode we are lost in love
this comes out of a hand up above
discuss us a reason of service

amidst the circumstance to take part in the dance
long ago let the truth be told
you can verge ahead a face filled with lead
learn to count your many blessings
start confessing and trusting
health is what I'm aiming for
a vast opened door lest I implore another ploy
love is the glue that draws us nearer
the helpinng hand of a man
life is what we make it most just fake it
in somber moments of timeless plight
forget the night the day is far too spent
Jan 2018 · 80
Captivated By A Smile
Captivated By A Smile

Nevert & O'jay's
this much I pray
some things don't come out that way
through fallen leaves through thick trees
days of fun in the sun surface through your room in curage to go on
restless walking and surviving
life is busy spent when your making other plans
through the trees laden with keys
in ardent weather light as a feather

each day one lives is a new lesson of course
onto cell block nine was locked up in the zone
not sense we created a home all alone
in caged barbaric circumstance
learn to take part in the dance
a miracle vested trance
long to recapture a faith with wonder
the pulling out of choices with true voices
time is where the hopes and dreams
solace in the brigade of a passing fade
captivated by a smile
still to know all the great while
Jan 2018 · 106
Voices In My Head
the voice of Christ
come to me with sweet tranquility
a peace that passes all understanding
listening before speaking
to the dull moonlight in the Hamptons

A reason of being with the changing of the seasons
voice of darkness
wants me to burn in the pit
It doesn't give a ****
mountains of madness ensues to take over

A voice of reason is by choice
to hear a power greater then self
perhaps to put that book right back on the shelf
Jan 2018 · 109
Lock up the wolves 2
Lock Up The Wolves 2

I listen to my words but they fall far below
I'll never make the same mistake
carnality lifting through the extreme
blinded decorum of harmful interludes
there isa cave with evil twisted ways
caverns filled with darkened conclaves
dark viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side

the highway indian spirit burning riding on Hell's highway
the sound of a motorcycle engine exploding
a sound of laughter beneath it's swell
a highway to Hell
decorated plains headed as nomadic tribesmen
darkened caverns of high volume of steel
in the darkened dungeon in the pit of death
when no one cares or gives a ****
the motorcycle gang was coming out swinging
a crowd of social anarchy in the midst
the less a man thinks then so he does
we sweep things underneath the rug
here we celebrate in a new caged swing
the way the fallen apart at the seams
the wolves were in a tragic scene
things falling apart at the seams
beady little eyes with blood off side
locked away in the solitude of the moment
caged barbaric conquest through the battle
black smoke of radiating heavy metal exploits
Dec 2017 · 145
Jesus Rap
who do you think you are
we had it made in our sin
until the day you came in
you came to us as a little baby in the manger
leading others out of danger
rap through the rhyme for the rhyme with the reason
we see you in the changing of the season
Godly man I am
happiness is my pursuit
so cross this godly man
i'll have blades at both shoulders
im knighting you.
like a great lord i sit on a throne
they crossed the godly man
they were all in the wrong
they did anything just to please us
then just explained to you about the death of
got to take even higher as you follow him
no reason to pretend he is your best friend man
we see him in the city getting pretty busy
watching going fishing seeing what he's catching
go and tell all your friends Jesus is for us come join the chorus
so arm me with harmony and come join the Gospel army
Jesus was a cool dude forty days without food,
devil tried to tempt him but that's okay,
He's got love on his face,
no disgrace,
He's spreading his love all over the face,
saying, "We will, We will do right"
saying, "We will, We will do right"
Satan got a little frustrated, couldn't believe he couldn't take him down,
With his lies of promises and prosperity,
Jesus said, " Satan get behind me, devil you're beneath me!"
Because of Jesus we can stand proud and say,
"we will, we will do right!" (like Jesus in the Bible days)
"we will, we will do right!"

Satan took him to a mountain high, said Jesus you can fly,
You are the king, surely the angels would not let you die,
Jesus said, "Tempt me no mo', Satan you've got to go!"
We're following Jesus Christ our Savior,
and now we flow,
"we will, we will do right (like Jesus in the Bible days)
"we will, we will do right, do right!"
Dec 2017 · 169
Tale of the little fairy
I found a little fairy
someone had discarded on the ground.
I picked her up
put her in my pocket.
Never again will she be alone.
She can now sit on my desk
as she has found a new home.
If I have, any wishes
I hope she will grant them to me.
This little fairy I found
someone had discarded on the ground
Given me hundreds of years ago,
My name has a meaning you shall know:
It means, in the speech of the bygone folk,
"Smoke of the Earth" - a soft green smoke!

A wonderful plant to them I seemed;
Strange indeed were the dreams they dreamed,
Partly fancy and partly true,
About "Fumiter" and the way it grew.

Where men have ploughed
or have dug the ground,
Still, with my rosy flowers, I'm found;
Known and prized by the bygone folk
As "Smoke of the Earth" -
a soft green smoke!
See the rose-berried Spindle
All to sunset colours turning,
Till the thicket seems to knindle,
Just as thugh the trees were burning.
While my berries split and show
Orange-coloured seeds aglow.
One by one my leaves must fall;
Soon the wind will take them all.
Soon must fairies shut their eyes
For the Winter's hushabies;
But, before the autumn goes,
Spindle turns to flame and rose!
the little fairy was a timid creature
living in her world of sunbeams and moon lit glares
children used to notice the way the would shift & fly
out of a frenzy  of beautiful cadence there lies an opened door
Dec 2017 · 215
Rock it Don't Stop It
rolling in my pit not giving a **** quick to become undone out having a bit of fun
excuse me but this jam has to rhyme as I bust up the tempo from behind
back in the city looking at girls so very pretty fast cars with local bars
falling apart with the tears cheap beers strength within its fears
unto the next episode that's how we roll down to the liquor store
each of us dreams of both kings and queens with the evil ***** screams
going take down to the neighborhood like you knew I would out strolling in the hood
drinking Jimmy Bean in my new jack swing I got the hook up logical persuasion
rhymes I hold let the truth be told cause I broke the mold for i create to procreate call it fate
going take you back to the old school when I was so cool rock the house right through
these are working mans hands you all understand fish in pan making the plans
inhale the caviar with the wine then everything is so fine from behind
looking to make a deal with the phone in my hand listen if you can
y magic wand turns the beat of the song can't we all just het along
nothing heavy when I'm driving in my Chevy rock steady and I'm ready
shooting pool losing my cool I'm the nature's clown everybody's fool
hit me from below bust up the beat to increase the tempo maybe manic you know
caged in barbed wire set you straight as a gun for hire sipping on my favorite wine
the streets are not for phony's ******* want to ******* act like they own  ya
stuck in the middle playing second fiddle as I go back cour on the dribble

