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760 · Sep 2015
Falling Stars
Madison Thorne Sep 2015
I  always said you can't fall in love
Only for people lost in the stars

So young and fragile
Not sure how to react

Nothing will last unless you commit
No such thing as falling

You wanted to sweep me off my feet
But I didn't believe in falling

You wanted to prove me wrong
I believe, he said
Searching and teaching and showing new things
No such thing as falling

Time goes on as time goes
No such thing as falling

Try and try to see, he said
Is there such a thing as falling?

Time goes on as time goes on
Maybe there is such a thing as falling

Welcoming me to his world
Afraid and more afraid
I'll wait for you, he said
And he kept on believing

Much to my dismay I think you proved me wrong
I want you to believe, he said
Searching and teaching and showing new things
Could I be falling?

Down and down the rabbit hole
Afraid and more afraid
It's okay, he said
I'll catch you at the bottom

Commitment and love work hand in hand
Could I be falling?

I always said you can't fall in love
Only for people lost in the stars

Deeper into the universe
Yours and mine became ours
Your jokes, my laugh became one love

You're finally lost in the stars, he said
Forever and always,** was my reply

We became the stars
739 · Sep 2015
Madison Thorne Sep 2015

To the Lord and all He's done
Everything under the sun

Stars, Moon, World and Universe
Oh the things you've done

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Let me be as you are

542 · Sep 2015
Perfect Faults
Madison Thorne Sep 2015
Some infinities are bigger than other infinities
And what we do in life echoes in eternity

The world is not a wish-granting factory
and some people don't understand the promises they're making

But when you keep the promise anyway.
That's what love is
Love is keeping the promise anyway

That's when you put the killing thing right between your teeth
but you don't give it the power to do its killing

And I know that love is just a shout into the void
And that oblivion is inevitable
But I believe the universe wants to be noticed

Everything that we did and built and wrote
and thought and discovered will be forgotten
and all of this will have been for naught
I encourage you to ignore it.

The marks humans leave are too often scars
But without pain, how could we know joy?

Therefore, I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up
Because the fault, dear friend, is not in our stars
But in ourselves

And my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations
339 · Apr 2017
I Hope You Know
Madison Thorne Apr 2017
I don't write often, but when I do
I usually find myself thinking of you
This is how you know my words are true
Only I wish you knew

You've been my best friend
And I know you'll be here until the end
Our bonds will not bend
Because you are my godsend

The hours of laughter you've given me
Have given the perfect guarantee
That my heart will always be carefree

Thank you for all you have done
You mean more to me than anyone

— The End —