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 Jan 2014 M M M
 Jan 2014 M M M
No one can tell
I hide my secrets well
Deep inside
It's where they hide
My demons, my ghosts
In a place where no one can boast
I try to make myself feel better
But the tears make my cheeks wetter
And then my sighs
Not heard in the middle of the nights
They echo my frustration
The result of deep contemplation
I want no one to see
My insecurities
And they make me sad
More than that, they make me mad
Why am I this way?
And why can't I say?
I'm afraid of what they think
And so I sink
Deeper, deeper in my thoughts
Away from all, because I have lots
Of things to say
But I hide away
I build up my walls
I cringe when they fall
I don't want your help
You don't know what I've felt
But I wish I could tell
You know I don't feel well
Not in my mind, nor in my heart
Hiding it's the hardest part

**It's hard to be my own cheerleader
 Jan 2014 M M M
My head was rested on your chest
Your fingers intertwined in mine
Everything seemed normal again
But we were far from it
You weren't mine and I wasn't yours
We talked for hours
It was so hard to be that close to you but still know
That I did not have you
I wanted you to be mine again
I wanted the world to make sense again

You knew it would be my last moment there
You walked me out and kissed me goodbye
I didn't want to believe that this was going to be my
Last time kissing you
I got in my car and drove away
I drove away for the last time
 Jan 2014 M M M
T Stevens
Another day of long hours ahead  for me

Good morning gorgeous!

Read your full disclosure and I admire you even more.
Whoever said all creative people suffer from manic or
clinical depression was out of their minds because you don't.
You prove you don't need to be depressed to write.
Like the you don't smoke and you are no ******.
You are careful what you put in your body
I know you don't do drugs.  
The more I get to know about you the more the butterflies
in my stomach tell me I'm right.
You read that part right.
I still have butterflies when I think of you
but at the same time I feel at ease when we on net chat.
Big confession coming up.
I've always wanted someone like you in my life.
A woman who's gorgeous, highly intelligent, has her
**** together, doesn't cake on make up, has confidence,
loves herself and life, laughs at life and herself, doesn't bore
the hell out of me with drama and much more.
Quite frankly I've always wanted a woman
other women hate and she makes them feel insecure.
That's the woman that has confidence and can
enter a room alone without being self-conscious.
That's how I know you're the woman for me.
Your stalker has been freed but you are not in hiding
I commend you for taking your power back.
I'm guessing you are set to stand your ground if necessary.
I mentioned your name and they know of you
mainly from what they've heard from friends.
Hope you don't mind they did a Google search.
I didn't tell them we were dating it's how my parents are.
They can tell when I'm interested in a lady.
With your images on screen my dad agrees
with me. You are gorgeous!
My mom said "I haven't seen anything
that lovely in a long time!"
My folks have unprejudiced hearts like  me
and yourself and would love meeting you.
Bringing them out to hear you when you
tell me you will be singing.
Hoping you will feel more at ease with my parents
sitting at the table and we finally have a real life
conversation longer than me telling
you how amazing your singing is.
Hope your meeting with your producer went well.
You venturing out in bad weather speaks volumes
about your dedication to what you do.  
The more I know about you Betty Ponder
the hungrier I am to learn more.
I have no doubt you would never keep me
waiting for an hour for lack of something to wear.

 Jan 2014 M M M
To my dismay
 Jan 2014 M M M
I am a reason to why
I am a treason to you & I
I am the grey in the sky
I am the very reason you deny

I am complicated
I am simplified
I am ridiculed 
I am ridiculous
I am hideous 
I am insidious
I am blunt like obvious 
I am nothing of this
I am everything to dis
I am not but everything

I am the cause of because
The accused of excuse
The present of the past
The taunt in your haunting
The mad behind your madness
I am sad, thus I only bring you sadness
The miss in your miss me
I am the reason you miss me

The stress in your distress
A mistress, except to you
A denial when its not true
I do nothing for you
This time I am telling you

I am stone cold, ten fold
I con to pro
I am oh so inconsiderate
I am probably illiterate 

My illustrations don't straighten ****
My demonstration is constrained
Disorderly, ashamed

Late like last night
Ahead during daylight
I am fine like irate
Chump change like castrate
I am last rate
I am vacuumed enough
I am in innovative 
I am freezing this..
 Jan 2014 M M M
What is it about becoming ageless that is so appealing?
Being honest and loud and true too.
But bravery tops them all.
Mostly 'cause I think it's lost.
At least when you tally up the masses of humans beings on the globe,
I would put money on the fact that courage is a rarity.
So old and forgotten that it's been pawned off at the corner.
So who doesn’t want to be remembered for that?
Courage comes in countless forms.
How hard could courage be?
I think the courage to be honest and to be loud and to be true,
is the ultimate direction, the greatest end goal.
Then you will be remembered.
Follow your dreams.
Don’t just dream.
Open doors.
Don’t avoid them.
Try thinking every once and a while about what exactly your doing at this very moment.
I mean with your life.
Are you good? Or are you bad?
You know the difference.
Are you living up to the potential of what being human truly is?
The answer is most obviously no.
Maybe you don’t believe me,
but walking on the concrete pathways to everywhere,
I feel a little displaced.  
Disgraced and put off.
I'm not here to make you feel bad,
but someone told be that we should have our ears upon the soil.
He told me that we should be a little more careful.
"It's not your fault its mine", he said to me.
So, that got me to thinking.
What if we could change the future,
the mold that makes us up?
The DNA and RNA and every single atom.
"We are comfy, leave us alone."
Did I just hear you say something?
Ahh, never mind my ranting.
I knew you were never listening.
Just be courageous for gods sake.
 Jan 2014 M M M
Windows Down.
 Jan 2014 M M M
I bet you just want
to see your feet framed
against the mountains

but i'd be too worried
about ticks or where
I'm going to go ***--
I worry where my lack
of an adventurous
spirit will ever lead

(c) Brooke 2014

pt 1.
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