Speak to me in hallowed out dreams with the ******* scream eating ice cream
I'm the microphone fiend with the stick in my hand ya'll understand cause I'm
protected, effective and fresh
putting you all to the test as my tender beats drop boogy down to the socks
the wind will blow on both girl and boy lest i implore another opened door to explore
serious lover cause you got me undercover smoking fat blunts in the back of my trunk
Subaru what's new with you watching old school News in review
life is a battle like a cowboy beside their cattle working on their rattle
moving faster going to prepare you for the great here after as in everything is finer
nothing could be finer then to be her ****** in the morning ******* moaning
***** ain't nothing but meat on the bone i'll **** it i'll **** it I'll leave it alone
just wait your turn one soul will rise while the other will burn
society is filled with negativity so I hide from thee to be set free eternally squeeze
going to knock to to your knees start spreading its disease as busy as a bee

Keep the flow going to know who she blowing got fish for frying I ain't lying
life is a mystery in my living out my sweet legacy comes down to you & me
fresh as 89 working on a newer line catch me as a dine everything is fine
party in the sheets came for a meet and greet going to take a peak
blowing apart at the seams in a land so very mean plug the president has it become evident
working in his high off tower is the great no it all liar burning with desire
we need to get together we are in for some stormy weather stay light as a feather
years ago let the truth be told you will do as you are told until the very rights to you are sold
carry on with the music cause i got the pops don't pop don't pop make ginger pop
reality is my mission my claim is what I'm dishing got nice dreams ahead rap riddle in my head...

See I'm going to be a star you see living out my fresh legacy I got big dreams that will last with all my friends
Dec 2017 · 598
babys hair with a womans eyes
lips so sweet she is a treat
Summertime out playing in the park
with baby's breath the lavender scent quest

Samantha was her name
loved to be loved with a peaceful heart to impart
she loved horses and her boyfriend to
keeping quiet in her garden with beautiful flowers adorned

the trees were her friend whom she grew to depend out of silence from within
she cried that day her boyfriend left her but he never did forget her
for he was a soldier going off to war
news came back to Samantha that he was killed in a battle

she was so heart broken but found out she was pregnant with his child
a lovely baby came in the world a girl as if in a dream
raised her baby well that was until
she had run out of money running on empty

had to give the baby up for adoption yet this wasn't her option
suffering Samantha deep inside
she ran away to her garden suffering in silence deep inside
there a beautiful angel met her told her she was called to be a dear sister among the blessed order of the Mt. Claire nuns...

she was deeply relieved more then ready to achieve
praying, meditating and loving
many years would pass at every reason to grasp
a knock came at her door for it was

none other but her little girl
This time all grown up as a woman with flowers in her hair
A loving embrace but Samantha had insisted with faith her call was to honor Jesus
but she couldn't resist to have visits from her daughter

A moment lived out in history
where at times life can be a great mystery
Samantha had achieved great dignity with belief.
Dec 2017 · 132
The love I Know
it happened years ago in 1979
invited Jesus to come into my heart
this would light the inner spark
to where I needed to go

pitter patter of soft sandle feet
we would both meet & greet
worship at his feet
one day at a time sweet Jesus

that's all I'm asking of thee
then when i was thirteen
starring up in the clouds to see his face
he is the peace that passes all understanding

living inside of me hide me away from society
a very good reason to believe
from hanging on a tree
to coming to live inside of you & me

for I look to the sea
reflections on the way spark my memories
some happy and sad
think of childhood friends and the dreams we had

Jesus is for us a quest to rejoice
out of his great love he shared
so never fear or drop a single tear
as he may whisper in your ear

his love was such that he suffered so much
just to cause some of us to follow
the love I know
Dec 2017 · 168
The Wind Crys Mario
The wind crys Mario to far off places above
a mere notion of beauty with the flight of angelic wings
sweet sentiments of charity deep inside of me
a vibrant taunt mystery I came to believe

You got to be strong in this life
once this is over you don't get a second chance
to roll the dice twice
vanity often blinds me from my hope of attaining eternity

with nothing more left inside of me
I'm still living out my legacy
the wind crys Mario on my face from below
with a faint humble song get along

Each new day is a great blessing
may leave one secod guessing
the flames of resistance form
in each circumstance turned

Longing to take part in the dance
hello it's me again
won't you be my friend ?
take me to the beach

try to catch that frisbee so very out of reach
the Lord alone cares for my every need
Dec 2017 · 149
Got My Game On
Got My Game On

got my game on playing basketball in the back lot down at Sandy Dr.
watermelon, chicken with grits not to mention those delicous ****
call me on my cell uptown when I'm in trouble make my Martini strong like on the double
relaxing smoking fat blunts on the side thank you Jesus I'm still alive
flirting with fire is no way my bed for desire but sometimes it can take you hire
the streets are now empty the crib is just fine sipping on my cherry wine
later on i'll take a cruise if i'm in the mood ringing those bells knocking them boots
***** ain't nothing but meat on the bone I'll **** it I'll **** it i'll leave it alone
every dog needs its brand new bone as I'm along way from my home
Naw, my girl is a queen in her own little making always in the kitchen frying up the bacon
there she sits in the middle of the room in her robe with no clothes underneath
I take a peak and she falls apart then I make my start to wander through her body
Marvin Gaye was right get up let's make love tonight without a fight
Cause i need a lady who is ready for *** lest i confess its a big test we sweat

Arm me with harmony got these dope rhyme in me falling apart at the seams
Each new day I pray to rock the hip hop while I eat my pop rocks boogy down to the socks
Dreams of better times thoughts of blowing it up with a nursery rhyme get much deeper
Follow me I got big dreams eating my nice ice cream ******* scream
There can be no other brother who will want another blast from the past tend to over react
Comedy is the creation of a genius but this much I dismiss its the battle for you mind
Staying up late working on my rhyme getting it in check and in line everythings fine
Praying for a miracle as i go to the next level taking the ball to dribble down the middle
Inside we hide behind four walls of steel claiming its no big deal you know the drill
Used to be customary to hold open the door for your neighbor but today its not favor
Used to pray but today you insist it ought not be that way
Rap can either make you or break you be on top or stop you but there's no curfew
Someday soon I'm going to see my name up in lights cause I'm a ruler not the follower
Big mansion with fast cash advances often second glances in its romances

