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 Aug 2013 M M M
you deserve more
 Aug 2013 M M M
i don't believe in many things
but i believe in you

and this is what i should have said
when you started to burn
not only behind
but in front
of you.
 Aug 2013 M M M
Krusty Aranda
Words so beautiful
can only come
from a beautiful mind.
 Aug 2013 M M M
Grabbing attention
Requires work
I neither like work
Nor impressing
 Aug 2013 M M M
Sir B
Sun shines
Happy and bright
Flowers bloom
Smiles spread
Everything's beautiful
A "happy" poem, may be followed by a grim one sooner or later..
 Aug 2013 M M M
Carolina M
it was always him
with his pale grey eyes
and his crooked smile.

it was always him
with flowers in his chest
and thorns in his veins.

it was always him
to find beauty
on those dark
and stormy

it was always him.

it will always be him.
 Aug 2013 M M M
 Aug 2013 M M M
She walks
Such a lithe/! feline step all of hips and she knows not
I am tempted so by the organic process of her
When she looks into my eyes
A Loadstone glow
A flicker - spark  

Now an inferno uncontained rages
Between us a cloud of electricity

SilentlyI dare glance
into those eyes
Let me
The polarization so instant at our first touch

They tell me she is not mine
She belongs to another
But her eyes
 Aug 2013 M M M
Samantha Ashwell
When I look into your eyes the only word that comes to mind is love. The beauty of your look, the warmth of your touch and the comfort in your voice tells me that I am cared for, your arms wrapped around me fill me with the assurance that I'm protected. The idea that no matter how I look on a off day or when I wake up in the morning, you tell me how beautiful I am. The butterflies you give me with every kiss, makes my heart beat faster as I don't want to move from against your body. The look in your eyes when you stare at me with no words spoken tells me everything I want to know. Your heart speaks to me louder everyday, making sure I hear it's music of love. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, you are last thing I think of before I go to bed, and you are the only thing I dream of when I'm to tired to think. You are always on my mind giving me the want to just smile. You are the reason why I can say I'm happy, and be honest about it. You give me more than I can ever express. I thank you for allowing me in your heart, but most of all I Love You!
I saw dread loom
When the kid yawned
In classroom!
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