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 Sep 2013 MaRiahh Hodgkinson
earthworm of passion
burrow deep within my soil
enrich and enhance
Hundreds of faces
Familiar and not
Hundreds of voices
and millions of thoughts

Busy and loud
And loud and busy
Lost and confused
And nauseous and dizzy

Laughter and tears
Sunset and sunrise
Tears from laughter
And tears from cries

It never ends
Or so they say
*******, I hope
It'll end someday.
It's a crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy first day of high school
I didn't document today
For it didn't really matter
I suppose that it's always the same
Yawning, crying, laughter.

I didn't document today
For nothing really changed
It's always mild or milder
And it remains within that range

I didn't document today
Maybe, I just forgot
But the monotony is drowning me
And happy, I am not.
It's a crazy, crazy, you know the rest

They're hit and miss
She's nice;
Lets take advantage of her.

She's nice;
She won't mind if we talk about her.

She's nice;
It's okay if we spread rumours about her.

She's nice;
Lets walk all over her.

She's nice;
She would never get mad at anyone.

YES! She may be nice but that does NOT give you the right to treat her like crap. She is a human being, she has feelings too that sometimes get hurt when people don't take her seriously. So next time you think you're not bothering someone because you don't think they mind...think again!
You asked me what it was I ever saw in him,
Over half eaten lunch and cups stained with coffee
And I said I saw everything in him that I couldn’t see in me.
I saw life
And excitement
And beauty.
You told me I deserved better,
That you’d only ever come to our wedding for the free cake.
And the alcohol,
For the company of me but not my husband.
I told you not to worry.
He will always be my unlawful better half.
 Sep 2013 MaRiahh Hodgkinson
Enveloped in the sacred blue
your lyrically beckoning shores
an ancient anchoring to renew
safe harbor unknown before

Depths of clarity and calmness
in truth too deep to fathom
forever guarded by the goddess
sunken treasures not abandoned

This ship must cross the latitude
persistent winds setting sails
a changing in its attitude
soon homecoming prevails
 Sep 2013 MaRiahh Hodgkinson
Imprinting herself around me
   a tenderly etched embrace
Integrity of heart and soul
   intact, time shan't erase

A scarab if a beetle
   a nova if a star
An amulet of conviction
   pulsing light from afar

My hand is open to her
   my life freely given
To be loved simply by loving
   ancient wisdom recently rewritten
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