Think of L.L. Cool J and the way he has a humble display bruh is always charming
Look to the likes of Nas, Akon & Fetty Wap homeboys do think a lot
Create in me a great rhyme so i'm on time blowin up the charts playing darts
Light em up if you got them cause its moving too fast with these hot tracks such a blast
Sooner or later we need to take time out to talk with the creator hoping for a Christmas miracle cause I got new material
Unction  junction what's your function you got one bun in the oven
going to be preaching to the streets like M.C. Hammer & Reverand Run having some fun
Life is what you make it while living the dream streets can be very mean
Trump trying to take away old peeps Medicare like he cares doesn't ever tear
while he sits in his ivory tower working on his wall that no it all
but I like to look at positive things where people seem to be getting ahead not some face filled with lead...
I'm a freak in sheet going taking you down tonight why resist and fight its out of sight
Got my game on when things go wrong so nows a good enough time to end this song (Word)
we met at a dance from the back of the auditorium alone you were there
caressed your hand with my glove as a maiden flower that you were
crisp clear day until the rain came then she was beside herself
engulfed from the tender memories of when she was but a little child
honey bees with the melting of the blowing of the breeze hearts next to me
she grew sad now that the rain came down with her velvet eyes crying with tears of remorse
hopless said she in her land of make believe filled up her dreams
life is but a mystery draped across the tapestry of sullen apathy
a challenge to be free was a question of time she yawned in disbelief
now filled with sorrow se could help but feel sorrow then the tears flowed again lest i refrain
simple pleasure with simpler times with a plate of chesse a some store bought wine
billows fell beneath the squeeky wheel exposed to the very mere notion of laughter
tears became a mountain filled with pillows of desolation thoughts of her jewelry box
a wooden drawer with socks amids the moth ***** for this humble no it all
she is gone now in passing she sometimes comes to me in a dream with beautiful flowers
sweet perfumed personifications laced with white ivory emblems to taunt
then I awake to nothingness keeps me in great suspense until now that I'm old
let the truth be told of decorations in the parlor with grey cat sitting on a wooven mat
for I remember the place and will remember the time I held her in my arms to embrace

Now shallow peaks align the ridge where I treasured a red rose that was plucked a time ago
nestled bellow near the cobblestone a wooden structure with a broken hand let the reader understand...
thoughts of pop rocks with loli pops filter through my fragile egg shelled mind I'm going blind
ave a sip of coffee and give my foot a push,
Remembering simpler times with crazy door bell chimes with nursey rhymes
it has become customary for me to stare at the barren wall with long ago bullet holes to enhance my imaginative thought pattern
braided hair she used to wear with a touch of blush for make up when she was in a rush
yet now I awake to what ?
there is a time such as this that I don't really give two *****
busting out in the rap scene like a circling tornado fiend
everyday there's a new Jack  swing as suckers hide from me
Society something stuck in side of me brothers tend to hide from thee
yet I tend to disagree can post it on my homily for what one is willing to achieve
yes  I confess always got something stuck up my sleeve living out my legacy
with happier times of what one is willing to achieve come and sit next to me
these are hard times you see living in a world that do what they please
start spreading its disease you will be a pacifier ***** with a switch
suckers want to beat me bust up the economy take what's inside you see
so come help yourself like your a caged barbaric Keebler Elf
put that book right back on the shelf let things surf
East Coast West Coast still in the zone just after watching Home alone
old school new school that's how we rule help to bring home the family jewel
you still after me it will end in such a catastrophe yet what are we willing to achieve
knocking the boots that is our right even over the edge at the dull of night
we all need to stay strong like Rodney King & Lynn Swan

suckers want to battle me but I bust up the beats to compliment me
the devil is inside you playing second fiddle while i'm out there stuck in  the middle
Hotel, Motel & Holiday Inn let the battle begin bring the noise with all your toys
both girls and boys holding your own with your haned on the phone i'm full grown
I'm a man with the plan working on my tan you understand
50 cent hasn't made a dent to what i got in mind you see
I'm the over weight lover still undercover waiting to be discovered
so pull your sheets over bring all your friends over and recline at the sofa
some folks want to steal your dreams in some twisted schemes falling apart at the seams
got to move ahead instead girls be out giving head suckers get a face full of lead
out in the streets where people meet we got to come clean some head getting a bit mean
the moral of this story is to wake up in morning glory hearing this dope joint swing

Rap is heavy with beats from my head down to me feet taking it to the street
loli pop in your mouth some suckers tend to ***** and pout but you got to get away
free style on your turn table dial taking a lesson from Grand Master Flash who is so fresh
Suckers on stand by watching ******* flock just to get high reading Catcher & The Rye
roll up this is a hold up ain't nothing funny but the sound of the money
nothing phony I came here to get down got one foot in heaven but the others in hell
start ringing my bell (Word) I exist as a vapor then I am no more
got to grab some lotion off of Petty Coat Junction so what's your function
learning a lesson in confessing leaves you second guessing
so follow your dreams and eat some delicious ice cream my beauty queen
got to wax that *** fine right from behind peeps do shine got me in a bind
every day I'll climb up the ladder raps getting fatter enough of this chatter
Nov 2017 · 156
Peeps Come Together II
there is a fountain hidden with peace in our society to set mens hearts free
folks its time we came together no matter what the weather & smile
for we know all the great while that its hip to be square no matter what you wear
its an anything goes no holds bars mentality given out to you & me
teachers tend to teach while preachers reach out to preach
each of of us is responsible you see for holding their own mentality inside of you & me
some say its all make believe living in a land of kings and queens
very few have a clue in what to do biting off more then they could ever chew
some even hide it all inside because of their pride

a challenge to be free is a question of time
bust up the hip hop beats and a great rhyme
going to a new jack swing where people often sing
freedom isn't necessarily free so that's the reality inside of you & me
as we graduate we tend to meditate on all that false bias and hate
folks need to come together no matter what the weather all the better
the closer we get to the summit then we can take a peak
rationalize with all that flys in the neighborhood hustlers getting busted
in God we trusted may have gotten rusted but the message still stand you all understand

just like Magilla Gorilla you got my caught in the middle playing second fiddle
with hoops dreams i deliver sipping on my forty for recovery so don't you even try to bother me...
sipping on something nice will make you think about things twice
but I'm still around with the sound getting down
its a rage in the cage so watch your freakin age and behave
always with the fast money but you don't bother checking on your honey
she acting a little bit crazy pushing up daisies getting a little lazy
need to come together as one as such was Big Pun having fun
ashes to ashes dust to dust put your main hope in the one you trust
Motel, Hotel, Holiday Inn we are all here to win the game you understand my friend

