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Sep 2011 · 1.6k
blind faith
louis rams Sep 2011

I was always taught that JESUS CHRIST  was a Jew.
Then there is a question that I must ask of you.
If he was a Jew- did he have a bar-mitzvah?
Or was he just put on this earth
So Christianity could give birth?

At the age of twelve he sat down
with rabbi’s and teachers
For this was the way that he would reach us.

Was baptizing people with water.
Was this the first step of GODS orders?
Questions such as these will always arise
But I know he’s always by my side.
Christianity was born on blind faith
Most get it early - while others get it late.

This blind faith is passed down from
Generation to generation
This has become our salvation.

Unlike scientist who only believe in what
Can be seen and what can be proven, they ask
How can blind faith keep one moving.
Now JESUS is but one man
Yet his face is in every land.
There is not one person in any religion
Known more than CHRIST.
It makes you think - not once but twice.

This is how fast Christianity has spread
That he is known world wide
And on blind faith we do rely.

As for GOD there is only one
And he gave us his only son.
Sep 2011 · 651
can you picture JESUS
louis rams Sep 2011

Can you picture the blood of JESUS lying on the ground
While laying on this cross being nailed and bound
The pain that was etched on his face
As he prayed for the lords grace.

The nails being driven through his hands and feet
Knowing soon that god he would meet.
Yet he was forgiving his fellow man
For they could not understand.
That he was being sent by god above
To show his compassion and his love.

As they picked up his cross and placed it in the ground
The screams of “ crucify him” simmered down.
Many fell to their knees and cried
While others were joyous and satisfied.

Now picture JESUS looking down at the crowd
Searching for his mother and seeing her on her knees
And with god she did plea.
You could hear in her mind saying
“ let thy will be done, for you had blessed me with your son”.

And as the skies turned completely black
And his face fell to his chest
The crowd felt the fear and the unrest.
The thoughts entering their minds
“ is this truly the son of god that we crucified?”
And we believed the rabbi s and all their lies.

Now that you visualized this in your mind
As I had done so many times.
Now picture the face of JESUS looking
Down at you and saying

       “ I forgive you”.
Sep 2011 · 795
oops ! i did it again mom
louis rams Sep 2011
It was above and beyond the call of duty
When she had to clean his *****.
He had crap from the pampers down
And not a clean spot to be found.

Then he took his hand and spread it all around
From the table to the ground.
He had spread it every where
And had done it with such care.

To him this was just a game
As he tried to write his name.
His mother was as angry as can be
But she laughed hysterically.

And as her laughter finally settled down
He looked at her with a frown.
He did not realize all that he had done
He was just having fun.

As she carried him to the shower
He decided to have his final hour.

Oops ! I did it again mom !
Sep 2011 · 588
whats it take to smile
louis rams Sep 2011

All it takes is a simple word or gesture
To make a persons day
While others may turn their backs and
Look the other way.

You may wake up with that grouch
That lurks within
But if you don’t allow it - it can never win.

Greet the day with a smile - for you
Have awakened to another day.
And to the LORD - a thanks you should say.

If you’re with a smile, and give a greeting
For the day , 75% of the time
You will hear them say
Good morning , good evening , good day.

Take that frown and turn it upside down
Bitterness is a heavy crown.

There are people who will snap at you
For anything that you might say
But this is not their normal way.
Every one has a bad day or two
But it doesn’t have anything to do with you.

So just keep that smile on your face
And look to stare them down
And their face will change
to a smile from a frown.
             J  J
louis rams Sep 2011
where do we go when we have so much to say
and on deaf ears , my words do play.
where do we go when we are hurting inside
and the pain you can't relieve , no matter how you try.
where do you go when the words scream to be free
and no one to touch except you or me.
you know there are worldwide poetry sites
and at each one you must be strong
and willing to fight.
these words and feelings that you have locked up inside
are tired of crying and wanting to hide.
so write your words and see who will respond
Sep 2011 · 559
why do poets write
louis rams Sep 2011
Why do poets write, a question that I wonder.

I’ve asked myself that question over a thousand times.
And I  always come up with the same answer
It’s because we are blind.
We accept all that we see constant, as the daily norm.
But I cannot accept it , it’s not where I belong.

There are questions to be answered that we must write about
We’ll climb the highest mountain, and to the world we will shout.
Why is the sky blue ? Why is the ocean deep?
Why is the mountain high? Why do we weep?
We have been given everything man could possibly need
This is the reason GOD had planted the seed.
We are the only creatures that have a mind to think
But when we do not use it, we can lose in in a wink.

