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Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
Spring is here today
We saw lambs along the way
Spring is here today
The blue sky stayed
Spring is here today
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
The Ides Of March
is superstitious
like Friday the thirteenth
and walking under a ladder
Good for the goose
but not for the gander
Think positive
and turn fear
into laughter
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
Public right of way
Ancient pathways
over common land
where livestock is grazed
in a traditional manner
It is important
that this local source of food
for farmer's markets
and fairgrounds
Local produce
being much better for our health
than imports
from far away
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
"Clever Clogs"
My sister used to say to me
All these years later
I still don't know
what it means
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
After a longish walk
and lots of fresh air
we sat in the park
as it grew dark
eating chips
I couldn't have wanted more
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2019
“If it's meant to be it will be”
People say to me
I don't know why now
but I’ll see things
In a different perspective
in the future
When I am older.
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2019
"Too old for surgery"
The surgeon turned me down
This was a great relief
I cheered without a sound

He said it would be major
moving things around
so I was very glad
to be homeward bound
Was very good
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