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O, you mountains
Fists of rock, jutting toward heaven
Your Picasso faces, so broad and strong
Pine and fir above prairie grass
Elk and moose and bear reigning superior
Such heights, such deep distances
You recalibrate for me, my size
I am lost in your immense trajectory up,up
And my breath is taken from me
With no regret
Blowing off your defiant peaks
I will be,
your foundation,
for when you feel as if the storm is too rough.

I will be,
your heart,
when yours feels as if it's had enough.

I will be,
your eyes,
for when yours are clouded with tears.

I will be,
your strength,
for when you are overwhelmed with fears.
Eyes in the mist
Nothing less, nothing more
Eyes of every possible color known to man and more
Shades of blue, shades of brown, shades of every color known then and now
Some are human, some are beast
Soulless blank stares is mostly what you see
Worse are the ones that have a spark of hope
Hoping for something else, something more
The eyes hide in the mist beyond time
If you have the misfortune venturing here be prepared to walk for eternity
Across deserts, across mountains, across lakes, across oceans
The whole universe you will travel
Though you can't see much but the ground beneath your feet
And the mist
And the eyes
If you shall give up, lay down, and perish
The only thing that will remain will be your eyes
Untouched by the passage of time
To watch the other unlucky souls that have ventured here
You'll watch them forever more
How do I know you ask me?
I have walk the land and sea in the mist
I have watched creatures of all types cease to be
I have gazed unblinkingly back into the eyes that follow
Now I am telling you this because
You have been unlucky enough to have wandered out of time
To walk for eternity
And be forever trapped
Watched by the eyes in the mist
Walking endlessly through the world
In an apparent dream of distorted drawings
Where the unknown knocks once again  
Tangled thickets blind the path of observation  
Like the tremendous trickle of a near by creek
Distorted reflections of ones self become clear
A single thought of reality returns to me
Laying under our magnificent oak tree
There is you and me
 Oct 2011 Luca Molnar
search for

pale, warm colours adrift in white
butterfly flickers- so slight I miss them  
soft rise and fall of sound-asleep tide
silent maybe, sweet-sticky breath

hit the switch- search again quicker


i want to feel complete love
i want to feel complete
i want to feel
i want to
i want


I should be
nervous or excited,
have butterflies
in my tummy.
I should be
beautiful and ripe-
I should be full.
I should get over it?
Carry on?
Try again?


Your haunting me is beautiful:

How you stand just out of frame-
Though I sometimes think I see you sparkle
in their birthday-candle eyes.
An invisible man sits on the corner street
Where busy shoes meet and greet
Soundless words fall from his lips,
Cold wind bites blistered fingertips
There is no story, he has no face
Eyes averted, quickened pace
He's not like you, this grimy man
He's got no future, got no plan
He's got no past, he's got no home
Just rests his head on brick and stone
Written 2011
 Oct 2011 Luca Molnar
The saffron of virtue and contentment
Is dissolved in the water-gun of love and affection.
Pink and red clouds of emotion are flying about,
Limitless colours raining down.
All the covers of the earthen vessel of my body are wide open;
I have thrown away all shame before the world.
Mira's Lord is the Mountain-Holder, the suave lover.
I sacrifice myself in devotion to His lotus feet.
 Oct 2011 Luca Molnar
BG Hermitt
Despite clumsy fashion
You move through the air with style
and from afar
you look mesmerising
Pressing forwards softly fluttering across
our ocean of city space spraying through the day
like arrows
You fly with no compass
glazed pupils
darting like dragonflies
aware of cinnamon wood pigeons watching you
as you jump for your bus
 Oct 2011 Luca Molnar
Lark Castle
I wish that I could breathe
I wish that you were here
I wish that you had fought for me
Instead of giving in to fear

I wish that I was worth it
I wish that you could see
The love we have is something rare
And you belong with me


What's the point in wishing
When they never, ever, come true
What's the point in living
When I'm not with you
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