Superman was out of sight even earning his wings at the edge of night with such a fight
Course you got the likes of Shaggy with ****** rolling up a fat doobie
ain't nothing to it just got to go through it each step i took with a different look
shape dreams with your hair my pretty child choose the day you might want to pray
together forever we shall shine all you critics can just kiss my fat behind
in time we shall shine if we don't let go with the beat attached to the tempo we go
Come together peeps as you get busy in your sheets bust a nut in a rut please
Crazy lady driving a blue Nova just a roll over the shoulder bolder holder
Peeps are just jealous when they have to take notice
Nov 2017 · 266
Wax On Wax Off
walk inside my mind to a journey deep inside
personifications of laughter filter through the caverns
alone I bask in the vast expanse between that of space and time
there is a river with lava beside its strange presence
dig much deeper then ever before lest I implore another opened door

solitude is among me now with the ever glow of an aura of twilight
giving cadence toward the premonition of branches proceeding outward
come with your hurt come with your need to such a place as these
lucid dreams falling apart at the seams getting down to the very means
The thought of Andy Griffith with Opie so very care free fishing down by the pond

each of us is responsible for our actions we can't blame anyone but ourselves
walk inside my mind once again to when i was ten sitting under the Elm tree gazing to the sky
crafted a fascination of soaring space ships from outer space would invade my place
in good taste I would create those moments of love from god up above

alone again then I stare at the wall but in the back of my mind I heard my conscience call
reach for oblivion if someone gives you the opportunity say yes then learn it later
life is a roller coaster with twists and turns one soul soars the other will burn
best to invest in charity getting knocked down to your knees

apathy comes in a variety inside of me to hide from thee
there is a hero in us all so stand up ten feet tall
choices with voices with moments of solitude
give thanks to the one who sets us all free cause most of life is but a mystery

for what are we willing to achieve mark the one willing to explore awe so much more
a challenge to be free is a question of time remember when you were broke down to your last thin dime...
in time we sall shine brighter then ever before lest of course I implore another door
wax on wax off Mr Miyagi said it best putting Daniel to the test I must confess:
"Better learn balance cause balance is the key" !

Wax on wax off always do your best cause most of life is but a test
yet off the cuff here I send out a cheer to all those who persevered
best to offer positive reinforcement then any negative thoughts
Wax on wax off in the midnight hour have to take a cold shower
Nov 2017 · 310
Follow Your Heart
Magic breathes life in our hearts
Destiny resides in our souls
Our path now shimmers unshadowed by the night
With one embrace partnered by a tender kiss, the bounds

of time and distance crumble through fingers like drifting
grains of sand
Dream time is the place where I am alive
Green eyes ripple into lipid pools where miracles draw me

to your heart
I am free to swim by your side until the sun sets and
rises with you again
Nov 2017 · 135
Peeps Need To Be Strong !!!
Peeps Need To Be Strong

alright drop the beats
got this fire burning hotter inside of me
don't want to get the best of me
sitting here drinking my forty why should I worry
everything today's a joke including the pope so why we faint
taking to long to watch paint dry you catch me on the fly
got these dope rhymes locked for this homeboy do think a lot
Snoop is with me burning up the ****** hold inside you see
today its the walking dead faces filled with lead
tombstones for eyes in their heads
but folks want to battle me while I'm out working on my legacy
its plain to see good rappers like me I'm the over weight lover Mario Vitale making sweet history...

the moral of this story is peeps need to be strong & can't we all just get along
funny how the time does fly another sucker hit me in the eye
back in the 80's Public Enemy was number one rappers having a bit of fun
Flava Flav & MTV with moments like these we came to agree
Remember Milli Vanilli with their record skipping minds were flipping really doing Karaoke
some in the industry are very sensitive best to leave such folks alone
Nas, Lamar & Lil Wayne are still in the rap game not to mention my man Fetty Wap still on top
old school is still the way to go bust up the beat to increase the tempo
burning rhymes with second chances even in its new romances

Man this me, this me, this me, and thats how its gonna straight up this is how im goona be, straight up just me
why everybody want to be a judge when they be judge by society man its a trip not getting notice when my presence dont exist but to exist is to be alive so am i alive? like bonnie and clyde i want to surrive and fly and never come back to this world of hell so thats what i say when times get hard, i aint measuring my time until my name blow up like fireworks in july (ya dig) or something major like cnn news live thats how i want my shows to be

When people see me they can say they know me but they just know the name but not the man behind the name so i say you play games like m.j but them chiks got games but i aint insane i aint after brain im looking for that ring that fits like a glass slipper so call me insane that i waste my time on them when them dont care about me whatever, whatever, whatever say what you please say what you please until your heart bleeds

Neither he or she can say it like i say her name so soft as pillow, she keep out of society storm so i know she the one like obama could be the one 'say what' man you aint feeling me like ray and his piano but i got my ray of sunshine that cant be declined and that be reyna all the time so shine on like the star you is and then you'll be a superstar can you believe? can you believe? this hype aint over and if you thought it was then you is over i could be anyplace in this world but i'am here waiting for you to realize who am i and i gotta say that im better than any lucky charm of a lucky charm
six gun Mary with her Father Chuck Berry walked down the street one day
along came a spider sitting down beside her then plopped onto her daddy's knee
its been tree years ago  let the truth be told that we seen the rap game swing
in flowing rhymes with nothing to bind spin records as long as we please
today the Princess has one bun in the oven by her second cousin in a ***** style dozen
ain't it a pity when you hate the city and things are getting pretty ******
gravitate to create the beat flows blasting forgive me how i'm acting I'll put the sack in

the streets can either make you or break youjust ask rapper ice Cube when he's in the mood
living in isolation is no private vacation gotta bust a move for sure to improve
got rappers burning it up but some make me want to throw up
talk is cheap but whiskeys quicker suicide is filled with liqour
some say I got this rap game locked but this homeboy tends to think a lot
not a fly by with a gun in your eye make you go by by
when I'm alone in my room then I stare at the wall in the back of my mind i hear my conscience call
Telling me I need a girl wo is sweet as a dove for the first time in my life I see I need love

Nothing to defend ya got a broken fender putting some tonic in ya blender
Red Fox playing Sanford  with Elizabeth he thought that no one gave a ****
for some prison life is the cream of the crop got three square meal with a cot
outside they were just freazing and stealing with another dope dealing
Intellectuals, Philosophers & Poets
burning up the leaves jumping higher up the ladder some are even getting fatter

Going To Hollywood take my game out of the hood cause some folks aren't too good
Get my special sauce ready for my spaghetti as I cruise the city
One foot in heaven but the others in Hell but I got a good story to tell
Hip hop is not the same as it was with the late Scott Lerock busting out fire
in purest desire I tend to deliver even if I have to eat steak with liver
yeah i'm the giver helping folks come together but you got to think rational
yeasterday was such an easy game i used to play awe but then let's face it its still easier today
got to break away to a brand new day as my rhymes displayed couldn't have it any other way

we need to get breaks in our melody working on a higher degree
got bones in your closet but I got this rap game locked it
sit down beside me and you'll soon agree that I'm no casualty
Eminem's beats never stolen from him but its a shame when your defined to be in the rap game
say I got the hook up and its so easy to see a way to pass this off to me
Redman, Drake & KRS-1 have put out great rhymes getting stuff done
Nov 2017 · 126
Flames Of Gold
Flames of Gold

