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 Oct 2012 Maegan
A wishing well,
Old pennies thrown in,
They shall be yours again.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
 Oct 2012 Maegan
You are perfect with your imperfections,
You are the one I want to be.
You make me aspire to do things,
You are a role - model for me.

You are kind, you are smart,
You're lovable and free.
It seems you've unlocked the door to perfection,
Please can I borrow the key?

Not only only that, but you have been blessed with looks,
And a heart as pure as the sea.
I love you for being you,
But I despise you for being better than me.

I think you are wonderful - don't get me wrong,
I am just being a pain in the knee.
Don't worry your flawless perfect face,
It is just me being me.

This is what I thought of you,
Until I could see...
That you have problems too,
Just like everyone - and me.

This has taught me not to judge,
Where as I am now able to see.
I am no longer blind in stubbornness,
So thankyou for being patient with me.
For Maegan. Thankyou for being you. I can't describe it, but it is impossible for me to be mad around you. You make me feel like all my worries have been washed away. I really treasure our friendship.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
The sound of snow crunching under feet.
The sound of children, laughing.
The sound of trees swaying in the breeze.
The sound of birds, engrossed in their song.

The sight of white delicate snowflakes blanketing your ebony black hair.
The sight of children running freely.
The sight of leaves blowing through the wind.
The sight of birds, soaring high through the sky.

Instead of seeing a flower, I see a beautiful plant that looks untouched by anything mortal.
Instead of smelling dead fish, I smell the sand dunes and the sea.
Next time you see, smell or hear something, appreciate it. Cherish it.
Because tomorrow at least something will have changed. Tomorrow nothing will ever be the same.
I wrote this poem to try and get people to cherish and appreciate things, because that stray cat, rosebush, or person, might not be there tomorrow. Because the world is changing everyday.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
 Oct 2012 Maegan
Look for perfection
Mother nature will show you
There in a nutshell
 Oct 2012 Maegan
 Oct 2012 Maegan
You wouldn't **** a man
Or **** a woman
Then **** her, normally.
But listen kid
You've got a gun
Have some fun
You're in the army now.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
Megan Grace
Breathe me in and hold
me in your lungs, darling, past
when your face turns red.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
killing time
 Oct 2012 Maegan
Killing time,
Is a term I dislike,
Slaughtering seconds,
For sheer delight,
nothing to ponder,
Or question,
Just minutes passing,
It doesn't relate,
Life is too short,
To allow time to pass,
Through fingers uncaring,
Of its limited mass,
If infinity were ours,
Then hours we'd waste,
Sometimes with focus,
And sometimes in haste,
But moments are precious,
Rare like some stones,
Regret for our waste,
Will rest with our bones.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
Jade chains
Brace these
Wrists and ankles
Choked slowing of blood
Paling the skin

Emerald green
Vines curl their way
Up these legs and
Over these *******
Burning their
Verdant tongues
Through layer upon layer of skin
Making a natural
On this body

Small beetles
Crawl over and under
Dry leafs
Covering the
Decaying ground
Climb their way
Upward the curve
Of these thighs
Tickling the skin
With tiny antennas

Purple amethyst bacteria
Coagulate swiftly
Over these
Toes and
Finger tips
Becoming hard
As dried
Star fish

Serpents slither
Their moist tongues
Along these
Cracked lips
Venom touched surfaces

These eyes
Wide and watchful
Slowly decaying
Their edges becoming
Crusts of hard
Slowly closing
Never to see
The surrounding world’s
Vanity decay
 Oct 2012 Maegan
Hank Dorsch
Sunburst water, reflected up.
Rising above till it’s gone.
And where is it from
This potion of love.
Ponder on this
Till the autumn turns crisp,
Reflect the orange,
Send back the brightness.
Return the blues and the
Different hues.
The clean earth, the clean palate.
The clean, clean white
Rises above the kites.
 Oct 2012 Maegan
 Oct 2012 Maegan
My little girl,
You are innocent and sweet.
You are the most precious thing
Anyone could meet.

You are my social butterfly,
You are clueless to how horrible the world can be,
Of how sad it can make people feel.
But all of YOUR sadness - I will make sure it goes to me.

You don't deserve to feel pain,
I don't want you to grow up the way I did.
You are my dandelion in the spring,
Even though your'e my stepmother's kid.

I love you more than life itself,
I would give mine away for you.
And some days I can only hope,
That you love yourself as much as I do.

With your golden hair
And crystal blue eyes,
People may underestimate you,
But from me they will be despised.

So my darling Alyra,
So perfect and young,
When I am thinking of you,
The words "I love you" will easily come.
Definitely not my best poem but I just wanted to show my stepsister (Alyra, age 4) how much I love her.
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