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The sun will rise and it will set
The moon will phase, set anew and full
But praying that it will change won’t help anything.
LycanTheThrope Sep 2015
Her* skin catches *Twilight
Following granite constellations
Brewing cheap gold with royal bones

Admiring Gravity,
As he names loyalty a mistake

Inhale these guilty match strikes
And double the clashing of crows
Defiance sets the sun
Leaning destined liars savage

Immortality may be heartless,
But is her shadow is quite becoming

Tide stays with my soul
Pulling its ruby grooves to the branded moon

Legends belong with the Reaper’s pawns
Smoking oblivion into winter

Sadistic skylines
Greeting sickness,
With hostile charity.
Deprive betrayal their reason
Gems don’t shine in focus

Hollow depths,
As brittle as her throat
Coaxing words from her ghost lips

Searching for a sign of life
The water lines on nails
Winter flakes carry twisted; Single
Drenched in blood and ivory

I see fear, flashing in her shallow wolven eyes.

                                                        ­                                                          ~Lycan
Read all the bolded, and then the italicized
LycanTheThrope Aug 2015
I've rigged the game
I've cheated love
And pursuated death

Join me in this Last supper
Rise up
And chip your chalices

Oh this bread has never been so bitter
Communion begetting

If you strain
You can hear the metal ringing
In the night
  Aug 2015 LycanTheThrope
The stars aren't as tasteful
       as I'd hoped they'd be,
You fickle moon,
You eclipse of a lover.

           Vinegar.  That's what
those cosmic light bulbs we
call stars taste like.          Raw
and savoring, bold & eccentric.
          Kissing summer on winter's lips
          The cheek of spring still stings from autumn's hand

And I'm marooned in this fine
                            red wine hour,
  nostalgic in the art of reading
          The hum of dragons pulse~
The whisper of the wolven breath,
                         This time around your blood
                                        was thinner than ice.
Twisting the tendrils of our thistled love
across my snowy throat,
            Crimson is so ******* beautiful
It was your job to swallow sunsets and it
was mine to throw up sunrises.           We
followed the commandments branded on
my cheeks.  
                         It was the only bible we had,
                         Because my scars were worth

When the roof of the sky meets the jaw of
the sun, the teeth are the clouds & constellations.
I fed the world my spine because it was starving.
         chinking off marrow, and mouthfuls of my flesh,
Devour me.
                    And in my wake you shifted the lapis void,
                     forcing my eyes open as gold tears spilt

Streetlamps groaning at midnight,
will you watch the ravens with me at 3 a.m?
I'm not one for fate but,
          destiny is mine for the taking.
Bones wish they're bending,
     yet promise they're not breaking.
I bargained my soul and sins with Lupus,
and now I am his poet.
                       A daughter of aurora borealis,
                     buckets full of silver  sloshing admist
                           my eyes.
                      When I no longer love you,
                               it will be silent,
                                and tragic.
This one's for you,
my wolf girl.
I'm sorry that I am
the reason you're

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