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 May 2013 Maddy Tidrick
In a Bed
 May 2013 Maddy Tidrick
I listen to the pitter patter of pumping blood
like summer rain on a satin roof
my ear set to the perfect patch of flesh
made by your white v neck.
I can smell your twenty dollar perfume
warmed up and almost ran through its fragrance.
I'm flattered
you put it on just for me.
That K-mart bottle will be forever linked with you.
I let my breathe show the path of least resistance
as it follows the flow up your chest.
I don't want to draw blood
being a vampire is overrated by pop culture
and my teeth sketch lightly
dull skates on a frozen pond.
We both taste like whiskey.
I'll take you poured over two rocks
with a dash of coke.
A quick freewrite.
 Apr 2013 Maddy Tidrick
The smoke drifts up a pale blue
making ribbons in the lone lights spread
above our panting heads.
We built ancient temples in the forest green
and dug holes for warming hands on fire rocks.
Do you understand?
There is no time here.
Sleeping in the cold grounds embrace,
I kiss the sky goodnight through the holes in the roof.
Lost in the eternal emerald of this season, SAvaGES was our cry,
beating hearts howl out in a brooding bark.
Lick your wounds,
bleed your blistered hands chopping saplings.
This room is finally complete.
I am content.
You're as angel pale as the moon,
by its light I see your curves.
Touching soft till the morning birds.
No air between our lips to feel the words.
Its *** in our bellies
that sweetened southern swill.
The trees groan in the breeze
I groan rapped between your knees.
This forest is aphrodisiac enough for us.
 Mar 2013 Maddy Tidrick
The poisonous cherries have blossomed outside my pane.
and with a deadly tilt out my second story window
I can kiss their blushing hearts.
I lean over and out
and smell spring
in the air.
I’m another mutt howling in heat
gift me with your treat
another blushing heart with beat.
Cherry blossoms dripping rain
liquid fragrance feast.
I’ll kiss your petals.
Secret meadows
bring me spring fever satisfaction.
 Mar 2013 Maddy Tidrick
Self satisfied hipster ******
immaculately disheveled
crawl up anarchy patched
and retro fitted
from every bagel shmear
coffee house hell hole.
I hope this whole district gets fire bombed
leaving only the book store
so I can sit here in peace.
 Mar 2013 Maddy Tidrick
I can't stand to see
this subpar standard of sickness.
They shout get down out over the halls filled with lights
and I let go free of my highness.

Your sweat is candy cane
carcinogen cancer kissable sweet.
Its all the lines, and caps, and tabs and snaps we've done
they all go to get me on my feet.

Words waddle out wet
winding washed up wishes back to life.
My mind holds confused conference calls and buzzed board meetings
about what to do with my one night wife.

Hotel havens harken us and
hazardous inhaleables heighten habitions.
We lay down warm and panting after an exaggerated night of furious dancing
to practice on our yet unnamed positions.

I wake wicked wasted
wondering where the woman went.
Her clothes lay scattered, make up splattered, then I hear her in the bathroom chatter
that her night had been well spent.
 Mar 2013 Maddy Tidrick
Pendulum hours spring slow forward
seasons swaying trigger festivals
and the dancing banners
on windy streets
spell sales
for slack jawed jugglers
eager to pedal wears to the weary
under the growing sun of a dieing season.
I am a beast in the cage of these streets
one way bars holding back barbarism.
My snarling is better suited for the trees
my guttural bark out car doors at street performers
better suited for stick beaten drum circles
spinning madly under the moon.
I lap from the sewer grates like a lost dog
too proud to die their like my hero
on a post above
to me
the raven quoth, what a bore.
Only men behind electric glass have seen me
on drunken nights
I confess my heart
and dance away my soul(s)
before their iron eye.
In this city I do not sleep
my heart glides to grassy groves
when my eyes close
to lock out the bright and unending
street lights that are suspending
my cowards heart above the darkness i still fear.
I am a child
take me to where the wild things are.
 Mar 2013 Maddy Tidrick
The lightbulbs shine the sheen hurts my eyes as my lids gradually close.
The weight of my body and my head and my neck bring the desk into meeting my nose.
For one second I let my eyes rest and recharge and rejuvenate and replenish and renew and re-
**** up,
its been too long.
I lean on my hand and try once again to cheat this sleep and be strong.
I want to learn and the teacher is good, but exhaustion is taking control.
I've been going so long, not following along, I can't last this whole class long.
So I wrote this poem to tell the world that I didn't mean to sleep,
but I can't overcome the weight of it all, again my face and the desk did meet.
'ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो ....'

(यकीन मानो इस चेतावनी की इस देश में कोई जरुरत नहीं है । )
लाडो तुम्हें इस देश में आने  ही कौन देगा ?
आधुनिक यंत्रों से लेस मनुष्य  (राक्षस) तुम्हे  गर्भ में ही रोक देगा,
जन्म ले भी लिया तो किसी ऊँची ईमारत से निचे फेंक देगा ।
लाडो जरा संभल  कर ,
ना जाने कौन भेड़िया तुम्हे लूट सड़क के किनारे पटक देगा।
लाडो मान लो मेरी बात ,
आज जो पुरुष तुम्हे आन्दोलन करते नज़र आ रहे हैं,
कालांतर में तुझ लूटी -पिटी को अपनाने एक नहीं आएगा।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरे आने पर तो तेरा जनक भी पछताएगा ,
इस कलयुग में जब पिता- भाई तक आबरु छीनने में लगे हैं ,
कौन यहाँ तेरा संरक्षक बन पाएगा ।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरा यह हाल इस भावुक हिमानी से और  ना देखा जायेगा ।

- हिमानी वशिष्ठ
Female Infanticide, ****
When he puts his mask on he's nice and caring
he will ask you how you are and offer his advice at any time
his mask is soft and warm
he will be generous
he will kiss you
he will know everything about you
he will buy you things
he will be romantic
and you will think he actually loves you
but don't fall for it
for his mask
he's not really like that
not at all
under that mask is something completely different all together
he will spit
he will growl
he will lie
his face is sharp and defined
he will reject you and point out your faults
he will use you
he will abuse you
so watch out for him
because he is out there
for his next lover
im pretty sure we all have at least one guy we feel this way about, and yet still love
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