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Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
While sitting
at the side entrance,
the oak tree
towering above me,
I could see
the golden leaves
in the sunlight

Looking down
I saw a robin
and a dragonfly
on a blue hydrangea bush

is definitely
on its way
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
I never use an easel to paint
and now it seems no sense to me
to drink fermented drinks
I have never had a fracture
(touch wood)
for which I am doubly thankful
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
Hip Hip Hooray!
They won an award today
and if I may say
"They deserved it"
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019

running along to a song
I have a stitch in my side

My woman's intuition
causes me to stop
for a while
and have a drink
of an inch of water

Feeling refreshed
I could now go on
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
On this horrible
wet and windy day
I was glad to have
somewhere to go
and play
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
A dichotomy of scent
wafted towards us
as we walked around
the garden borders
watching the buzzing bees
and listening
to our feathered friends
a low-flying jet
with it's sonic boom
and blazing trail
flew overhead momentarily
distracting our attention
but not for long
tranquility soon returned
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2019
We found one slug
in my bathroom
This doesn't seem
hygienic to me
I wish the workmen
would hurry up
and do their job
putting a new floor
and drain in
They've been looking
and contemplating
without actually
doing it

They give me the heeby jeebies
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