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 Jun 2013 Lucy Sky
 Jun 2013 Lucy Sky
i know you're miles away
but i've never been more in love
with you than i am now;
last night i dreamt that we spent
the night together and all you did
was hold my hand

(when i woke up, it was the first
time in months that i didn't feel
oh hello.
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
it took you
a grand total of four days
to sew up your patchwork heart
pack your tatty suitcase,
ricochet off her like a purposed misfire
and attempt to lodge yourself into me.
four days seems about right...
took you four days to go from ME to HER
in the first place
good thing i took that target
off my chest
you'll be missing
this time.
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
he sat in his
room and thought
of her he dreamed
of her he wondered
why she
just break
a couple

but why would you want to break the things that mean the most to me?
(c) Brooke Otto
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
Kaila Wenker
You are not the breath I breathe
the water that touches my lips.
You are not my wake up call
my goodnight kiss.

You are the heart in my chest
the beats beneath my skin.
You are what gives me life
a new place to begin.
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
What does it mean to her?
Since the beginning time, she was always told she was pretty,
But at one point that little girl began to question
If what she was told was a lie.
Everybody seemed pretty,
But her.
She was no longer the “You should sign her up for modeling” girl.
She became “Oh, she’s ….. tall”
Or “Wow, you’re big! Oh I mean big for your age.”
When the “pretty” faded, so did her spirit.
The omnipresent smile was gone,
As well as her joy.
She became her mother’s nightmare
She covered up her self-destructive insecurities with faux confidence and
“No really, I’m fine”
Just as if one covers up their unsightliness
With aggrandize grand eyes, cheeks and lips
No one ever knew that underneath all the bravado
There was still a little girl,
Who seemed grown physically and sometimes mentally,
Longing for someone to tell her she’s pretty.


This little girl was waiting to tell herself she was pretty
And believe it.
I wrote this last year when I was 14, towards the end of my "weightloss journey". I was never obese or anything but when I was younger I always knew I was never as thin as my friends.  I ended up gaining the weight back over the course of the year and I thought that meant I was somewhat of a failure. In retrospect, though I lost a lot of weight it wasn't till this year that I began to truly believe I was beautiful. I learned for myself finally that my size doesn't define me and I'm very healthy and athletic so I realized that I was losing the weight for society and it wasn't really to be healthy, because I've been athletic.
Sorry that this it's kind of cheesy but I just felt like sharing a bit of my story with the world.
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
Tiffany Marie
What a small weight for the most important gas,
that is keeping us alive.
I was 16 when I realized that my mom
had forever been my biggest supporter.
I was 16 and I was still holding my fingers crossed behind my back,
hoping that Santa was real.

I'm the hidden meaning behind good reasons
that have paved the way toward bad choices.
For I have realized, sitting silently in the corner,
that we are all forced to realize our
own self destruction.

Like the building and the wrecking ball,
of which I am often both.

I am your overspoken words and unsaid thoughts.

I am not the beautiful bare trees in the winter,
but instead I am your poisonous dinner.

I am the passion behind tears
and the emotion behind screams.

I am the thoughts that keep you up at night,
and your cold, bare feet.

I resemble a constant string of avoidance and indecisiveness.

I am your dewy eyes and groggy voice at 7:30 in the morning.

I am nothing but a blinking statue.

I am 16 years worth of unanswered questions.

Yet in 16 years will all I be is
another 16 years older?

I am the epitome of drowning without water,
and not to spoil the ending for you,
but I still have 16 years worth of faith,
that everything will be okay.
In creative writing we had to attempt to write a piece of spoken poetry.  This was my attempt.
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
An assortment of experiences
Empirically gather
I’ve sampled the sacred nectar
I’ve climbed Jacob’s ladder
I’ve found to stay clear
Of both worry and fear
Is the key to longevity
In this life we hold dear
Yet the eyes of this world
Are more near than farsighted
And the strangers next door
Are rarely invited
Close-mindedness and fear
Are cultural building blocks
Compassion is an open gate
Indifference keeps it locked
Only love can mend
A world so far apart
The path we are missing
Lies within our hearts...
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
 May 2013 Lucy Sky
I would write about my feelings toward you,
but I can't write.
And I would draw about my feelings toward you,
but I can't draw.
So, I guess, I'll just stay quiet,
and admire you from afar.
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