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Margaret Mary Mar 2013
I thought today would be a good day.
That was my first mistake.
Writers Block.
Margaret Mary Mar 2013
I can still taste regret in my mouth
My crippled body crawls for more
and my disfigured heart knows no remorse
My soul has hallowed, as it echos my pain
The tears flow with rhythm
While my lips quiver and shake
And I remember darkness always wins
As I fall into the hands of sin
Margaret Mary Mar 2013
You keep talking words of sweet love songs
You tell me I can finally be done with Mr. Wrong
You caught my eye by surprise, and I felt paralyzed by your smile
I opened up and let you in
My walls came crashing down
And finally my unsteady beat, had a rhythmical sound

Until the day you grew cold, your eyes a glassy stone
And then I recognized a feeling so familiar
The sharp jaged pain of hurt
The kind of hurt where you yearn for more than anything to be numb to the pain
And not feel the venom of betrayal run through your veins

I wish for more than anything to rid myself of my naive mind and these webs of lies
I spin inside
You claim to be so innocent
I hate to break it to you baby, but you're still the ****** bag
I'm running from
Margaret Mary Feb 2013
Another ******
Another night
I'm losing trust
While you're losing sight
Of what you want, of what I am
This dance we dance
It's lost it's tune
The moon hangs low in the starry sky
While I make a wish and close my eyes
I wish you were gone
And I wish I was wrong
Wrong that you've moved on
While I still whistle the tune of our song
Margaret Mary Feb 2013
That time has come, where the walls start to close in
My mind unravels and my thoughts cave in
My pulse is fast and my lips feel weak
How do you speak words that will make someone weep?
It would be easy to hide, to run and lie
But my heart would rot
And my soul would die
But conscience knows you deserve a proper goodbye
Margaret Mary Feb 2013
The tears are like rain
But the screams in my head are only a mutter
My chest moves up and down with each shudder
Yet I hold tight onto this pain
Im addicted
How can you enjoy something that makes you feel dead?
Makes your feet feel heavy like lead
Your breaths short and sharp
And your heart aches till it falls apart
And till there's nothing left but remorse
and your crying corpse
Margaret Mary Dec 2012
You're wasting your time
We're a story that will die
I'll run and hide
While you'll hurt inside
I don't mean to cause pain
But it's a poison that runs through my veins
So run for the hills
And keep your heart beating
   still. . . .
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