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 Jan 2014 M M M
out of no where this morning,
I remembered the scars on your
stomach and wondered how on
earth you made it through your
earlier years when they tied the
tubes up in your chest.

Chaz said something like, "she said
he had this weird thing about that."

and I still felt the inherent need to
defend you. No, he never did
You were much softer around
me, a closed wardrobe that
slowly creaked open, maybe
I pried at first, but you
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jan 2014 M M M
 Jan 2014 M M M
you're living under a warm
pink light and I can see you
holding her hand between
the wooden seats in that

there's a glass of cold water
on my desk and I'm about
to go to bed.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

a poem about acceptance.
 Jan 2014 M M M
I tried to hide the
way my cheeks dropped
I could feel it happening
my entire face landing in
my lap, I didn't consider
that to be losing my virginity

I considered why I felt so hurt
and decided it was because for
three years you were my first
and now you're not anything
and there was nothing and
in the middle of my web
design class, I started to
(c) Brooke Otto 2014.

 Jan 2014 M M M
Shannon Hughes
The kind of sobs that shake your entire body
And the kind of pain that starts in your soul
But slowly devours you.

The emptiness that is a dark void, extra space
Hollow and echoing
All around and all inside you.

Everywhere you look is someone happier
Someone more accomplished
Someone more full than you.

Pleasure is just a bridge to the next wide expanse of pain
To the next dense forest of loneliness
To the worst things that find you.

It cannot be expelled by light or laughter
Nor can it be warmly caressed into submission
Because it lives and thrives on you.

It was not your choice, none of it was
You would **** it if you could
You would go back to being you.

Strength comes not from blind bravery and knowledge
It comes from pain and suffering and sadness
That have bowed down to you.

Loneliness doesn't come from having no one around you
It comes from having no one truly with you
But it will never be stronger than you.

It's alright, it's alright, it's all wrong but alright
No one's got it all
But no one's here to save you.
 Jan 2014 M M M
rained-on parade
You are just like
the first drag of smoke.

As soon as I let you in,
I choke
and want you out.
My muse, my life, hope and I.
 Jan 2014 M M M
Oh, Lonely Girl
 Jan 2014 M M M
Maybe I'm just a sucker for a pretty face,
but when I see your name, or at least, half of it,
my heart skips a beat.
I suppose it's only because I can imagine
being lost in your eyes forever.
I'm just a stranger, but when I know you feel so alone,
I really do wish that I could be with you.
Heal you.
Feel you.
Maybe I'm just sentimental.
 Jan 2014 M M M
I like you
 Jan 2014 M M M
here's what's going to happen.
we will sleep together
a few nights a week
for a few months.
we will talk on the phone
and our conversations will be
brief -- just to hear
each other's voice
at least once
every 36 hours.
we will get incredibly drunk
and we will believe
we miss each other
but we really won't
and we will believe
we are in love
and perhaps we are --
but after those months,
I will get used to
the crack in your voice
when you talk about
your family
and you will get used
to the way I cry
over films with
or without
happy endings.
your smile won't mean
as much
and there will be few
and love will have become
a habit -- and we won't
notice it anymore
even though it is
still there, sitting
at the coffee table
or between us in the bed.
we will amount
to nothing --
but I don't mind.
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