We as poets see all the beauties that are around
We will write about it, without even making a sound
We will also see the suffering, for not everything in
Life is a bed of flowers, for people are dying
Each and every hour.

There are too many topics for us to write about
War, poverty, hunger, sickness, just to name a few
We can’t write about everything, what are  we supposed to do.
So I look around to all that surround me
Then I pick a topic of which I do not foresee.
I put myself in that position of what I am writing about
If it’s about pregnancy, I will feel her aches and pains
And by doing this there is knowledge that I gain.
Life is two sided of that there is no doubt.
Rich, poor, happy, sad, love, hate, boy, girl,
Life, death, all in suits of twos
All this excites me, but which one will I choose?
Why do poets write? now you tell me?
maybe it’s just because we love the poetry.
louis rams Sep 2011
have you ever wondered why people become poets?
poets have been around since the beginning of time
and they have been mostly men, speaking of their loves, life
and emotions.
famous love stories, plays, movies, all seen thru a poets eyes.
just as the centuries have gone by and everything in life has changed
so have the poets.
there is now as many and if not more female poets
than male poets. why? because they are more sensitive to emotions
and are not afraid to show or speak of it , unlike men who want to
show the 'MACHO MAN IMAGE"
poets see life thru different eyes for different situations
and write about it in so many forms , and see the light and
the darkness in everything, including the good and bad.
it may be just one word ,or a line, or verse
that enters their mind to start creating
what will become a poem,
what is the poets dream that you will create?
a love story, a sad story, one of fear or hate, or passion
one of beauty, or war.
so many things to choose from- but it doesn’t matter
what you may choose, you must take the first step.
just as reading this is the first step to start on your way to writing poetry
and opening up your mind and soul.
touching other people and receiving comments
and feedback on your writings will help you to improve
on your weak areas.
some people do it because they are looking for fortune and fame
while others want to communicate with others, and others
just to see their names on something other than
a bill being paid.
Sep 2010 · 852
louis rams Sep 2010
they came like thieves in the night
Hijacked the planes while in flight
2974 people died that day
And for their souls we still pray.

Ground zero will live in the minds of man
And the world is taking a stand.
These terrorist acts must come to an end
And more troops the nations will send.

The young minds that they enslaved
Will come out of their caves
They will see the treachery
And will long to be free.

Why is it that you fear freedom so?
Is it because in your hearts you know
That you and your followers
Will have no place to go.

Communism and dictatorships
Are falling to the ground
Every where you look there’s love to be found.

Mothers are not giving up their children
To commit suicide, freedom is
The key on which they rely.
9/11 was the breaking point
For all the world to see
This is the reason it’s now world history.

“ to freedom” the world is now
Opening up their eyes, this we can not deny.
The world is getting smaller, and there’s
No place to hide.
No matter where you go, you know we will find.
People are closing in on all your terrorist acts.
Look around you, you know that’s a fact.
So to al- Qaeda and all the other terrorists factions
The world is now counter acting.
The bell of freedom will ring through out each nation
We will stop all your devastation.
Sep 2010 · 553
louis rams Sep 2010
People were talking the other day that they’re
going to put your love on display.
How can a person be so in love
That they talk about the stars above.

How can you show your heart like an open book
And that with a smile was all it took.
There had to be more to it than a smile?
If you could explain it, then I’ll sit a while.

I said: the heart is a complex thing
And with it emotions it brings
The heart holds all that you may see and feel
And like a fishing pole it has a reel.

The reel can let out or pull in its slack
And once you’re hooked, there’s no turning back.
Like the fish you will fight to be free
But this is part of life s destiny.

The heart holds many things you’ve
Never felt before - sadness , bitterness
Disgust and hate, but the strongest ones
Is hope , love, and faith.

We all have the HOPE that we will
One day meet our soul mate
Before it becomes too late.

Then we find a thing called LOVE
Which was also given to us from above.
This is what hope was giving to you
A soul mate which was pure and true.

Then along came FAITH with its head held high
Looking up to the sky, showing us that with
All three, you could do most anything.
But the strongest of the three is the one
That surrounds you and me.
GOD - LOVED man so much
That he gave up his begotten son.

The key word here as you can see

Now as for the question that you asked of me
How can I show my heart like an open book.

