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I wish I could meet you again.
Sometime back when we were four years old and things didn't seem so hard.
Back when your attention wasn't something I had to plead for.
I wish that some way, somehow, I could touch your hands again.
Entwine my fingers in your hair and speak love onto your lips.
I don't think you understood the significance of our embrace.
The perception of love we shared four years ago was endless
and now its a darkened void that was never there.
I don't know how to feel about the situation we are in right now and I don't understand where God is taking this
But I do know that I have never loved anyone the way that I love you
Shouldn't that be enough?
I'm tired of who I am and how people see me
I'm never good enough and there's always a flaw and no matter how hard I try I cannot get past the thought that I am just simply not worth the time.
That even the influential adults in my life have something bad to say and that's all they say.
I'm not worth the positive reviews and the standing ovations because even when I think I'm at my best, someone tears me down.
criticize me on who I am because I make mistakes
like every other human being on this planet
but because I'm young and have more room to learn
I am more susceptible to harsh words and "constructive criticism"
but what happened to building each other up
and as a Christian
loving thy neighbor as thyself
and how God can only judge us
but how come
these words
hurt worse
coming from a friends mouth
about what their mother says about me behind my back.
Do we breathe the same air twice?
Do we breathe the same carbon dioxide back into our lungs, and do our lungs  hate the air and that's why we exhale?
When people tell us the inhale the future, and exhale the past, wouldn't we just inhale the past again?
Is this why it's so hard for me to get over you?
Am I the lungs running away from how I feel for you?
Because I ran towards the past once.
Today, actually.
I feel worse.
I feel like all I am breathing is carbon dioxide.
And it's killing me.
I love you, but you **** me.
probably doesn't make sense but it does to me so whatever
I miss your smile. I miss your hugs. I miss your voice. I miss the way your eyes lit up when you said "I love you". But most of all, I miss the way you made me feel.
Like I was special. Like there was no one else in the world like me. Like I was your only one and would always be your only one. Like I was the only person in your life that actually mattered to you.
But ever since you left me, I don't feel that way.
I don't feel anything but useless and used.
I'm trying to pick up the pieces, but what's the use when I know you're just going to break me again?
I hate this feeling, ugh. Why do I always end up feeling like this?
You were exciting like a firework.
Your light shined briefly in my life.
The excitement was there for a while,
but I took advantage of your light.
I lit you up
and loved every second that your fire fueled mine.
And I'm sorry for that.
I wasn't always the best,
and I had my moments.
I just hope
that I was
an exciting firework in your life
like you were in mine.
I am a fighter.
I will fight for what I love
I will fight for what loves me
I will fight against things I hate
and I will fight towards my goals.
but one thing I will not fight for
is someone who will not fight for me.
because when the time comes
and I am on my death bed
the person that I spent my whole life fighting for
will not be there
because while I was fighting for love
you were fighting against it.
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