Just like the famed Kidd Capre I'm out here building up my sweet legacy
Have you ever been down to the lowest pit & you realized no one gives a ****
life can be so strange when your out here playing with the rap game
it used to be something maybe its a thing of the past that rhyme would last
steady as my hand creates the melody with creative bars of variety
many just do what they please when their out spreading the disease
sugar is sweet so sweet like honey I'm going to be the man bringing home the money
nothing phony its all been done before the crowd outside is cheering for more
but i wear my sunglasses at night to see the light of the police cars I got bars
chosen to mix I must confess that life is one big test got to get this

the streets are so phony when your broke with no money offering no opportunity
as a casual calamity getting stuck in the middle playing second fiddle
got to watch my rhymes falling in the right lines the ab, ab, ab sequence
better watch your step I'm here to confess I'm still the crowd pleaser don't want nothing else neater...
with flames of gold you will do as you are told until the very rights to your are sold
all the world is a stage and the people are actors like your playing a game of the X Factor
The Ghetto peeps be blasting their stereo folks are pimping their rides where you get the good blow...
meeting peeps for a block party with burgers and beer having your forty in your glory
The Ghetto folks think they know ya even from the girl that blown ya
nothing can take you higher where you can flirt with the fire

Arm me with harmony as I then approach the valley folks are kind a stuck up with their noses in the air..
The rich become richer the quick become quicker just don't call me late for dinner
From the high class they can kiss my *** cause I'm proud of where I came not pulling any names...
Graduation, ex communication & bringing home the bacon
Intellectuals, Philosophers & no it alls together no matter what the weather i'm as light as a feather...
so let me tie this all together where all the melting *** of society suckers playing in the game of reality
from all colors & denominations best we all take a break on a long vacation
so why are you sweating when i'm confessing how true rap truly shines
to all of my critics you see you can kiss my fat behind cause hustlers want to **** me and ******* want to be with me cause this is my reality
Nov 2017 · 144
Secret Lovers
she was my own at last just her & I
feelings of love filled up my soul
when I looked deep into her eyes
it is then I could see a future together
only anothe phone call rings at every Thursday morn
this was my other girl sending quite a thrill
got to be careful so no one will know
they feelings are awe so real

yet I know the deal life is but a spinning wheel
we both can't let go in how we feel
secret lover she holds the key to one of my lifes destiny
come to fully agree can't have my cake and eat it to
so now that we are through i want you back
not having you in my arms is giving me a heart attack
so tell me how come you over react what the heck
our truest fate is sealed behind the squeeky wheel

another chance to play at game of let's make a deal
how should i feel its eating me up inside
I want to run away & hide
something inside of me blinds me from getting inside of thee
take baby steps and we both will agree
a secret lover was never meant to be
Nov 2017 · 186
Get Back To The Basics
get back to the basics busting fat laces running the bases
it used to be cool to obey the golden rule yet that went out the door in 64
open the door for your neighbor then you can chill on a different ice cream flavor
getting fat beats to the rhyme  at the rhyme as a reason in the changing of the season
walk with me talk with me through the passage of time get things in line
went back to the old sand box playing jax bringing along your lunch box sack
have I hit a tender nerve yet the time you'll never will forget
start spreading the disease out living as you please best to get down on your knees
homeboy talk a lot is that what he is doing you bit off more then you were chewing
get back to the basics in flirting faces trading spaces all over each places
remember is was customary to carry your book for your girl that was quite a thrill
take to the limit one more time with Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh putting you all to the test
there was a lodi dodi in the house where we like to party cause Snoop can do that to
so what's new today getting Eminem to stay free styling on Trump free stylying while the dials on
snap shot moments of the past having so much fun with the hope that it would last
the streets today move faster then ever before some pay a visit to cell block 9 but that is fine
got Pumas on my feet spliff on my sleeve going to the dance hall scene
breaking down rhymes all my critics can kiss my fat behind cause I'm doing fine
Nas, Outcast & Drake never busted a move in such a fake for one step forward then two steps back
turn your radio on to here the words of my favorite song with Akon featured with Fetty Wap
drop it down with fire blowin it up in its purest desire ccause I want to take you higher

this just it so let me begin cause I came here to win in my perfect ten
suckers want to end me to but up the economy but ******* still on me but no I ain't phony
sit back and relax as you bask in the vast expanse between space and time
get back to basics as you remember when you were broke down to your last thin dime
sipping on *** with a hint of sugar for my teeth getting something sweet
your a miracle baby ain't nothing a bit shady working on making that baby
just maybe I get the hook up going stronger then ever before
next you bit kicking it with a two bit ***** screaming out more
get back to basics to set the dial for one more time going to wine, dine & sixty nine
holding my own when my hands on the phone but some insist to stay all alone
life can be a struggle so bartender make my Martini strong like on the double
working together like both Fred & Barney Rubble to stay out of trouble
see ya on the flip side squeeze while you out busy as a bee
going to walk that miracle mile in my hour of power in fullest of desire
until someday you'll see your name up in lights never give up on the fight
get down on it now its time to listen to my rhyme
a word spread it if you already heard about two lovers
as birds drifting way up to the sky I sing a sweet lulabye
the pair went out for burger and fries but after to their surprise
Police came in for the free coffee and one was undercover
saw my 9 in my pocket got so scared I ran and dropped it
the chase was on with my girlfriend in the next seat
running every red light along the street
next we eventually got pulled over and we were both in trouble
the undercover cop was her last lover
was it any wonder are faces blown up like Stevie Wonder
doing time in cell block number 9 guy named Bubba looking at my behind
yet I had a plan of escape some call it fate through a trapped door in the floor

took my time to dig a little more deeper then I made my run for it
no one around they really didn't give a **** but i made my way to the outside
blazing lights but thank God i was still alive
jumped over the barbed wire fence and slashed my wrist but I kept running
luckily I knew the streets and had a friend pick me up with a definite plan
headed South down on interstate 91 made my run all the way to Mexico
still I didn't know which way i should go I'm was a fugitive after all
got hired as a field hand but I night I would again toss and turn with a definite plan
got tired of that with low wage pay so I stayed selling dope for some runners
in time I was broke again made my way to a tiny little chapel
Minister was there to tell me his deep secret about Jesus
took him at his word but I never told him where I came from cause I knew he wouldn't understand
yet at that moment I gave my heart & life to serving Jesus Christ that's when everything turned out all nice
for my life was lead behind the squeeky wheel thinking things were no big deal
until I was face down on my knees now I could spread this lovingly disease so happily
No, I never did get caught but perhaps i will in due time ?
Learned a valuable lesson that I'm now confessing of straight and narrow or your soul gets cast.
Nov 2017 · 297
Heavy M.W.V's Rap Melody
Heavy M.W.V's Rap Melody

take a moment to relax and bask in the expanse between time & space
Helter Skelter was just found dead nothing but a living dead man now he's gone
filter through this rap game holding your own got one hand on text the other the phone
***** dancing in midnight fashion start spreading your legs its about time
moments like this we get caught up in the mix  getting are second fix
let the Jersey Boys take you away to that special place down by the ocean
today it ain't easy while your in the zone best to be home all alone
got ******* on a stand by waiting for you to get high next to the stand by
Zips with full hips taking it on until it's like almost 6 in the morn
she looks like a Barbie doll in her high healed shoes next she going to make you sing the blues