When GOD showed his LOVE wasn’t that
An open book?
So how can I not follow his path  that leads
The way, to a life of happiness day to day.
Sep 2010 · 2.9k
louis rams Sep 2010
it does not matter if you're male or female
in the mind of a abuser
they will always prevail.
when you allow the abuse from the start
in you life, it becomes a part.

whether it's verbal or physical, it matters not
you let it start, and it won't stop.
the verbal can be more damaging than the physical
because it becomes daily.

like a sculptor chipping away at its mold
until it becomes the way that they want it to be.
and if you don't stop it
you will never be free.

they do it because of their own inadequacy.
which is something that their mind won't see.
how much abuse should you take
before it becomes much to late?

the verbal abuser will always put you to the ground
and expect you to not make a sound.
they will tell you that you was put here to serve.
and to make a move, you have no nerve.

that you must obey their every command
and that you are the **** of the land.
if you have no - or low self esteem
it is something which will be seen.

and when an abuser has you in their sight
no matter what you do, it won't be right.
STOP the abuse, before it's too late.
for this can not be your destined fate.

the verbal abuse will always start first
then from there, it will get worse.
YOU must walk away, so that they can see
a victim you will not be.

(abuse is like a broken tool, it could damage whatever is good)

louis rams
Aug 2010 · 508
louis rams Aug 2010
Search your heart- search your soul
In there lies CHRIST- a wonder to behold
Feel him in your heart and in your mind
His presence is there all the time.

Reach out and touch him
he is the welcoming friend.
He is there when we cry out in pain
Of all that we’ve done- there is no shame.

Hold your head up high and look
Up towards the sky
You will see him looking down at you
Forgiving you no matter what you do.

GOD did not make any imperfections
And all he s done is resurrected
With him a new life will grow
And through his love it will show.

Believe in him as he believes in you
This is all you have to do
He will lead you on the path of right
He will show you the glorious light.

Follow him and he will not lead you wrong
For with him is where we belong.
Aug 2010 · 671
louis rams Aug 2010
You find yourself drowning-water going into your nose and mouth.
You find yourself drowning of that you have no doubt.
Your arms are flaring wildly as you struggle to reach the top
You know you must continue- you know you can not stop.

You know you’ve been in this position
Many times before, but you always seem to
Make it to the far distant shore.
You take a deep breathe as your instinct
For survival comes into play.
You know you have to fight to live another day.

You reach land and you know a new battle
Will begin- peer pressure, life s pressures
How are you going to win?

You ask yourself: how can this be?
You can drown on land- not just in the sea?
Every time you’ve survived
Who do you think was there
It was JESUS giving a helping hand.

He’s been by your side, every minute
Of every day, he will pick you up
He will not turn away.

So do not get discouraged, do not despair
Put your faith in GOD , he is always there.
louis rams Aug 2010
I kissed the most sensuous lips that I ever saw.
The most sensuous lips and I wanted more.
Her lips so soft, so gentle, so moist.
And the whispering of her voice.

Why is it that you love my lips so?
Is there something that I should know?

I said:  when I kiss your lips I feel like
I am floating on air, and it relieves
All my worries and cares.
It puts me into a place I’ve never been before
And I’m wanting more and more.

It’s like taking a trip to the heavens above
And it shows me all your love.
Like a baby in the warmth of the mothers stomach
Safe and never rejected- but always protected.

How can a woman s lips put a mans soul on fire
And fill his heart with a burning desire?
How can her lips make you feel that you
Could move heaven and earth?
How can she show you what life is worth?

Her lips so gentle, so soft, so moist
So refreshing, so everlasting!

The taste of her lips like the taste of
The most desirable nectar on this earth
Filling my body and soul
Making me complete- making me whole.

Why do I love your lips so?
This is why!
And now you know.
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
louis rams Aug 2010
The time is growing near- and we are about to part.
I did something stupid and it really broke your heart.
A ****** chance had arose, and the wrong
Decision I had chose.

How could I accept something that was given for free
And let my ****** desire over power me.?
Man sometimes uses the wrong head
And we plop right into bed.

In this position I would not be
If I was to have stopped and thought it out
Of this I have no doubt.

How could I have done such a stupid thing
Knowing in my life, the grief it would bring.
I had vowed that I would always be true
And I broke that promise to you.

I see the hurt in your eyes, as you gaze
Upon my face for the very last time.
Now I am on bended knees
And to you I do plead.

Even a dog deserves a break, we’re all human
We make mistakes.
I made a mistake, I don’t deny
And I will live with it for the rest of my life.

But if you deny the love that we both knew
Wouldn’t you be making a mistake too.
Don’t make a mistake like I just did
For with this decision you must live.
Aug 2010 · 657
political arena
louis rams Aug 2010
It was a political arena that he was in
A political arena where they said he could not win.
He was fighting for the rights of man
Someone had to take a stand.
His religious rights were being denied
They said he was a war activist which was a lie.
He believed in the commandment “thou shall not ****”
They wanted to take away his rights of “ free will”.
So his lawyer went to court, and fought
With everything that he was taught.

