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 Jul 2013 Madison P
Kayla Emily
breathe in the air
can you smell fear
along with despair?
inhale the polluted oxygen
society left an unhealthy scent
one that you cannot forget
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Come with me and daydream
Beside the stillness of the creek
Dream the hours away
For time is infinite here
Come with me and rest
In a field of daisies and wild
Cotton blossoms
That sweetly dance in the wind
Come with me and listen
To the mighty roaring waterfall
Watch it's water tranquilly
Cascading down the cliff
Come with me and heal your heart
And mend your broken wings
To the soft sweet melody
Of my Celtic Harp
Let your heart strings
Sing into the night
Come with me where dreams come true
And where wishes are granted
Take my hand and walk with me
I'll be your friend
Come with me where tears are wiped away
And replaced with ocean treasures
For each tear is a pearl
Each heartache is a ruby
Each wish is a sapphire
Each joy is an emerald
Forgiveness is a diamond
Friendship is a garnet
Freedom is a blue topaz
And love is a red crystal

Finally I thought of something worth while to post!!
I hope it makes sense!!! ~<3
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Hilda Perez
Store shelve

Clean up on isle one please
some one just broke a bottle
of aged wine that took
many years for perfection
and now it is being
mopped up and discarded as rejection.

The shelves on isle two look pretty empty today.
Is it because they are full of nuts and chips
that no one wants to stay fit.

What about the fruits
why are they all bruised
by the many hands
that want to inspect
while being hand pecked.

Rolling down the isle of products
that clean and disinfect
seem to smell the best
but we don't see the danger
inside the package
and please don't mix
bleach and meratic acid.

Clearance isle you say
well that is more on my way.
I will take the scratch and dented,
outdated, and smashed boxes
and turn them into tomarrows
better than ever leftovers.

The checkout lanes are full
but I don't have ten or less
so out with express.
I will have to get behind
the last person in register 3
because it is not all about me.

 I will have to get behind the last person in register 3 because it is not all about me.
My darling your deceitful lies jab me like the kitchen knife you use to
carve my life away with, stabbing deep within my back as you swindle
your way through my last dieing breathe, This I promise you will not be
alone when I am gone...for you will be haunted by remaining spirit as I
take your last remaining steps plotting your deceitful death
copyrighted by Aiden L K Riverstone
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Little Piper
She was there
Listening to your rants
She was there
Comforting you when you cry
She was there
When you lose hope
She was there
Even when you ask her to leave
She was there
When you flirt with other girls
She was there
Keeping the tears and pain to herself.

He was there
Listening to your complains about peers
He was there
Lending his shoulder when you cry
He was there
When you can no longer fight
He was there
When you screamed at him
He was there
When you hang out with your guy best friends
He was there
Always being patient

Open your eyes
To who treats you right
One day, they will leave
And never come back.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Tim Knight
your feet are falling apart again,
let me grab a new sole
for you, old soul,
sooth you down into your new low;
let me miss you and kiss you
in my head
because that’s what the books have led us to believe,
pity the painter who has to grieve.

you painted Death from the palette in your palm
as you looked up from your hospital bed calm
and delighted, but you’ve lost this fight tonight
from, a website devoted to poetry.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Tim Knight
your thoughts are being passed along
at mail train speeds,
no pauses or restraints
no clauses or complaints,
all with a face that would make tear gas cry.
This is a present to you,
it's everything I want to say:

*stop wanting every moment to be music video magic
because it’s something you'll never achieve,
what you say isn’t MTV,
so go head-
Break the window,
fake the claim,
run away and,
start the game.

Call the cops,
take my name,
look me in the eye,
and win the game.

Smoke will never help forget,
but, taken back a single lapse,
can make a mist, turn you black
rewrite the story: that and that.

I wrote a letter to you today;
burned it and my thoughts away.
I coughed and coughed and stole the rain,
a few more and I'll win the game

Coughed again, one more time
stole the clothes all strewn the floor,
stole the clothes, yours and mine
a little less now, for a little more.

Try and try
to play the game
of memory
to lose the pain.

Bring it back.
Never now.
Never then.
Never how?

Took one more for just-in-case.
Took one more and forgot the place
we met, we kissed, we fought our first
we laughed, we cried, we saw it burst.

Forget the burst, it's the game.
The smiles, the tears: both are pain.
And so I cough again and smile
and make it feel a long long while
The Earth opened her mouth and swallowed me whole

She started with my feet and moved slowly to my heart
I felt my muscles relax as she chewed, chomped and tore me apart
She jabbed at my eyes, she scratched at my spleen
I cried out for help but was never seen

I'm under her fingernails, smeared on her face
The scars on my back can never be erased
I gasp Quick! for air but could not breathe
From her loving arms I will never leave

The Earth opened her mouth and swallowed me whole
She keeps chewing and chomping
                                              but she'll never be full.
her pale skin haunts me.
she stops calling me honey.
her breath stops at 3:00.
i'm here on bended knee.
now losing sight .
let's stop the fight.
I admit you're right.
got to end the night.
the blood starts dripping.
the record starts skipping.
I should stop crying.
You should stop smiling.
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