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First I'd like to say, that I apologize,
For being so stupid, and not making you mine.
Cause now all I have, is you on my mind
How beautiful and breath taking you are all the time.
And I could never forget, that thing we did,
Back in last summer, when we shared our first kiss.
How I've wished, we could do it again,
But because I messed up, now you have a man.
But instead of being mad at myself, let me just say,
That he should treat you good, each and every day.
That he should love honor, and cherish you each day.
And that he should give you all his time, and say I love you every day.
And if he does not, then that is just a shame,
Because you are a Queen, and I'll be the one to blame.
I wrote this poem for this girl half way through my freshman year. And honestly, I do still feel the same way, but don't think I can that second chance, so when you love a girl, don't get distracted with everyhting around you, and show her her importance however you want, but just do it to show her, she'll appreciate you.
People think,
That just because I'm nice,
That I won't protect myself,
Or get into a fight.
Now Is it the first thing that I would do,
No not really,
But I will if I have to.
I try to stay strong,
From day to day
From the pain life and people bring me
Every single day
But the only reason why I still do this,
Is cause I know that God will get me through it.
If you read this pleae feel free to comment and I could also use help with my tittle.
Today is a day
Just for me
My best friend is gone
She's history
I've got a new hope
Shining bright as can be
I've got to let go
So I can be free

Today is a day
To let everything go
My best friend is gone
To where? I don't know
But I've got a new hope
And it's just gonna grow
I'm going to make sure
That I put on a show

Today is a day
To let loose and go wild
My best friend is gone
She has been for a while
But I've got a new hope
Im going out with style
How long has it been
Since I actually smiled?
 Jun 2013 MaRiahh Hodgkinson
She moves through the fair of her life
with an awareness and introspection that belies her years

She still feels the effects of the darkness that plagued her past
but, as she goes forth, reaches with her soul towards a new and enlightened age

She will not forget her suffering, but uses it to transform her spirit
as an alchemist uses the philosopher's stone to produce precious from base

She is a rebel at heart, but hers is a cultural revolution, an awakening to the beauty of a spiritual life filled with music, art, poetry, language, philosophy, and the science of nature

Transformation isn't instantaneous and her emotions will still go medieval at times suddenly rising like a Gothic spire from the landscape

However, with each contrasting experience she is reborn and better equipped to fashion a belle époque of her own design

She may tend to shun the glamour of convention and develop a unique style
She just wants you to know who she is
That back that was turned towards me then could very well have been my very own.
The only difference was my conniving and cowardly nature;
for I understood the importance of people despite their pity or hypocrisy.
Because of that,
I never had the courage to give that warmth up, no matter now pathetic or miserable I had to be to hold on to it.

Everytime someone got to close,
I would back away, going into that dark place that I set apart,
just for the sake of my independence.
If I let someone change that fact,
it would mean the end,
of the life that revolved around me and me alone.
That's why I have to run.

But, all the same
Don't you think that risking everything on one single person
is too terrifying?
I know about those nights where for no reason, you can't fall asleep..
when you're left all alone with nothing but an empty cup of distilled water.
I know about the emptiness that you can't escape,
that eats away at you, making you feel like you have no one else in the world.
But even so, you have "yourself", and I gave that to you.

For some reason, I thought about it whenever I'd lose all hope.
"I'll wait for you!"
It may have been but a sweet delusion..
but that made it possible for me to believe that I am not alone in this world.

It was a hypocrisy.
It was a lie.
All I had to do was close my eyes and take one step after another.
Why couldn't I do that?
Why is living such a scary thing to do?

There is an empty cage,
I concluded without a tint of regret.
Waiting for me in the afterlife.
For I, and no one else.
If everyone fits together like a puzzle,
maybe I'm a piece on the edge,
with a jagged, broken corner.
No piece would fit,
even if forcibly bent.

Back then, I should've run.
I should've continued walking on that isolated road,
and never looked back.
It was true that at that time, I wasn't strong enough to pull away.
But that magnetic tug of our downfall, that fact called curiosity,
led me to that parodic magic of fruit;
hanging on a half-dead tree.
*What does it taste like?
I write poems about empowerment
About never giving up.
But tonight, I feel weak.
I feel like a nuisance
I feel like a crybaby
I feel like a snitch
I feel like every terrible name everyone has ever called me
And I have never felt more like myself
:( :( :(
He can't ever know
I can't let it show
My emotions betray me
Not just once, but daily.
He's hers, not mine
I tell myself I'm fine
But not a day a passes by
When  I don't know that's a lie
I can't be mad at you for loving her
Who wouldn't?
The beauty,
The brains
The grace
Everything I'm not.
I can't be mad at you for loving her
Everyone does
Her humor
Her charm
Her wit
Everything I'm without
I can't be mad at you for loving her
She's basically perfect
Her hair
Her clothes
Her smile
Everything about me that's ugly
I can't be mad at you for loving her
No, I'm not
I'm mad because you don't love me
I'm mad because I'm not her.
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