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 Apr 2013 marina b
Katie Lorenzo
Thank you sir, for everything you have taught me in your honors algebra two class.
I do understand that it is important to learn these things
and memorize where each variable goes
and what to square
and what the equation of an ellipse is
and I am not being sarcastic
But I was hoping maybe you could also teach me the equation to mending things that have been broken?
 Apr 2013 marina b
because it's like every time we're
in the same room, i can't
pull my eyes away from the curve
of your ears or the lines of your
knees or the way your veins are
permanently risen off the
back of your hands, like you're
always gripping something,
       you     just     don't    know    what

(it's overwhelming, knowing how
conveniently my hands would
fit into yours, so that you'd finally have
something to hold on to)
true story, yo. because every time i looked at him tonight it was like i couldn't breathe.  the way he knits his eyebrows together when he concentrates and his mouth would move with words you could tell he was itching to say.  and his hands.  i swear, it's like they're dying to be held.  wow, i forgot how creepy infatuation can make a person.
 Apr 2013 marina b
Katie Lorenzo
Sometimes the conversations held with ourselves in front of mirrors
are the only ones with meaning.

For when it is only you and your reflection,
the only words worth saying are spoken.
 Apr 2013 marina b
madeline may
 Apr 2013 marina b
madeline may
the love of a best friend
is one that cannot be
but when i watch you and her
i don't see best friends
i see one girl desperate to escape
a sick, twisted, dying relationship
and i see you
starving, crying out in the darkness
wanting to be the girl she longs for
while she's too busy chasing boys
to notice your sacrifices
you look in the mirror and you see wrong
you see lost
you see empty
where she sees nothing
when she asks why there's no one
to hold her close in the night
you look at me and i can see it in your eyes
i'm here, love. i'm here.
but just because i see it
and just because she sees it
doesn't mean she wants it
doesn't mean she needs it
so please, for me, for her, for them
wake up in the morning
eat the food in front of you
smile at your reflection
just because she doesn't appreciate you
doesn't mean no one else does

when i look at you and her
i don't see best friends
i see a love that's been
by codependence and
a lack of oxygen

i see loved
and i see
sometimes it's easier to write about other people than myself
 Apr 2013 marina b
Kelly Landis
Dear sickness,
I couldn't carry her up the stairs.
Her weight was unbearable and she lay limp in my arms.
Dear chemo,
She really did lose all of her hair.
We would go out in public and people would stare.
She wore a wig but still, I knew.
Dear limbs so skinny,
I watched her walk down the hallway using her walker.
My father clutching her arm, guiding.
It broke me in two, to see the jutting bones.
There was nothing left of her.
Dear insanity,
I remember the night she called to say goodbye.
She thought she wasn't going to last another day,
After all... the nurses were out to get her,
and she didn't understand why she had to take so many pills.
Dear rotting tumor,
You had been growing for over a year in her brain.
Taking up space where there should have been healthy cells growing.
You took away so much, the little things,
the big things, the important things...
The heart and soul of things.
Dear growing pains,
I realized what it meant to age quickly,
To grow up sooner than you are ready.
I did it, and I'm still here.
My mother's still here,
although some parts of her
will never be the same.
It's been five years now since, but still the memories from this time remain the same.
 Apr 2013 marina b
Janelle Nicole
You planted sunflowers in the regions of my body no other has dared to go
because you knew those were my favorite.
I picked the flowers daily, plucking at their petals,
“He loves me …  he loves me not.”
I am all out of flowers,
And you are all out of seeds.
You visited another garden today.
You told me that you like daisies better,
And you said that garden had daisies.
I watched you water that garden as mine turned to dandelions.
Your new garden has bloomed.
As I was sitting in my garden,
Someone came along and picked a dandelion.
I asked them why and they said,
“Dandelions are flowers too once you get to know them"
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