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Maahv Z Nov 2017
Do i need coffee?
When i have you
only a thought that keeps my mind occupied
your scent, your lips on mine
with smoke of cigarettes
in my whole body, touching me
as if its never been touched before
what do i say of love?
what do i say of trust?
I have neither
so i get back to coffee
my world of caffeine
smoke, endless smoke
filling up my emptiness
a dose of caffeine
the only thing that keeps me moving
no love, no trust
only dose of caffeine
with regrets kissing me all over.
putting me in shame every moment
Maahv Z Oct 2017
time's imperative need
to always perform
and be in conscious
of all the things that matters--is that nothing matters
Why do we even care?
i witness these movements, in and out,
here and there
As if, at some times, it will make sense
and for what?
with solitude, and with darkness in our minds
we move around--ask these wind,
the waves, and lyrics that you listen to 24/7
trying to relate to what we feel
night and day
in bleak of solitude, dwelling in profound drunkness
ask that who cry with their wide smiles
ask that which whines with their perfections
ask that who are restless in between sleep and awake
for life's eternal burden--that breaks and pierces within
and you must stop worrying
for words can't tell
what we go through
it's a forever going circus.
let's fill ourselves with wine,
poetry, our floating existences..
and these careless words, sometimes deep
sometimes shallow
and must stop worrying.
for each other, and for one another
Maahv Z Aug 2017
I used to advertise, my loyalty
my tenderness--that knew nothing but you--your scent
how beautiful when I held you
my face is still fresh with infinite kisses
our love is incredible, I used to think
till infidelity came in between--your promises
your sweetness, all went like a sun amidst dark clouds
I promise myself--I'd move on
and I did..yet, ordinary things remind me of you
beautiful smiles; casual ways
nothing more to say; just life alone
reminds me of your deep presence
dwelling in me
I had drown myself; in dustiness of life
but I am afraid
my heart became a place ---
chosen for betrayal
No more, i display myself
for 'loyalty' .
not comforting myself with any lies, having no real desire to continue
but i continue, to be, and live
against odds--betraying, every second minute
I'd wanted to let go;
but life, made me cruel.
Maahv Z Aug 2017
Tear me apart
I would still hold you
deafen my ears,
i would still listen to your silences
mute my words
I would still utter you
through my longings, my never-ending yearnings
even without a feel, i would feel you
with my heart, with my soul
I cry your tears, your screams
the rashes in your heart
strangle my soul, and my brain on fire
and your soul, leaving me cold
without an emotion, without a hand
I wish you could have seen !

Maahv Z Aug 2017
I smile in confusions
I cry in laughter
I remain without me, when with me
And all day long, I long to be with me
Nights remain a process of pain-sewing
like a needle in fabric ..
I talk passion, my sight short sighted-ness
My blood sings in bleeding
Heaven heaven !
I love bleeding;
in burning core to core in love..
Heavens might have placed me in this earth,
but my heart marches still in the doors of heaven..
Maahv Z Aug 2017
Wind cries
Feeling whirls
Owing to life's constant playing
Tell me of good
Speak me in your beauty
Forget all cruel
Hold cheers in your dancing matters

Maahv Z Aug 2017
I belong to heart
I belong to mind
I belong to all of you
I am your friend
I am your enemy
I am your stranger
I stay in disappointment
I stay in silence
I stay in tears

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