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A woman who leaves her children isn’t a mother but a donor,
   egg loaner.

She walked away from us, no longer mother,
  or friend.
     or other.

She never wanted us. Not me, not my brother.
    to be honest,

if I saw her today walking next to a stranger.

I wouldn’t tell one from the other.
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
What a pity
You disappeared without a trace
What a shame
That I can't forget your face
You should know
You tore my world apart
You left me with a black cloud on my heart
The wind blows hard
I still feel the raindrops stinging
I need escape
From the emptiness it's bringing
You're like a storm
You rushed in like a hurricane
And left nothing behind
But damage and pain
There are nights
I wake up fighting mad
You threw away
Everything we had
And I must admit it took me by surprise
When I saw the look of leaving in your eyes
But the eye of the storm is passing through
And maybe some day I'll get over you
I'll rebuild myself stronger than before
But there's still a lot to weather in this storm

(This was actually intended to be lyrics, which is why the timbre of it is off.)
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
I'm not
sure you
will bring
May flowers.
(c)Brooke Otto
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
The vow
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
I promise to be kind every day that follows today,
I promise to stay by your side no matter what happens,
I promise to take you to dance every friday night,
I promise to sing the songs I wrote for you,
I promise I'll do anything to make you stay,
I promise to give you all the love you need,
I promise that you'll always be able to cry on my shoulder,
I promise to fall asleep in your arms,
I promise to kiss your cheek, your nose and your neck,
I promise to warm you up if your cold,
I promise to kiss you in your sleep,
I promise to make you smile all day, every day
I promise to kiss you under the rain,
I promise to write poems about how much I care for you,
I promise to travel everywhere with you by my side,
I promise to slowly carress your cheek,
I promise to bring you to the top of the Eiffel tower,
I promise to share everything I own,
I promise to tell you you're beautiful every day,
I promise to hold you in my arms and close my eyes,
I promise to make you laugh if you're feeling low,
I promise to believe in our love,
I promise to fight for it,
I promise I'll be the best girlfriend you've ever had,

I promise you happiness for the rest of your life.
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
too often i am
scared of the
love I will
not have
on some
(c) Brooke Otto

this poem was supposed to be longer but this was all I was trying to say.
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
i wish i could erase all the worlds you've
ever whispered into my ear,
but my blood runs thick with ink
instead of graphite and lead,
and my bones are heavy with every
syllable you ever spoke.
i'm really lonely right now.
The night is dark

The stars are shining.

But city lights blur the vision.

Lost I am

In my own devision.

You are the sweetest sight I never did see.
 Apr 2013 Lucy Sky
spend too long
pulling at my skin
in the mirror silently
abhorring my body with-
out which I couldn't exist, and I
wish I could see the beauty in the
way my joints fold and unfold but
all I see is the line across my stomach
and a decade of hiding at the swimming
(c) Brooke Otto
She shudders at the world
reality as a whole
has recoiled into nothing more than walking corpses
confused in their role
to think about a particle and how it correlates to a soul
or how the wind decides a direction to blow
it all computes if you are open
possess the will to try and try again
for you fight your own battle and love from within
and acknowledge what is sin to begin
I would love others perspectives on this piece :)
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