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  Jun 2014 MacKenzie Johnson
i wanna be that person
you call at 3am
because you can't sleep.
i wanna be that person
that's always happy
because of you
i wanna be that person
that you come to
no matter what
i wanna be the person
you last think about
when you go to sleep
i wanna be that person
i wanna be your everything
Out of all the words that are inside my mind,
the most deafening one would be
empty words
empty heart
empty love
everything in me is empty
and I don't know how much longer I can take
of this emptiness I feel
whenever it is 1:33 in the morning
and I can't sleep
because I need someone
to fill
If I had the chance
to tell you everything I thought about,
I wouldn't.
I fear you would hate me,
even though you probably already do.
However, if I had the chance
to tell you that I still think of you
on a daily basis,
I would.
I hope you think of me too,
even though you probably don't.

— The End —