we get it, poets. things are like other things.
this is a familiar concept to us all so why do we speak in metaphor all the time?
it is because when we tell you we feel like our insides are on fire,
we feel as though we are a house that is burning down until all that remains is a fragile frame accompanied by a pile of ash,
it is not a metaphor
it's a simile, notice my use of like or as
but it is not a metaphor
when you stick a cigarette between your teeth you do not fail to light it
the thing that does the killing will **** you
and you will let it
when you write down the exact amount of pills you took and the number of days you felt worthless tallied into your stretch marks
there is no metaphor there
my poetry isn't metaphor
it is a direct reflection of honest to god feelings
I have never written a poem not meant literally
we get it, poets. things are like other things.
but that is a simile.
things are not other things.
we do not speak in metaphor.