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 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i had only wanted you to love me so
much that you had to breathe shallow
to get around everything in your lungs
that spelled my name
it would have only been fair
for you to do what i had to do
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
please do not drive
by my apartment.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
*******. i've been
doing so well.
you did not pick me,
so you are not
allowed to do this
to me anymore.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
i wish i hadn't noticed you there.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i've been
with sand
with sand
with sand
i'm not sure if it's helping

i'll get past this phase soon, i promise
 Oct 2014 marina
boho devil.
 Oct 2014 marina
in Nordstroms at the Cherry Creek Mall
in Denver, I tried on a gold dress that didn't
fit around my hips (but not many things do,
including your arms or your eyes or your
honesty) and the dressing room attendant
didn't bother to knock before unlocking the
door to tell me that this particular room
wasn't for me, and her eyes, particularly
her boho hat, made me feel like slime,
like a wet body bag, like a sweaty
creature that crawled out from
beneath the hot stones in canon
city and I eagerly shuffled out of
the hall with the gold dress that didn't
fit around my hips (because nothing does)
and the for the rest of the day I saw myself
fitting my skin over inanimate objects and wishing
I could be beautiful.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

oh man, today was rough.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
it is a terrible thing to hate
your own skin.
but i'm trying.
god am i trying.
 Oct 2014 marina
I haven't been honest.

Chaz only sends me snaps of
bunched rosettas, I want to tell
him, move your pitcher back
as the stacks form so that you
get a more elongated pour

but I don't want to deter him
from correlating steamed milk
and espresso with my name, so
I don't. And he has a new girlfriend
now with slim fingers and defined nostrils
that make me think of Audrey Hepburn, so
at first I tried to insert myself into their bubble
to be a part of their happiness or maybe just
Audrey's beautifully sculpted features. But
to be honest I stopped talking to him
back in May or March because we had
this sort of thing that I didn't know
how to handle and so many girls
had handled his **** since then,
since me, that nothing felt like
it held any concrete significance,
pursuing whatever it was that I
was pursuing, would not make
me feel any more whole, which
was what I was aiming for.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

I've never taken the time to get to know the people I have loved.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
hush now
how can
you stand
the noise
you've put in
our ears please
just come
i miss my sister.
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