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And although I dont know what love is,
I know what it isn't.
Love isn't lying in your bed crying,
feeling like you've just let someone roll over you,
and break you.
It isn't feeling not good enough
After giving someone a ******* as they lie next to you,
And although nothing is different from yesterday,
you're better,
because although I don't know how something should be,
I know how it shouldn't.
I wish someone warned me,
I wish I could plea,
Plea guilty,
Guilty for wanting to embrace you in every thought,
No matter how many times we fought,
What it was like to have someone like you,
Someone like you taken away,
You're like a never ending symphony,
Your name is a harmony,
You live on,
In this mind of mine,
I wish I could stop reading into all these signs,
The signs that keep reminding me,
What it was like,
Losing someone like you.
Number 52.
 Jan 2015 Mariana Ley Johnson
Man, I can't shake this feeling
An almost excruciating emotion I have for you that
Remains on my mind.
Something tells me you're feeling it too, but
How could it be? I
Almost think I'm delusional. I
Lack qualities most look for. How could someone
Like you love someone like me?
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