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 Jul 2013 marina b
 Jul 2013 marina b
i want to connect the freckles
on your faceneckshoulderschestarmslegsback
because maybe then i'll know
what love looks like.
i don't love him, but maybe i can learn to.
 Jul 2013 marina b
i hope you choke
on every i love you
**** you
 Jun 2013 marina b
I will keep it short:
no longer
 Jun 2013 marina b
stay out
 Jun 2013 marina b
today I know for sure
that I have pushed you out
and you are not in my heart
    (you are as far away as you can get from it)
but I am scared for tomorrow
and the day after
because you always have a way
of making it right back into
the middle of my heart
no matter how badly
I wish you weren't there
 Jun 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
Today my makeup
was gone by noon
and I didn't take a
shower and I only
slept for three hours
last night so my
eyes were extra
puffy and I ate too
much at lunch and
had an attitude the
next time we saw
each other afterwards,
but you still gave
me a hug and told me
it was valued at
twenty thousand
hugs and you still
told me I looked
beautiful even
though we both
know it wasn't true.
And I can't
So, thank you.
 Jun 2013 marina b
 Jun 2013 marina b
i know you're miles away
but i've never been more in love
with you than i am now;
last night i dreamt that we spent
the night together and all you did
was hold my hand

(when i woke up, it was the first
time in months that i didn't feel
oh hello.
 Jun 2013 marina b
braving the thunder was
compared to braving the
lightning beneath your
because i made a friend at camp. that i really like.  a lot.
and we sat just outside the dining hall together trying to escape the rain and i almost fell asleep beside him and he just sat there and rubbed circles on my back and stroked my hair and it was the cutest thing ever fjdkalfsda.  he's just the greatest; i don't even care what we end up being, as long as i have him in my life.  i suffer from severe anxiety and abandonment issues and i was scared at first to let myself *actually* care about somebody new but i honestly have never been so comfortable around somebody so fast in my life.  he's really something
 Jun 2013 marina b
 Jun 2013 marina b
i kept the voicemails you left
months after they went stale
and sometimes i'd lock myself
into the bathroom
just to listen to them
without being accused of
being a packrat

the day that my sister
accidentally deleted
every single one
was the only time
i cried over you.
 Jun 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
I'm trying to figure out what
lie to tell you (I was sick I
worked late I lost track of
time) because I don't know
how to tell you it made me
physically ill to think I
would have to sit and watch
you be red-faced and in
love and about to start this
brave journey with a girl
who isn't me.
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