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 Aug 2013 manicsurvival
I wonder
would it help, could I fix us if I just turned the lights down
and we drown in our former selves
have *** with each other
and ourselves -

relationship worked better when there was more
than just the two of us.
I am sorry that all my poems are about infidelity, ha ha
felt like a dream when I was with you
feels like a dream now you're gone from my side
you'll always be my dream and I'll always need you
to make sleeping without you more bearable at night
felt so real when I dreamt you
feels so unreal now my dream has died
I won't ever forget you
or the dream that I dreamt where we went on with our lives
 Aug 2013 manicsurvival
I think I'm losing my mind.
Maybe the lack of sleep…I don’t really know.
It always comes back to the fear & anxiety,
The rage and the sadness…
Drifting in and out of the past and the present.
I’m doing everything I can to keep from hurting myself tonight.
It’s been brewing for over a week now,
I don’t know how long I can keep it at bay.
It sits behind me, taunting me, breathing down my neck,
* “Nita, you know you can’t resist me much longer
Just do it – you’ll feel better, you know you will.”*

But it’s lying!
I may feel better for a few moments,
Maybe even a few hours, but it’ll all be back.
I don’t want to cut myself,
I don’t think I have the energy to deal with the blood and the band-aids
I don’t think I can even stop the bleeding tonight.
As much as I want to see it, to feel the pain,
I’m doing my best to hold it at bay.

Back to the wanting to give up stage.
Why does it always come back to this?
No one believes me – no one believes that the boogey man – he really does exist.
He is here! He comes here all the time, but no one believes me.
Therapist thinks I just need to “self-regulate” my emotions,
I need to “self-soothe” myself back into the present.
F@#k! At the “present” I don’t even know what year it is!
He is here!
He is around each corner, he is right here!
And he is clawing me, ripping me apart, limb by limb.
There isn’t much left – I’m in pieces already.
But no one will believe me.
Each day more pieces of me fall to the ground, neglected, forgotten.

But no one understands.
I want to rip her out of my body!
I scream at her,
“Leave me alone, you stupid whiny baby!
Go **** your thumb or whatever it is you do and leave me alone!
I hate you!!”

But no one gets it.
**** happens!
And when it does, some of us can’t deal with it!
It’s not manipulation,
It really is an inability to deal
With the overwhelming voices and feelings, hands on my body.
And yet no one cares, no one understands.

Does it ever stop?

How do others cope?

What the heck is wrong with me?

I took an internal inventory
And there’s nothing of value left in me:
He took my heart, my soul, and my body.
He destroyed my hope, my trust…what’s left?
i was so scared
i started to cry
tears were just flowing
i couldnt let it go by

my arms were weak
my blood was pounding
it started to hurt
my head was pounding
If I were you for a day,
It could change everything.
I would know all about that girl
who's smile you love the most.
I'd turn around when I saw her
And never look back.
I would search for that pretty girl,
who always had her nose in a book.
I'd sit down across from her
flash a smile and hope she'd blush.
When you return to yourself
I'd hope you'd remember.
You could finally live your life,
without a twisted **** like me.
I stand alone,
wind blowing around me
at the end of my time.
A shattered being
that at some point had resembled a human.

The sky is black and
scattered stars light up the wold around me.
How could such a beautiful world
bring so much agony?

I am so completely alone.
Water rushes across my feet;
a sign that the tide is rising.
How peaceful it would be
to become one with the waves.
How lovely it would be
to never hurt again.

I'm standing here screaming
'Please, God, take my life.'
But he isn't listening.
So I rip at my flesh and
beckon sweet death.
But it does not arrive.

I sit back and watch my life
become destroyed and devastated.
One simple mistake,
and now I have to pay for it.
My job and my future career,
even school and friends.
Gone-they're never coming back.

How am I meant to survive
with nothing left to fight for?
I can smile and make believe,
but my eyes are dead.

As I watch the stars twinkle above me,
I close my eyes and breathe, whispering
"Death, come to me.'
I just don't know anymore.
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