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 Nov 2012 Mariana
John Clare
Love lives beyond the tomb,
And earth, which fades like dew!
I love the fond,
The faithful, and the true.

Love lives in sleep:
’Tis happiness of healthy dreams:
Eve’s dews may weep,
But love delightful seems.

’Tis seen in flowers,
And in the morning’s pearly dew;
In earth’s green hours,
And in the heaven’s eternal blue.

’Tis heard in Spring
When light and sunbeams, warm and kind,
On angel’s wing
Bring love and music to the mind.

And where’s the voice,
So young, so beautiful, and sweet
As Nature’s choice,
Where Spring and lovers meet?

Love lives beyond the tomb,
And earth, which fades like dew!
I love the fond,
The faithful, and the true.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Brooke Barnes
wish it was that easy
to say goodbye
to you or life
but my nerves betray me
for they feel the pain
that only sustains
the will to love
the will to live

who is ever happy anyway?
since when is that the goal?
if it were no one would ever
fall in love
fall at all

wish it was that easy
to do what i want
to feel how i feel
free from expectation or guilt
but my mind it betrays me
with thoughts of how
it's suppose to be
it's not how it suppose to be

when are we ever free
from country or misery
are we really so foolish to think
that we are our own

are we striving for peace or purpose
'*** God knows you can't have both
if you're fighting the good fight
you have all the right
to know

we all love our chaos
it's ours and ours alone
we all love our own chaos
it's mine and mine alone
 Nov 2012 Mariana
BB Tyler
Kiss Me
 Nov 2012 Mariana
BB Tyler
kiss me please.
kiss me hard.
let it leave
a mark, a scar.
let it burn and be a star.
kiss me please
and leave me charred.

I'm not so far away
as to miss it when you say
the way you feel.
i'll listen
and i'll pray
that it's real,
and steal a kiss
so that we may pay
only attention
to the tension between
our blue pools
atop mountains,
bringing them both
to the valley
to meet in the middle
and make up the sea.

kiss me.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Andrew McElroy
                                                         ­                                                               wi­ll                                      *



the­ true


                                                              ­                                                                 ­                                       

                ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­             *
I will be sure and let you know.

Inspired by C Holmes wonderful (10w) expressions of emotions.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Katie Headridge
I couldn't tell you
That you were like the first sharp intake
Of breath,
When the cold winter air
Collides with my tired body

You were a beautiful mess,
A disaster,
A sadness.

I couldn't tell you
That you dragged me out
Of a deep, ragged hole

Then I wake up,
And I am right back there

I couldn't tell you
That the curve
Of our bodies,
Your skin on mine,
Was a poisonous medicine

I couldn't tell you
That you had the power
To dissolve my resolve
And have me running

I couldn't tell you
That our contradiction
Was what I needed

I couldn't tell you
That without you
I am free.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Joel Emmanuel
I want to get back to my roots,
                             to mindful paradises
                             of games, graves, and tug -
         heartfelt cries
         for a superior love
                         to mine,
                                        back to the lap to lap
                                        jokes of knowing
                                        too much too soon,
                                back to, to, to,
                                      so through with

  these mindless
  breaths beholding
  the loose yolk,
  engulfing, suffocating
  all possibility for more..
        sank so deep
         in all the moist
crusty, lying lips against another’s,
through all the thick emptiness,
             all the feared silence within,
racing through all the speed bumps
in this tainted Neverland,
    in harmony, again,
       with the cheating cycle,
      entangled in someone else’s nothingness,
         as it has become yours entirely,
  in those empty eyes
   I’ve seen before - I know that you cannot recognize even yourself,
       the true gaze
          of white -

    I pray for your deliverance,
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Caitlin Drew
You'll love her with all your skin, tongue and lungs.
The way that the air is just so much more crisp whenever she's in proximity to your hands.
It turns the scattered dust in the atmosphere into magnifying glasses
Aimed directly at her
Spotlighting everything you wish you could put into words but can't
Because she's just too ******* unbelievable
That even if you tried, you would offend yourself and the gods with how little it compares to
The love she makes you feel in reality.

You would do everything for her.
Hold her until your bones start to crack
So that she'll understand just what you mean
When you tell her that you'll never let her go.
But she still doesn't get it.
She'll never understand that when you tell her that you want nothing more
Than to let your dust be her dust, her words to be in your cheeks
Her nose to be your daughters nose
You mean that you want nothing more than to keep her forever.

But you never will.
Because you never stood a chance.
You thought that by giving your whole self over to her she would offer you the same respect.
That's not how this world works.
It never was.
These valiant efforts of yours are now dubbed selfish and inconsiderate by others
For not taking her feelings into account.
Because she doesn't know what true love is.
She never felt the need to have you near.
For her daughters smile to be your smile.
For your hands to cradle her head when she's sad.
To let you talk for hours without listening to a single ******* word you're saying,
Because she's lost in the sound of your voice.

Because she doesn't know how to accept anything she isn't willing to give.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Amanda Dagnall
Absorbed in the blue iris of sky
can't help but wonder;
why does this fireball overwhelm
as blinded eyes may choke the heart.

Do I ponder on the looming cloud
that threatens to absorb the light;
of the ray of hope that takes hostage
in gaps of their welcomed depart.

Darkness falls
and appears the glittered skies.

The blue iris rolls
in nights' hopeful eyes.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Dieter Muniz
I fell down
when you said,
"drop dead"
and didn't make a sound.
 Nov 2012 Mariana
Joey Espeleta
she my goddess of my heart
my one desire
the one in my dreams
she dose not leave my
dreams nether  my heart
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