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 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i saw your mom
today (god she looks
just like you) but i
didn't stop to say
anything to her. i'm
not sure how much
she knows now. your
band played today but
i left before it started
because i don't know
what i'm allowed to
tell your friends. you,
just you, are playing
tomorrow (this festival
is foxlin's yearly big
break) and i'm going
to close my windows
so tight, stuff my fingers
into the open cracks,
so that none of your
melodies travel the two
blocks to my living room.
i wonder how many
songs you'll play
that are about me.
this was more of a *****
than i had hoped it'd be
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
y  o  u
a l w a y s
told    m e    i
was too  skinny
but no no no i am
beautiful, i am strong
(stronger than i used to
imagine i  could be)  and
my heart is still thumping
like   it   has   been   for   all
these   centuries   i've   lived
even after losing you, even
after feeling like i wasn't
enough  to   make  you
happy.    b u t    jesus
c h r i s t    i    w a s
enough     i    was
enough   i   a m
e n o u g h   .
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
Point B
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
I  wonder  how  many
lifetimes I  have  lived
where    y o u    h a v e
****** me  over. How
many   centuries have
I   loved   you,   have  I
known your fingertips
better  than my  o w n,
have   I felt  t h a t  you
w e r e   my  answer in
everycrackand crevice
of  my  body?  In  what
life  will  you  get your
*******  ****  together?
I deserved more.
 Aug 2014 marina
There are stars
in your eyes
where pupils
should be.

There were
stars in your
eyes where
should be.

he said to me,
he said to she.
oh but the parties were funnn
 Aug 2014 marina
loisa fenichell

The boy dies after staying awake all night
reading "The Plague." He drowns himself in a lake. This is summer of '94. 
We all attend the funeral. Nobody talks, except for the priest, as the body is being lowered into wet grounds. The rest of the time it is as silent as the boy's body was in the moments
after drowning.


Summer of '94 I am eighteen, lying in bed in between sheets that are as white and as cotton as my mother's wedding dress. The moon's face is as cruel and as yellow as that of a boy's. I dream up my first nightmare: I am a widow and I am being strangled by my corpse of a husband until my skin is dark blue, the color of the lake the boy drowned in. 


Summer of '94 is the hottest summer. Billy The Neighbor takes me to behind the yellow house. We are both barefooted, our toes grassy and sticky with sweat. He seems to love me, he tells me he does, before having me lie beneath him on the ground. It is night and I can barely see his face, but I know that it is tinged with glistening pink. I touch his back and it feels like a childhood fever.


There are days when Mother thinks
that she is her mother, who died before I was born, or at least pretends to be her:
dresses in her mother's clothes that we keep
in the attic, talks poorly about herself. I have to hold her until she begins 
to whimper and then is herself again. 


The last night of summer the dog dies. The vet tells us that it is a natural death. 


The last night of summer the moon is as bright as an old ghost and I do not get any sleep. In my head I am the boy drowning himself in the lake.
 Aug 2014 marina
 Aug 2014 marina
feels a lot
 Aug 2014 marina
i used to sleep in class

rest my head on my hands
try to stretch my tired back -
exhausted soldier of education
too many 50 minute battles
and borrowed pencils

calves sore from trudging up stairs
pale from the white-lit classrooms
chronic dry mouth from the limp sleep
that we all knew too well

do i want to go back?
do i have the endurance
to stay this time
will i know unless i try?
 Aug 2014 marina
Reggie just gets a little
too excited for my taste
and so on most days
when he sees that I've
responded cordially
to his invites to
come on over at
two a.m. because
no, no he's not
just a little bit wasted
he just wants to,
idk watch a movie
at two a.m. probably
in his bed so that we can
be chill. and to all this
when I say no, he just
keeps on asking
night after night after
night, I finally grow a pair
and tell him that I admire
his persistence but not
at two a.m. because all
he sounds like at this hour is
sloppy and I like to know
that whoever I choose to ****
will remember me and how I
got there by morning come.
But I do admire his persistence.
But I do admire his persistence.
 Aug 2014 marina
Mara Siegel
with you again.
but, when i left you,
i felt everything (and nothing) all at once
and now i
             touching you
whenever i get the chance and kissing you passionately (something i forgot about) and crying at the thought of you touching other girls.
i never thought i'd feel in love with you again
but i do
and i am
and i can't believe it's over.
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
do  you
do     now
that    i    am
not                 a
part                    of
your                       life
do                          your
hands                    feel
the                 same
do             your
hands   feel
the  same
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