Rap is for those who are burning the game with some of us learning its fame
Dance hall specialty in their dope melody taking it to the streets such a treat
Tripping on the bath room floor as you reach the peak for so much more
I'm the man with the plan can't we all understand i got the vision on a mission
Someday you'll all be wishing to see more of my best harmony but society is blind you see
got the hook up in my new Benz blazing down the street with my friends
I'm the heavy M.W.V. choosing dope rhymes with fire in its purest of desire
Want to take you higher then ever before to see that opened door willing to be explored
Life is what you make it but other brothers seem to fake it
Got your mind on your money yet its nothing phony playing Gin Rummy
Honey you make and take the best out of me while I'm working on my degree
Couldn't care less of what I'm soon to confess while you dress I'll spank that *** less
Im blessed pulling my own beats in line when everything is fine as I wine, dine & 69

Rap is for winners like me making sweet history out of life's sweet mystery
Rap is not a game playing in flames making you intense socially deranged
Philosophically we built this city on doing what we please so start sreading the disease
Got capped in my knee back in high school swing out there doing my things
Although those many years have passed still having every bit of reason to grasp
A childhood memory in such a beautiful melody to let nothing bother me
As a juvenile I used to get a little wild boxing oranges down at the Supermarket store
Then it took me a while to stand at attention when I was late for detention
listening to Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention.
Rap is a part of my heart to make a brand new start of where i need to go
Out of dispare I smell the sweet brisk air then I know I was made for so much more
At last take the wheel I'm happy to soar with the eagles in the sky watching the time go by
Nov 2017 · 100
Suck It Up & Be A Man
Compassion is for the ***** it makes me kind of dizzy
as I go full throttle like a baby shakes its rattle
got the switch blade in some blind brigade
better off acting your age
You say your pulling your own but you can't keep a clean home
burning up the blazing fire in its vested purest of desire
**** it up & be a man
like trying to fry bacon in the pan
its the bounce of the ounce in the hour of power
don't forget to take your cold shower
its the reason for being in the changing of the season
they can't help you cause they can't even help themseves
there brains are more selfish then the Keebler elf
still your holding your own a long way from home

**** it up and be a man
when will society live to understand
you can't keep sticking it to the man
got to take strides lightly cause ******* wanna bight me
drifting alone among the streets getting Tommy Hawk sweet
there's brdges we need to cross
this is no tragic loss
just leave it before you get deceived from it
most people today don't give a ****
it's a me mentality and forget about your neighborhood brother
is it any wonder we got too much time on our hands
when will we ever live to understand
in painted places with flirting faces leaving behind without a traces
still your just a number you over weight lover from another mother type of brother

sifting through a new episode let the truth be told
man I'm getting too fat & old
society today is very cold
but you will do as you are told
until the very rights to you are sold
blackened stench with a smell of death
viscous fangs that bite in the night dripping blood of side
got your nine in your pocket so come out blasting
some folks think that your over reacting
but who are they anyway
all is a will for power nothing score
for I exist as a vapor nothing more
**** it up and be a man
we fight, **** & war
******* screaming for more
testing, resting & confessing
leave you all second guessing
yet this world is not are home
got to go out where the buffalo roam
Here's a little story that needs to be heard
about an old couple who lived in the hood
firecrackers blazing outside there window pane
folks had insisted the couple was insane
take heed to the reader as best as you can
the old Oscar man had a definite plan
fine capabilities blown up in desire
would play his Sly & Family Stone song, "Want to take you higher":.
his wife was a clean freak wanted everything neat & tidy
at night the old man used to show her his hyney
nothing phony when they were both broke with no money
they made a journey to O.T.B trying to get the honey
in time they would both shine like an ivory tower
busting moves even if they had a hip replacement
yet this story gets deeper then ever before
when in a drive by the struck old man Oscar in the left eye
now they must confess that some of life was a great test
they then spent most of their time huddled inside
no more painting the town and shooting pool
they lived by a different type of rule
folks we need to take it all in let me begin

yesterday was such a simple game they used to play
awe but then let's face it its easier today
you can always occupy your time with a fine wine, dine & sixty nine
kick it to the curb as if you have heard
those sensational voices with choices
never did the old couple grow apart
even when the old man let out a ****
it was a brand new start when he got shot
made that homeboy think a lot
invested his time with love seeking a new vibration
together they both his the golden age of 100
it isn't any wonder all those sweet thoughts that they discovered
many folks today like to work undercover rather then to discover
love was the essence of their meager existence let's learn to shun each resistance
at every circumstance we can all learn to take part in the dance
with second chances that your higher power advances
so the moral of the story is love in a song
it advanced Rodney King's philosophy, "Can't we all just get along" ?
Like Slick Rick I like to tell a nice story so why I even worry.
Nov 2017 · 136
Free Styling To The Extreme
take it to the beat watch us meet to greet fooling in the street
tripping on the beach smoking fat leaves doing what you please
as busy as a bee making sweet history
there's a battle for your mind I'm just the walking blind
society is not my game inside of my cause there blind you see from most of reality
there is an army of peeps out in the streets crystal gold down to their feet
with shattered glass on the walkway I came to play
the stage is set and the studio is fine all my critics can kiss my fat behind
homies try to control me with their dope analogy but why even bother it  gets even sadder
like nothing more to flatter the steps upon my ladder so here it goes
it used to be dope many years ago let the truth be told that folks used to smile
when i was a child I used to dream big dreams of both kings & queens
living in a land that is so very mean yet many are rushing too fast
everybody lately wants to get by on some free pass to pass
the stereo is blasting higher and higher blown up in its fullest desire on a wire
everybody feel me among my dope melody many folks will let me be
pump up the music so you can hear a way we can shed a tear
long hair on your birthday where we come to pray yet some may claim it ought not be that way...
flirting with fire in blown up desire coming down to the wire a gun for higher
got the hook up peeps on this dope joint fine grafted in from a delicate design
beats to the rhyme rhyme for the reason its just the changing of the season

block parties with steroe blasting watch how you acting & i'm not bragging
folks that carry everything inside we used to help thank God your still alive
but todays news you sing the blues and let things slide coming along for the ride
rap is still hot just take the word to the street and watch your rhymes to the beat
taking it to the city where cash is king people scream eating delicious ice cream
blind people so mean eating at fast food places such as Burger King
minus the races stuck in Peyton places we tend to make a lot of mistakes in
flirting with fire blown up in its fullest of desire getting much higher
Jimi was right by saying "Excuse me while I kiss the sky" !
almost every drive by someone gets capped from a nine in their eye
but give pause to think as you wink in earthly bliss in a caught up moment in time
Solid gold moments from our past having so much fum with a hope that it would last
so you sit back in your bleachers staying up late night watching another double feature

