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 Apr 2013 Mae Queen
Pink Taylor
It's been almost one whole year, my love.
When will this charade be over?
I've been quiet in the background,
hiding in the shadows,
waiting for the day they all will know.
I never thought it would last this long.

When will I be freed of this indefinite sentence?
When will we stop playing this game of hide & seek?
When will you unveil me?

I'm still waiting...
 Apr 2013 Mae Queen
A perfect afternoon
spent on the beach
and within each other's reach

A perfect afternoon
climbing trees
and touching knees

A perfect afternoon
making wishes
and stealing kisses

A perfect afternoon
that ended all too soon
 Apr 2013 Mae Queen
 Apr 2013 Mae Queen
I wish to extinguish
this self destructive

I'm getting tired
of the stale

The smoke that pours
from my pouted lips
is clouding my

The residue is building
in my lungs
I feel it

It's crawling rather quickly
up towards my

I know I should quit
but it's hard
when it's not nicotine that I'm
addicted to.
 Apr 2013 Mae Queen
Hello Poetry
 Apr 2013 Mae Queen
Hello Poetry
my friend
and yet my foe,
with you I learn things,
things I don't wanna know;
about myself and others
and the things that we can't touch;
the things we hate and love
like life and lust and such

With you I learn the truth
about what's deep inside,
learn to stretch my boundaries
and reign in all my pride
because words hold strength;
a new power, unrestrained
not in size or length
but in the simple way
they pour from brain to page.
Just a thought..
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
Judith Wright
All things conspire to hold me from you–
even my love,
since that would mask you and unname you
till merely woman and man we live.
All men wear arms against the rebel –
and they are wise,
since the sound world they know and stable
is eaten away by lovers’ eyes.
All things conspire to stand between us –
even you and I,
who still command us, still unjoin us,
and drive us forward till we die.
Not till those fiery ghosts are laid
shall we be one.
Till then, they whet our double blade
and use the turning world for stone.
As the moon shines I see nothing,
No lights, no people, only darkness.
I wonder if I have become blind,
With eyes wide I stare.
I wish for light, but receive only shadows,
They tower over me and I fear,
Why has this happened? Is this a dream?
Nothing has ever terrified me more.

Through quaint eyes appears a figure,
Have I awoken? Or is this still a dream?
I become frigid, stiffened with distress.

Alas, the sight becomes clearer,
Wider still my eyes unseal,
It is magnificent, beautiful, and breath-taking.
The sight is you.
Timothy N. Stacey (Oct 09)
Life is split by our only purities
Black and white; hate and love

But which were you?

You started out as gray; so I screamed and smeared you black
It was easier to darken something than make it lighter

But which were you?

Perhaps you were pale enough for me to have lied
I could have just blurred my eyes and made you white

But which were you?

You made my world rotten; gray
Some parts dried white and others soaked in black

But which were you?

You’ve been gray since forever
And you’ve grayed my senses
laced with lovers lonely thoughts,
We prowl.

a handful of shadowed sinners
veiled by the illusions of sainthood,
We lie.

etiquette adapts to enchant.
laugh to lure, touch to trap,
We ******.

clothes clutter the carpet.
with the courtship climaxing,
We ****.

before the sun can show your shame,
We leave.
While I wait for something to change,
My life, I will have to arrange.
While I wait for something profound,
I’ll have to look for happiness around.

While I wait for this journey to end,
Once in a while, my thoughts I will send;
Across the physical world that is,
Before I’m in those arms of his.

While I wait, what if I don’t realise?
What if I go through it all hypnotised?
I ask myself, what will it take;
Before something of myself I make?

While I wait, sometimes I think I’ve found,
What breaks me free, out of bounds.
Chemical reactions? Sometimes I wonder;
Because I’m back, making the same old blunders.

While I wait, you take pieces of me.
But I don’t change that much, you see.
Do I need the right question, or the right answer?
I jump from here to there, much like a dancer.

While I wait for the right experience,
For all of this to make more sense,
I lie here beneath the ladle in the sky,
And wave my shortcomings goodbye.
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