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Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
My heart is broken into a million peices, it's spilt out on the pavement, it's shattered on the floor.
My heart is broken and i can't fix it on my own. It's killing me swiftly and slowly, it's hurting me so bad.
My heart is broken and the edges are sharp, they're digging into my chest and piercing my soul.
My heart is broken and there's only one cure.

One ******* cure.

Wait a little longer. It'll all be over, the heart has a way of fixing it's self. Wait a little longer.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
So i have this fantasy
That one night will be our night.
That one night he'll pick me up
And gently place me on his bed.

One night he'll kiss me and then slowly move down to my neck, **** my neck like he desires me as much as i desire him.
One night he'll slip off my pants and he'll touch me like he cares.
He'll whisper he loves me in my ear and he'll say it with passion.

His body will be touching mine, and his breath will be heavy on my neck.

One night he'll make me feel alive.
One night he'll make me feel like i can fly.

And never again will i stop soaring.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
Love is everything.
Love is nothing.
Love is something you can't describe,
Love exists nowhere but everywhere.

Love is whatever you want it to be.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
I stand alone
No shelter just a tree
And i can feel the raindrops fall to my face
Or are those tears?

I can hear the raindrops
Patter down on the hard insensetive ground
The sound creates a pattern in my mind
That melanchonic pattern that makes me think of you.

Where are you now?
Is it raining on you aswell?
Do you care too?
Or are you somewhere where the sun is shining?
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
You look so sad and lonely,
You look incredibly thin
You look like you want to cry
You look like you want to die.

I know you do, you told me so yourself
You told me that day you were crying
Whilst laying your head down on my lap
But you are my dearest sister

I won't let that happen
I told you how much you mean to me
How much i need you to stay
I told you not to give up.

You didnt't hear that last bit
You fell asleep your cheeks wet with a mix of both mine and your own tears
I love you so much and i need you

I need you to stay with me
I need you to be strong
I need you to know i love you
And i need you to want to go on.

Stop starving yourself
Stop feeling so lonely
I'm here for you my darling
Your sister is here for you.

I love you. And i promise it will get better. It's a promise i will make sure to keep.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
Tell me something i don't know
Tell me i mean something to you
Tell me i am beautiful
Tell me im worth something

Tell me you need me
Shout it at the top of your lungs
You could even whisper it in my ear
But tell me something i dont know.

Make me happy and tell me i'm your world.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
We're so young we dont know better
So let us make our mistakes
You forget you too were young
And you too went through it all.

So now let us live it to the fullest
Let us dive into the unknown
Let us explore what we want to discover
Let us rupture and let us repair.

Leave us with the alcohol
Leave us with a joint
Leave us round the bonfire
Sharing our deepest secrets

Please dont use the word 'dissapointed'
Dont tell us that we're wrong
Let us live and breathe
How we wish and i swear we'll succeed.

We'll show you we're just fine
Maybe a little crazy and wild
Maybe completley insane
But let us do it our way.

Our way is by far the best.

Try it and you'll see.

— The End —