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joanna dibble
creative woman with glue and scissors reads, writes, reads some more. creative communication is my life.
Jon Tobias
San Diego    Jon Tobias is a sucker for love poems and romanticizes everything. He doesn't mean to, but it's what he does.
Grab a gun step inside
joe dearmore
Stanley Mungai
There is nothing that can beat the gentle and tender muscles of Poetry. It wrings our hands and comfort our souls. It tickles us to …
Alexandria Cooper
"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with words." (W. H. Auden) In poetry, just as in other arts, …
Anthony Moore
34/M    Poetry isn't written it is created. Writing it is only one form of it's expression.
Melbourne    The chronicles being born in the eye of the storm and surviving in the hands of hell.
Danielle C
NJ    I'm a writer and that's all I know.
27/M/Fremont, CA    Write me a picture.
The Dirty Vanilla
Like a Phoenix , I rose from the ashes of a burned-down trailer to spread the sort of love that penicillin could never touch.
JJ Hutton
Colorado Springs, CO, USA    freelancing the night away follow me on the twitters: @joshuajhutton
On the edge of your taste    I write. You read. That’s how this works. [copyright]
david badgerow
34/M/Florida    yes, i have tricks in my pocket, i have things up my sleeve. but i am the opposite of a stage magician. he gives you …

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