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 Dec 2014 marina
 Dec 2014 marina
heads up in
the suburbs
we have the
winning sense
of self control
but get lost in
cups of dark
roast or tall
with drops
of smoke
and half
n' half
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Dec 2014 marina
2014 started with
Brett's car breaking
down on I-25, 45 minutes
before new years, and me,
giving the bird to everyone
on the shoulder of the exit
ramp, mad that Joe ditched
us to smoke, (but we didn't
know you'd be so hurt)
(I almost kissed you)
(then told you)
and April was barely
a thought, February a
single sentence, a moment
of silence for the love I still
had for you drowned in 8oz
of milk and espresso
straight into October,
November, December
there's still no tree but
this house couldn't
feel any less empty
nobody notices but
I've tied my anchors
to the construct of
time and we're
weighed in at
6pm, stopped
the clock like
a Havisham
where do I
begin, where
do I begin?
(c) Brooke Otto
 Nov 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Nov 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i like your nicotine
breath, a black lung
frenzy drawn in
and out at the base
of my throat
i will miss you when
you go back to london.
 Nov 2014 marina
 Nov 2014 marina
this should
f e e l  l e s s
f  o  r  c  e  d*
you should
feel more
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

this is something I struggle a lot with.
 Nov 2014 marina
 Nov 2014 marina
people are not
to be saved and
they say girls are
best wild and free
or wild and reckless
but I was always the
cabin with an open
door, an inviting
bed, a warm
hearth, I
put and
did my life
by the books
still wanted to
s a v e y o u f r o m
something, yourself?
other people? the world?
I see pictures of you and
feel a sense of failure,
or loss or grief or
frustration but
you were
never mine to
save, never a thing
to be saved, never wanted
to be saved, never asked to be
saved and letting you go was akin
to releasing the leash on wild, wild beast.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

 Nov 2014 marina
loisa fenichell
We drink foul fluid from plastic water bottles to forget
about our mothers all tucked alone into their beds like
forgotten puppet shows. We want to forget about
the boys with faces all black & vulnerable
like barbecued hooves of deer & about our stomachs
swollen as skinned water. Summers like this
in towns like this during nights like this would be
better if we could drive. We sit together with knees
bare & bruised in short grass. We’re drawn to one another
like widows to cemeteries. We’re convinced that we
would look good in white wedding dresses. We grow
our hair out that summer, our hair long as piles
of dead snakes. The boys pretend to laugh at us. They
have ribs like cores of apples, ribs that would look better
discarded into the earth. The boys remind us of our
fathers, the ones busy building lakes as though they
were clocks. Our fathers are the same as us in that they
are constantly filling themselves up with water so
as not to get hurt. & at night they are not with our mothers.
((i s2g all of my poetry is the same @ this point///everything about saints & bodies & wolves & deer & boys & mothers yafeel???//the ~~~aesthetic~~~ i g u e s s))
 Nov 2014 marina
are you ever afraid
that you won't fit
back into someone's
life like you used to
 Nov 2014 marina
i turned off the
fan in my room
because summer
is over and the
silence was
every click
and whir every
noise my body made
could be heard and
there you were at
11:56 in the
middle of a dream
there you were, whispering
to me

I claimed you in severity
in illegitimacy

how could I ever forget
that you were my father
before anyone else
I am lost and
you are the
only one
who can
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

this actually happened and I am really emotional about it.
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