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The man alone sat in the restaurant
as people talked about him.
Somehow he had become a real loner
nobody talked to him.
He never spoke to anybody close by
losing the will to try.

The man alone had not always been like this
he'd been married twice.
Blessed with four children and socialised
yet lacked something.
He was not considered a long term friend
lacking a chemical blend?

The man alone began to feel more depressed
watching others socialise.
What lay ahead the past didn't cheer him up
questioning his purpose.
Isolation was becoming more of an issue
his future not even he knew!

The Foureyed Poet.
He was used to being alone yet it began to depress him was it his age? The Foureyed Poet.
Is life new from our start
a clear sheet at birth.
Or yet another added part
if reincarnated on earth.

Is it just one visit here
for us to get it right?
To most this isn't clear
do we go into the light?

Do we have a purpose here
academics this considered.
Can religions make it clear
before our bodies withered!

Heaven must be a crowded place
with all the souls there.
Could this be in outer space
or another slot they share.

Do legends have real meaning
ancient text and fairy tales.
Somebody has been scheming
we've been fed false trails!

Occult magic and other arts
is there a real mystery?
In our brain unused parts
missing sections of history.

So much we just don't know
and believe what we're told.
What next insight will show
a date for life to fold?

So many unanswered questions
as this planet turns.
Loads of speculative suggestions
as the sun brightly burns!

What is the real truth?

The Foureyed Poet.
Is life new from the start just the one shot? Do we reincarnate? So many questions not answered! So much to ponder about! The Foureyed Poet.
A simple pleasure that I enjoy
to sit and look about me.
With fervent beliefs to employ
just to be here and free.

Doing nothing but observe
absorbing with my senses.
Enjoying each turn and curve
as every moment commences.

No use of physical energy
let your mind roam.
Nobody's a friend or an enemy
viewing even from home.

All around there's love and hate
violence and peace.
Mingled in lifes big debate
as instability's on the increase.

Violence infiltrates our souls
nobody's immune from dying.
As life takes many roles
on each hope I'm not prying.

Trying to be in a neutral position
watching earthly evolution.
A bystander in natures mission
for which we have no solution!

A grain of sand in a desert
all I can be is alert!

The Foureyed Poet.
I often like to just simply observe life around me. The Foureyed Poet.
As he opened one eye a new existence awaited
it was cold and he was semi naked!
A salty smell filled his sensitive nostrils
wearily he sat up.
Blood ran down his arm from a savage ****
clothes strewn about like trash!

No memory of how he ended up in this spot
a watery sun began to shine.
Standing it was though he had a hangover
how his head throbbed.
Gathering his clothes and putting them on
he heard a clock on seven ****!

That splitting headache rampaged his thoughts
trying desperately to remember.
He was sure it was a celebration with mates
must have had too much *****.
Finding it hard to even remember his address
how had he got into this mess?

His parents thankfully had already left for work
weak had a job climbing the stairs.
Couldn't even recognize himself in the mirror
more zombie than human!
Still early so dizzy collapsed on the bed
soon his duvet had turned red!

In a deep slumber awful images started to form
of wolves ripping his flesh!
The next thing he knew his mum was shouting
shocked at his appearance!
Evening when he was rushed to hospital so ill
that ambulance siren shrill!

A month passed now resting healed in the garden
darkness was ascending.
A full moon shone that night he was twitchy
as his hearing became acute.
Starting to sweat his entire body began to ache
the wolf inside began to awake!

The Foureyed Poet.
Waking up semi naked in the early morning the young man just could not remember what had happened the night before!
The Foureyed Poet.
At that moment my mind was not focused
caught my hand in a car door!
Intense pain thought I'd broken a finger
decided to go to casualty.
It was quiet as I entered in a lot of pain
knowing I'd have to explain.

The lady on the desk said I'd have to wait
hopefully not for long.
Surprised it was only about half an hour
saw a triage nurse.
Took me to a small cubicle to be seen
through a curtained screen.

I laid down on a couch resting my eyes
a sound made me aware.
Very surprised a nurse stood besides me
she was very pleasant.
Her uniform seemed an unusual style
not speaking for awhile.

Then she spoke in a soft gentle way
that made the pain ease.
Said I'b be fine touched my hand
such kindness no demand.
Went to thank her but she'd gone
surprised but felt strong!

Then another nurse came quickly in
to say I needed an x-ray.
Before the doctor was able to see me
could I follow her.
I said the other nurse had been kind
walking closely behind.

She turned telling me she was on her own
giving a description.
A blank expression she didn't work there
the uniform not used for years!
Very perplexed I said no more to her
but who was my nice comforter?

Was it pain making me hallucinate
or had it been a ghost?

The Foureyed Poet.
To this day I have no idea who that nice nurse was that had spoken to me when I visited casualty! Was she really a ghost? The Foureyed Poet.
When you don't even admit to yourself
your really lonely.
Telling others you're an independent soul
inside wanting friendship.
Outwardly trying to show confidence
this is your defence.

Every day becomes a tedious repetition
as you can get isolated.
Meeting few people who actually speak
as the cycle goes on.
Love and any contact is only in your mind
a relationship you'll never find!

There are those who've never been married
or had close friendships.
Who have never known that wanted feeling
which you do miss.
Somebody at home company when out
that's what your life was about.

Too many hours to self analyse yourself
you observe others around.
But in the end you've become invisible
blending into the surroundings.
Hoping somebody will hear you calling
before you start falling!

It's good to be independent and stand on your own
but it can be hard being alone!

The Foureyed Poet.
Loneliness can be even hard when to others you are invisible!   The Foureyed Poet.
How often do we glance at the skies
either it's cloudy.
Or a bright clear pastel blue image
sometimes odd things to.
Within our vision this is what we see
are we alien free?

Unseen objects flying we just can't detect
only by infra red light.
Not by the naked eye are they visible
where they're from unknown!
One more of life's mysteries to brood
on this world to intrude!

As we **** each other and nations divided
are the skies busy?
Not with our rising air traffic but space craft
from another distant star.
Maybe from a different dimension or time lines
we don't recognise the signs!

On the internet there are many films shown
of craft flying around.
That our limited visual spectrum blocks out
observing you and me!
Is this phenomena real or simply a camera trick
surely the experts aren't thick?

Is there nobody there and it's imagination
none of the sightings real!
This I feel is certainly not the whole truth
something is very much near!
Gazing upon us as we upon ourselves spy
yet the question remains why?

The Foureyed Poet.
Our visual spectrum is very limited. Are there alien craft in our skies that we can't see? The Foureyed Poet.
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