Laughter is the best medicine while your stuck in seventh heaven
therefore gain wisdom and in all thy getting gain understanding
free styling to the extreme while living in a land so very mean
Creatures of habit in the night with long viscious fangs that fright
eyes of blakened faces of death we all will come to unrest
rap it up I'll take it so you don't have to fake it
will bust a move to show improved knowledge of the underground sound
we are built to last we are raised to shine created in a beautiful design
sugar is sweet so sweet like honey I'm going to be the man that take home the money
nothing phony cause I got my degree cause all of life is but a mystery
got something up my sleave as you rest your case in your Peyton Place
don't try to hurt me again my ill but forgotten friend with whom I came to depend
It's either my way or the highway couldn't have it any other way
life is filled with mistakes some call this their fate but here am I to date
what's been done has all been done before such as Tony Sack kicking it with a two bit *****
Keep it in check as I let this last line flow bust up the beat & Increase the tempo
the darkened conclaves can equate from the forest to that of the trees
personifications of love is captured in the tender moments lost in time
my very being permeates a hidden lasting feeling of sweet anticipation
in relation to philosophical conquest we can surely digress
all of life may certainly be a test in your world of push and shove
the decorated vase out of the living room floor a willingness to deeply explore
vibrations within swift temptation of quaint mediations
its the environment you see can knock you to your knees out spreading its disease
everyone has pain from deep inside its phony to try to run away & hide
for we exist as a vapor of dust then we are no more yet through the flame
let me be the first to explain that the flame is the fiery affliction that must come
*** rush the show as it inflates the common man's ego telling you where you need to go
hustlers, pimps & common thieves

the streets are filled with violence and there is work to be done
why must we suffer in silence amidst the violence

working so hard like a soldier can't afford food to be found
poets to poetry all of life is a mystery I have come to believe yet there needs to be more
smoking fat blunts have a bottle of whiskey on the side going along for the ride
we hide behind four walls the seal claiming it to be no big deal
got to go on an awaited vacation in need of rest from any expectations
hearing the sound of the surf on the turf it gets me so high
trying to catch that frisbee so out of reach yet today I preach
only to the masses giving people second chances to where they need to go
for some folks they like to keep their rap clean no daddy was a hustler and momma was a *****
selling her junk in the back of a trunk down by the liquor store yelling for more
falling apart at the seam in some evil twisted scheme we just do what we please
start spreading the disease going to knock you to your knees see ya on the flip side squeeze
I know what are thinking have i been doing a lot of drinking by why you winking
serious folks we got to cope instead of getting in a fight with the soap on the rope
life is serious so please refrain from engaging in stupid thrills even if it pays the bills
at present to I'm being caught in a bind yet I will choose to stand in line
we can tell the forest by the trees is will see to humble thee
to bask in the vast expanse of sought after sullen brevity
in my heightened longevity life can be a mystery
yet I'll meet you halfway its better then no way
thoughts permeate brewed in the inner portion of my mind
for i exist as a vapor then I am no more through the solace & song
music can soothe the timid soul and paint a picture down below
time can heal wounds and time is a good friend
some equate logic for that of fear and it makes me shed a tear
others faith is blind as they resign to a world unkind
Rosemary, Thyme & Ginger spice
another chance at which to roll the dice
for the rich man his Rolex maybe broken yet this is a token of a meager suggestion
without a question we appear as strangers in the night sending quite a bit of fright

Can tell the forest by the trees
this shall set the tone of a melody with a token of appreciation
its a common courtesy call to feel faint in heart and not the know it all
there's a pulse in my heart not a deafening tone alone in my room
as with satin pillows buried upon pillars of time well spent in thought
there are place I remember as we sift through the tender moments
people, places & faces
wander deep within the prism of the quaint forest view
this should give you a good indication of what you need to do
beautiful personifications of letting go all my feelings come together
walk with me talk with me by the forest through the trees
Come feel the beauty of the breeze
we can live forever within the tender peace of mind
were living in a society
that's totally blind you see
some claim life is but a mystery
but I fainly disagree
what is to come has been foretold
many years ago in a book
many search for truth in a garbage can
let the reader understand
some walk on broken glass
alaways looking for a quick pass
others foam at the mouth then ***** and pout
yet there are few that seek the real you
you came as a babe in the manger
then sought Herod to bring danger
to **** many of the young but you escaped the ******
you came onto your own and your own received you not
was baptized by John who was well pleased
in time you would climb with prominence to some
for many wanted to keep their sin
so they took it all in but then
dismissed you to the pigs
was tempted by Satan in the desert
but your never surrendered to his hidden desires
instead insisted that he was a liar
as you were spit upon then thongs for no reason then the crucifixion
you still knew you had a plan
never gave up along the way
but instead asked the father to stay
at last it was finished
it still wasn't over
for in three days you would rise
with no surprise you visited the waiting few for breakfast
you were there from the beginning as to the end
my faithful loving friend
it was years ago let the truth ago
when I first existed as a seed
then i was formed into a baby yet just maybe
I would see things in a sought after vision
a nurse held me in her arms
saying this child would grow to reach the masses
soon after I would grow to become an altar boy what a joy
then i was sixteen flipping burgers down at Mickey D's
thinking all of life was just a mystery
then I met my first girl putting my life in such a twirl
in time I would shine as the prom king all the girls would scream
then the leader of my play still thrills me until this day
1989 wrote my first poem, "Remembrance of a loved one"
cozy in the ride of a brand new Mustang
then ran into a street thing took my breath away
although those many years would pass
still I had every good reason to grasp
what true love really meant
yet it was only lust in disguise
was listening to the devils ill faded lies
does all of this logic come at any big enough surprise
took up acting in college learning with lots of knowledge
then it leads up to today
written over 2,000 poems & 3 short stories
never was my name up there in lights but one day i just might
be remembered for my poetry that is the only way I could face reality
what was I will to achieve
sweet victory as I take my next breath
feelings that I touched many a heart along my stay
every day willing to bow the head to pray
yet I couldn't have lived it any other way
Nov 2017 · 115
Who Criticizes The Critic
never once in my journey through poetry
have I ever bowed the knee to criticize another
if anything I send a message of praise
but critics take it upon themselves
to point out your grammatical errors
as though they are there to help
yet can't even help themselves
perhaps its best if I left that discussion right back on the shelf

yet let me tell you your just a jealous little ****
you see you have to harp on the timid to get your point across
it is no tragic loss if you just leave us all alone
go tell it to a tombstone friend
positive reinforcement strengthens one's heart
only negativity kills it you see
but you simply disagree to live with your hate
nothing is right for you always wrong
you present yourselves in the best seats in the house
there you grumble, ***** & pout

