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 Feb 2014 Emily
 Feb 2014 Emily
I look at you, but ever so careful
for I can not risk you seeing me
your eyes so bright
your lips so velvet looking
as you speak I watch each word with a different expression
you turn to look around and I am forced to look away
but as I turn away I am forced to smile
for I got a few second to look  at you
 Feb 2014 Emily
Pong Panugao
They are not with us
Hence, we are one and the same
Living on the same ground
Breathing the same air

The sons and daugthers of poverty
Dancing with the harsh tides of reality
Swiming for dear life
In an endless pit of greed

Drowning on a quicksand of debt
Holding on the knives of the selfish
Being played by Midas hands
Puppets of false kings and emperors

We are vouyers of pain
Peeping toms of agony
We hear and we feel
We feel but we do nothing

We offer symphathy
Living their lives through emphathy
But the bitter truth we try to conceal
We are beings of apathy

Looking like were in pain
Up on the stage where all eyes can see
Narcissuses who seek a minute of fame
Playing a charades of sensitivity

What can merely looking do?
 Feb 2014 Emily
John Ajaka
I want to tell you about love. What it does to you. How it feels when you’re “in” it. What it’s like to lose it, and what it’s like to have it and not be able to show it, or have it but not be able to share it, because it’s not reciprocated.
Love is a strange thing. It’s probably the only thing that’s very obviously real that we have to question the existence of. It’s the only thing that is answered with “I was, but maybe I wasn’t” when asked “have you been in it?”. It’s compiled of essentially every emotion, it’s horrible, but, somehow beautiful. Anger, jealousy, grief, loss, loneliness are to name a few of the negatives of it. But when it’s returned, happiness, joy, ecstasy, and positivity are what is felt.
Love turns you into a ball of unorganized unexplainable emotions, characterized by a feeling of uncertainty and great need. Love yearns to be reciprocated, that’s all it asks for. Do we all ask for it? Probably not considering some of us throw it away like it doesn’t even exist. But we need it to be reciprocated, maybe not the first time, maybe not the second time, who knows you might feel the truest love you’ve ever felt in your life and you won’t get it back at the twentieth time. Love is cruel like that, kind of a joker of some sorts, and yeah, maybe it’s a ***** for that like our old friend karma, but at least karma is always sent back, what comes around doesn’t always go around in love, and when it doesn’t come back around, it can eat away at your heart like an infection that refuses to go away.
Sometimes, we lose love, we had it and it was amazing, but we lose it, and it’s terrible. It makes you wish you could blow away with the wind, in fact it feels like you are. You feel like you’re hollow inside, as if even the gentle breeze will blow you away. Cold, like your heart has stopped pumping and your body has no choice but to share the temperature of the air around you – cold blooded. Nothing is worth it anymore, and honestly, you feel so dead inside that you choose that to do nothing is better than to do something – nihilistic almost.
But tis better to have loved and lost, than to have never have loved at all, right? To have a deep yearning inside of you that can never be returned by the one you love, that is true torture. You can beat me, you can hold me down, you can leave me to rot in the darkness, but leave me in love and alone, and that is true horror. A sadness that can’t be fixed, and hole that cannot be filled, to be in love and have no one to share it with is what true sadness is compiled of.
Why even love, it’s horrible, disheartening, depressing, saddening, and just plain bad. **** love it’s pretty much the bane of humanity and the end all of happiness. We should all just give up

But no, don’t give up, whatever you do don’t let go, love is beautiful. It’s bad when we lose it, of course it is; losing anything good is bad. Love is difficult, but it makes it special, and when you finally climb your mountain I promise you, you will be happy, you will feel fulfilled and you will never regret having persevered for your happy ending. Go out, don’t give up, find your love and get it, I believe in you, you deserve your happiness, now go get it.
 Feb 2014 Emily
Bruce Emmons
We grew like a tree into a fence
Barbed wire buried under bark and wood
In flesh and bone we find our homes
Together we’ll strip the world of all its good

I’d give until I starved to death
She’d take until the roots were gone
And we’d pull each other down
And we’d sink into it going wrong

When the wind would blow
We’d cut each other deep
Regrets would overflow
We’d **** and fall asleep

Branches hurled down at the fence
As fences do good neighbors make
Each new gust stirred up the dust
Neither knew who’d be the first to break

wind kept blowing, tree kept creaking
I reached for poison and fell in
Cowardly flight into that night
She wept and kept herself to him

It went out in one final flourish
The last summer for blossoming
The rot set in, the axes came
This was the end of everything.
Feb, 14th 2010
(dedicated to my high school sweetheart and the way we tore each other apart)
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