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 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
I talked to an 77-year-old man who was washing the windows at Pizza Hut today.
He was young and so happy.
He was kind.
And wise.
He was rich.
He had no money.
He had nice eyes.
He was going blind.
He had a beautiful smile.
His teeth were rotten.
His name was Jerome.
And all he wanted to do was help people.
He taught me so much in 6 minutes.
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
Anna G Ahrens
We talked, once
I asked a mundane question
Hoping for more than an answer
But no,
You replied and turned away

Our eyes met, once
I smiled and blushed
Wishing for more than that glance
But no,
You blinked and turned away

We touched, once
Our arms brushed on our ways past
I whispered an apology
Pleading for you more than ever before
But no,
You didn't even look

Now there isn't anything much
We aren't even aware anymore
I still wish, hope, and plead
But no,
You won't even know I'm here
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
Mary Oliver
All summer I made friends
with the creatures nearby ---
they flowed through the fields
and under the tent walls,
or padded through the door,
grinning through their many teeth,  
looking for seeds,
suet, sugar; muttering and humming,
opening the breadbox, happiest when
there was milk and music. But once
in the night I heard a sound
outside the door, the canvas
bulged slightly ---something
was pressing inward at eye level.
I watched, trembling, sure I had heard
the click of claws, the smack of lips
outside my gauzy house ---
I imagined the red eyes,
the broad tongue, the enormous lap.
Would it be friendly too?
Fear defeated me. And yet,
not in faith and not in madness
but with the courage I thought
my dream deserved,
I stepped outside. It was gone.
Then I whirled at the sound of some
shambling tonnage.
Did I see a black haunch slipping
back through the trees? Did I see
the moonlight shining on it?
Did I actually reach out my arms
toward it, toward paradise falling, like
the fading of the dearest, wildest hope ---
the dark heart of the story that is all
the reason for its telling?
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
I want to sit with you at four in the morning
I want to know your hands
I want to know your smile
I want to make you laugh
I want to make you think
I want to make chocolate chip pancakes with you
I want to be with you
And I want you to want to be with me
Only me
What shape so furtive steals along the dim
Bleak street, barren of throngs, this day of June;
This day of rest, when all the roses swoon
In Attic vales where dryads wait for him?
What sylvan this, and what the stranger whim
That lured him here this golden afternoon;
Ways where the dusk has fallen oversoon
In the deep canyon, torrentless and grim?

Great Pan is far, O mad estray, and these
Bare walls that leap to heaven and hide the skies
Are fanes men rear to other deities;
Far to the east the haunted woodland lies,
And cloudless still, from cyclad-dotted seas,
Hymettus and the hills of Hellas rise.
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
Taylor Napier
I'm cold.
And I'm tired.
And I'm so done.
Of being the only one.

I'm alone.
And unprepared.
And so over being dragged along.
Of being the one that must be strong.
I'm weak.

Why is it me?
Why do I do for you,
But not me, too.

And you let me,
You let me **** myself.
You let me go through trials,
Guess you haven't cared for a while.

You say:
"I shouldn't put,
you through my pains"
But I guess it's all the same.
To you.

I do remember,
A beautiful time.
When I was yous,
And you were mine.

But it's not that simple.
It's not easy.
Because you're killing me.
So slowly.
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
Steven Stone

Night looks into
my window; I sleep
in a dark nowhere

a nowhere spitting
up steam, the streets
in their wetness, the
rolling night, the moon
unbroken, hidden,
like the eye of fall
that blinks cold tears,
then recedes under
the soft ground.

A rogue wind and
a new season overlap
life and death; a damp
chill on my spine
illuminates it, as it
throws off the mem-
brane of fear. I seek
possibilities; they
have given up looking
for me.

I have given up
fighting back the chill
of solitude; a bare-
knuckled wind
holds summer at
arm’s length.
The snakeskin winds
itself around my mind,
shedding its snake,
pouring out cold venom

this is the best winter,
or the best in a long time.
I surrender to the movie
machine, the great blinking
eye, a shroud of black-
and-white. In shades of
in-between I find the

new ability to live
inside the celluloid;
this is where I make
my hiding place, and
I scamper from room to
room with no notice.
I forever sit and listen
as the great Rubinstein
plays, makes love to the
keys, coronates Chopin.
I am safe here, in 1950,
or thereabouts, sitting
in a chair apropos to
1950, and I answer no
phones and in fact, am
not truly of this world,
nor of Rubinstein’s,
but I can migrate well,
A Zelig of diminishing
returns, and a kiss is
the only thing I lack, and
it is getting warmer, and I
still wear my old coat,
And when night
again breaks into
my house, I am in
a better place, away
from the lost children
of my old hopes,

Away from the
fangs of tyrants who
want me happy;

Away from the blind
moon and the rocks
I could never stop

Steven Stone
January 2012
 Feb 2013 Mae Queen
Sekitei Hara
The hands of a woman exist
To take out the insides of spring cuttlefishes.
Struck by a ******* lightning bolt:
Hope, bliss, flight, fear, loss. Pain.

All the idle bits of my soul,
Seared away.

Left behind, a mass of pristine
Longing. Hunger.  

I stare upward to the thunderclouds,
Reverent wings spread broad, and
Pray for mercy; to be set alight
Once more.

Don't cry for me; this is my

Don't sing for me; this is my

One way or the other,
I will starve no longer.
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