Who criticizes the critic
is there some superior other
yet why should we even bother
the blind will lead the blind
soon to fall in a ditch
Critics **** you see living in their vain glory
always like to change the story
no there not perfect who are they kidding
never do they say they are sorry or ask to be forgiven
eyes with blackened shells in their brain
let me be the first to explain
its totally impossible to live up to there perfect standard
yet they think they are always right never wrong
always in the same lame song
yet what will it take before we could get along
we both can agree to disagree
why don't you just let people be
Nov 2017 · 115
Crack A Bad Apple
nature lies dormant amidst its becking plough
society is blind you see so I need poetry to face reality
to digress in languished thoughts of muse
life is a puzzle taking each piece to fit
a carefree way to an honest flower bouquet
each of us exists in one form or another
one needs a shoulder to cry as time passes by
moments shaped in the very fabric of thought
you buy your five dollar chicken at Costco
time heals wounds yet time waits for no man
let the reader understand that God has an ultimate plan

Crack a bad apple as each episode unfolds going ever deeper then before
there lies an opened door by which to humbly explore
there is a direct correlation between that of heaven & hell
yet I have a very good story to tell
ivy briars twist and turn
along the path of cobblestone alone in the night
choose humble brevity better then living by sight
Crack a bad apple if your able on the table
use a heavy knife to get inside
watch as the apple will peal
many play a game in life of lets make a deal
yet who are they anyways as I bow my head to pray

think of a rainbow with colors exposed
vast illumination of colors which permeate from within
sullen brevity in a quest to never leave
in the end we shall all see what we had achieved
Nov 2017 · 130
What matters most
what matters most is a thought that is pure
through the duration of time we have created a rhyme
deep inside we got pains that hide
throughout our life we can undergo a notion of exploration
in time we shall shine for the furtherance of love
coming down from a higher power from up above
each of us will go through things in life
blueberry & added spice
with faces that leave traces to our midnight places
my heart is an opened door waiting to be explored
listen quitely to the Nightingale alone in the distance
beauty for ashes amidst second chances
relationships were meant to be together
Caviar, cheese & wine
created and crafted from a great design
love has taught us a vibrant lesson
to never to surrender to the decay in nature

the Hummingbird outside your door what a fashionable decor
what matters most is a heart filled with compassion
writing a good epitaph for those to humbly react
love is best when your buzy making other pland you understand
the ocean has a way to sooth the inner longing of the soul
each time the tide comes in we can surrender again
vibrations throughout each temptations filled with temples of fire
what is are strong enough desire
to visit widows and orphans in their afflictions
to honor your mother and father regarding any desicions
to love your neighbor more then  your own self
we can make a great difference if we each try
Nov 2017 · 97
She Matters
the way you walk the way you talk
the way you comb your hair
beautiful eyes as if a angel in disguise
the touch of your hand makes me understand
pitter patter of soft sandle feet
whispers in the corridor
telling me which way to go
when I look into your eyes
then I could see a future
filled up without pain nor sorrow
you walk the walk out of true humility
you stand to admire your inner dignity
yet why can't people see
the great beauty perched as if a white angelic dove
with baby's hair & a woman's eyes
does all of this logic come at a big enough surprise
just to look deep into her eyes
one hand to hold a heart will mend

we shall grow to depend
upon the great notion of love intact
out of every viable circumstance
we  shall learn to take part in the dance
a sil·hou·ette of cashmere green  lattice hung adjacent to her room
pillows were placed seperated by one black cats' apparition
hear she dances in a ring of fire yet throws off each challenge with a shrug
in her world she is carefree far from the onslaught of turmoil
love is the sweet fragrance of her existence as she learns to shun the resistance
sips on her coffee while reading the early morning Sunday news
after a brisk walk along the path that leads to a forest filled with cloven moss covered matter
there in the sunlight amidst the lavender she decides to meditate
through her quaint variation of thought she is brought into a brightened light
a vast orb of personification nestled near a river
out of the vast expanse between space and time she awakes to the forest again
this time with a tear drop in her eye out of sorrowful passions she keeps deep inside
she is new to this place she seeks to mediate
cobblestone lines the forest as an added decor of languished feathered circumstance
she seeks inner solace as in natures beckoning call asunder
the rush of the wind through her hair she faintly succumbs to her heightened reality
Nov 2017 · 123
See More Joy
for I exist as a vapor
then I am no more
tranquility with whispers
inside the corridor
instant gratification to some
wonderful personifications
we exist as nomadic herdsmen
drifting away in the desert
Jesus was a sailor when he
set forth on the water
called out to Peter to meet him further
in every circumstance
we shall learn
to take part in the dance
nothing comes by chance
walk with me come take with me
one hand to hold a heart will bleed
many running to & fro

hearts exposed through the duration of time
signs on the wall want you to be sure
not everything is pure
we bask in the vast expanse
between that of space & time
with perilous times ahead
the thought of the walking dead
hiding behind the false garb of compromise
can't we see through those Satanic lies
see more joy from that of a girl and boy
everyone got the latest gadget and toy
news of the street going to start a beat
Drake is going to sing again then Big Pun
a new day has just begun as
Scotty Piipen has long sense been retired
Eminem doing free style taking it to the extreme
Fetty Wap burning up the scene
yet I see more joy in lovers on the beach
trying to catch that frisbee so far out of reach
with a blink of an eye time passes you by

some call it fate with a new Rolex in hand
the factory worker has left unspoken
Trump has left his ivory tower with just a token
billboards post of the latest news
two hundred dollar pair of shoes
satin sheets and love so devine
J. Lo looking nice with her new behind
Beyounce & Jay Z
life can be a big mystery
coming apart at the seams
love is the essence of my existence
learn to shun the resistance
out of every circumstance learn to
take part in the dance
with fly by shootings out in the street
try to greet your neighbor that's so out of reach
Nov 2017 · 143
mockery in the vines
viscous fangs that bite

please lend me your ear with the thought I might disappear
falling apart at the seams in some twisted evil means
violation of the innocent
Ozzy Osbourne's solution

the brigade of helpless souls plunged in their fatal dimise
can't stop listening to Satans twisted lies
does this come at any big enough surprise
always in the middle playing a game of second fiddle

Kurt Cobain sought its end
let us not pretend cause we are only human
darkened portals of deranged ****** manifestation
blackened stench on the nations youth

no one helps you anymore no one has a voice
a sad choice to end it all in such a devastation
free us now before its far too late
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