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 May 2013 marina b
If you kissed me
I would die
Thinking it was a dream
I would throw myself over the edge
Trying, but failing to fly
My body would lie there
Smashed against the ground
Bones crushed
Blood splattered
You’ll never kiss me in real life
 May 2013 marina b
I have wonderful imaginary conversations with you all the time.
 May 2013 marina b
She stood there waiting for a love letter
That would never arrive ...

...because it had never been written
 May 2013 marina b
You are like a tulip in a sea of dandelions.
 May 2013 marina b
There are people
Without food
There are people
Without shelter
There are people
Without family or friends
And then there is me
Because I can’t
Go on and give me the cold shoulder
It fits your icy personality
Don’t bring your pompous nose out of the air
To look at the people below you
You’re better than that now
A little insignia on your clothing
Has you forgetting who your friends were
When you needed them most
Well next time you need a friend
You can turn to that insignia
Because I am a stubborn child at heart
Who holds on to everything

I cling to the day we met
A couple of anxious teenagers preparing to step into adulthood
Watching movies past midnight
Downing an entire six pack of pineapple juice
Not sure where the next year would take us

I remember the day I learned to trust you
In silent desperation I opened up to you
And showed you the fringed edges of my soul
The parts of myself that have been bruised by the short life I’ve lived

I can’t forget the day you came to me in tears
And I was there to comfort you
And even then you didn’t know why you were crying
We sat and cried together
Because we realized how cruel people can be

But more then anything I hold on to the way your eyes no longer meet mine
I can’t get over the way you choose to deny my existence
Like I am a lowly creature
And you, with your lofty gaze and your newfound love for yourself have better things to look at

So keep your eyes in the sky, because someday that is where I will be
And you will have to look at the ground, if you want to pretend I don’t exist anymore.
 Apr 2013 marina b
Ben Rhoades
I've heard before
weather affects your mood
that's why winter makes so
many people so sad.

If it weren't spring right now
I'm not sure if I could handle how
dark I am inside because I just found
our bucket list we made
last time the sun was out.
 Apr 2013 marina b
Lyra Brown
i still have those pictures
from your disposable camera
you gave me five years ago
when my hair was still long,
when we were still in love.
i don't look at them anymore.
and to be honest,
i don't even know where they are
or when i looked at them last
but i find comfort in knowing
they are taking up some space,
somewhere, in this disorganized room of mine.

i still have your name carved into
the top of my ceiling
which is funny because
you were always the one so quick to define
the meaning of impermanence.
i guess all ceilings eventually
i think i clung too tightly to the possibility
of you never leaving, and so i carved
your name into my ceiling to comfort myself
during all the noise that not even your name
could silence.
i don't look at it anymore.
and even though you're gone, there are some people
who leave traces of themselves behind
in the most obscure places that not even they
become aware of.

i still have all of the love letters
you wrote me when i was sixteen.
they are sitting in a box beneath a pile of books and papers
on the bottom of my bookshelf.
i don't read them anymore.
i contemplated burning them more than once,
but i stopped myself because
what's the point in loving someone if you can't even
prove that the love was actually there
after everything has been said and done,
after all of it has left you?
i get so terrified,
to think that perhaps memory
is more unreliable than anything, and so i keep the things
you gave me as secret stash to show
happened once.

sometimes i wonder what it would have been like
to have given you the chance to explain yourself
face to face
i will probably never
know what it feels like to land on the moon
but that does not stop me from
gazing at it night after night paralyzed
with wondering
how anything could ever be that beautiful.
somethings should be left unseen
while others, simply left
 Apr 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
I want to walk on
runways but I can't
get past that spot
on my thighs
where they touch
and the crease in
my stomach keeps
me up at night
wondering if I
should have eaten
that should have
thrown it up
should have taken
another diet pill.
Probably not
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