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Imran Islam Jul 2020
Mom, why do you have tears in your eyes?
Why the darkness of clouds are on your face?
Tell me, what's your worst fear?
'In your open fields and Mangrove Forests
Enemies are attacking back'
Is this your fear?
Mama, this is your biggest fear!

In your glory and beauty
The perverts are trying to stain badly.
'To do assaults upon your chest
All enemies are in the way'
Is this your fear?
Mama, this is your deepest fear!

In your green forest and salt sea
Enemies build camps and run through the around.
'They wanna chain you up'
Is this your fear?
Mama, this is your greatest fear!
This is the fear of freedom!
Imran Islam Jul 2020
The clouds have covered the sky
and the cool breeze is blowing;
That green forest has soaked
in the monsoon rain again.

The bride of the distant clouds
loves the green jungle;
The chirping birds have washed
in the monsoon rain again.

For the tears and the laughter of clouds
The farmers are feeling happy;
The sunny day has lost
in the monsoon rain again.

After hearing the roar of the clouds
The fish are chasing each other;
Lakes and ponds have filled with water
of the monsoon rain again.

It's raining and the herons
are still catching little fish;
All the marshes are playing
with the monsoon rain again.
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Take the weapon for the rights
and do the war again
You'd die then die in the battle
Protect the freedoms of others!

Let's go ahead young genius
Show up your talent and strength
Wipe away tears from all faces
and stand for justice of all the countries!

To release torture victims
Be united all of the young rangers!

Forget your myths
Grab the midday sunshine
Wind up the combat tunes
Cross the Himalayas with boldness!

Reach the highest mountains
Follow the developed world as it goes!

O newcomers, bloom yourselves
and spread out of the smell of youth
Find out the oppressors
and support all the justice and goodness!

Read all of you, read the memories
Read the stories of the national victories!

Look at the wrongdoers
They're kidnapping gems of mothers
Don't hug any misgivings
Walk on the difficult path fearless!

Beat the enemies, beat them
and make them suffer in wounds!

Think about the facts of freedoms
Give your motherland the perfection
Give the clime all of your love and affection
to make it great in the world place!

Grab the winds all together
All the young people are like siblings!
Imran Islam Jul 2020
I love you so much
but I never asked
for your shine
I want your touch
but I never forced
you to be mine.

You know I love you
and I wouldn't tell
about it everyone
You can always feel
it's my real love
not fake emotions.

Dear, I want you
to smile always
and to be free
with happiness
I really wish you
all the best in life!

I wouldn't hold
your soft hand,
if you don't want
I won't follow you
home anymore
if you don't like it.

Your eyes make you
ever so beautiful
and smile makes you
look very young,
So lemme see your eyes
and keep smiling!
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Today, in this heavy monsoon rain
I've walked with you in the green grove,
In solitude,
I couldn't restrain my gaze
from your walking in the rain.

The monsoon rain has touched
upon your beautiful face
How do I tie my drunk mind
after looking into your rainy eyes
I've lost myself in monsoon floods.

Your clothes have soaked
and eye polish has washed
In these heavy monsoon rains
You're walking along a long path
What's wrong if I follow your steps!

Stop monsoon rain, please!
My darling has wet through
and she's melting with shyness
Maybe there's still a long way to go
and my happiness is to win her heart!
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Look up to the blue sky
with some tears for me,
and find the happiness
O Mom, look up for me!

Mama, if you feel hurt
Forget all the pride
Forgive me as your son
for breaking your heart!

It's the truth of my youth
to stay on the right path
I will overcome the fear
with confidence, O Mom!

May all your prayers
be granted by the Lord
Wipe away all of your tears
Just smile, smile for me, Mom!
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Don't fly away, my dear dove
Come, come on, come back to me
Yeah, I am asking for your love
Please come on, come to me!

I'm standing here in the flowing hair.
Come on, wind to me in the air
Don't go far off for me, oh my dear
Don't go anywhere, stay here with me!

Oh my lovely bee, don't forget me
For a while, honey will be in my flower!
Its smell will dry out in the evening
Find my scent in the morning,
Love me again, love me, darling!

Why do you stay away at this moment?
I can't stop my mind when I'm young
Who will wing with me in the sky dream
This youth is cooling down without my lover
My heart slows down on the wrong shore!
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