He knew he had a battle up ahead
But it was a fight he did not dread.
Civil rights were being denied
Freedom to all should apply.
They went to court the very next day
He knew the jury he would have to sway.
He started debating how he should start
When a deep feeling pierced his heart.

He told the jury: if this had been GODS will
He would have taught us *******.
Can you find it in your heart to take another mans life
And leave a person without a husband, family, children , wife.
Those words penetrated deep into their minds.
It did not take them very much time.

“ NOT GUILTY” we the jury do find.
Aug 2010 · 458
louis rams Aug 2010

Looking for love-looking at faces
Looking for love in all the wrong places
Thinking that I could find love in a bar
The worst place by far.
   Gathering all my thoughts on what I could do
That is when I saw you.
The walk you walked was a walk of pride
With a big smile and your head held high
   You walked past me and I smelled your perfume
It was a smell which would not leave you too soon
I became attracted to you like a bee to a flower
I knew right then that you had the power
To make me give up the search of mine
To find in you a love divine
     I ran in back of you and asked you your name
You looked at me as if I was insane.
You looked at me from head to toe
And told me where I could go.
  I apologized for my boldness and that the sight of you caught my eye
And that I would continue to try
And if I had to climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea
Then that’s the way it would have to be.
But I would not stop trying to get to know you
And if a fool I had to be -until the day that you would look at me
I would do anything that you want- to get to make you smile
And to hear that laughter-this is all that I am after.
   With my craziness you started to laugh and told me that you did not want
To relive the past. Of being hurt and shedding the tears
This was something that you feared.
    You laid down the ground rules from the start
And I accepted it with all my heart.
Soon after we got to know each other and your fears slowly diminished
You opened your heart and I saw what was in it.
A love so deep and so profound that it knocked me to the ground.
In my heart you will be- keeping my heart company.
Looking for love-I no longer seek
Because of you-I am complete.
Aug 2010 · 723
louis rams Aug 2010
I heard church bells ringing- ringing quite clear
I heard the church bells ringing- deafening my ears.
I looked all around and yet I could not see
Any place of worship even close to me.

That was when I realized that the ringing
Was coming from my heart.
Because it was you who captured it
Right from the start.

You entered my life like the earth enters
the day- and forever you would stay.
The bells are ringing with every passing
Thought of you, and it tells me all that I must do.
And to keep this love- to you I must be true.

I sometimes ask myself how can this be?
The bells toll louder every time you look at me.
Is this the way that love is really meant to be
That my heart is racing fast, and I feel wild and free.

We’ve all envisioned love and how it should be
But love is something you can not foresee.
Everyone sees love in a different way
And with your heart, love will play.
And love like a guitar that’s out of tune
You will lose it pretty soon.

So find the faults while you can
Tune that love and take your stand.
Now as I look at you I ask:
"Is this happening to only me
Or is our hearts singing in harmony"?
louis rams Aug 2010
Women- listen to the heart of man
Not all of us are macho men
But most of us will defend you to the end.
Not all men are into martial arts, weight lifting and such
For some it is too much.

We are men of every day stance, all we ask
Is to love us , and give us a chance.
We feel pain the same as you
And our tears we’ll hide from you.

We can love you more than you’ll ever know
And it’s something that we will show.
We will love you like no other man can
We will walk with you hand in hand.

You are mans foundation, that is why
GOD made such a beautiful creation.
Different in every aspect and every way
And he knew in our hearts you would stay.

Strange as it may be: we came out of you
And are always trying to get back into you.
But we must start from your heart and mind
To be with you throughout all time.
Aug 2010 · 394
louis rams Aug 2010
How many times has my heart bled
How many tears have I shed
How much heartache must I go through
Before you realize how much I love you.

To you it seems like a game
Putting me through all this pain
Why is it that you torture me so
Is that the only thing you know?

Is it the pain that keeps you going
What are you going to do with
That gun you’re loading.
Are you going to take your life?
Or am I going to be your sacrifice.?

How do you think that our love can survive
If you don’t get up to try
What must I do to prove our love is true.
If you don’t allow me to get close to you.
So many women I have found
But none like you have let me down.

So with tears in my eyes
I’ll have to say good bye
I can not continue this way
when all you want
Is with my heart to play.

We will now depart
But you’ll always be in my heart.
Aug 2010 · 484
louis rams Aug 2010
The cross- a significant symbol of Christianity
Where JESUS was crucified to save humanity.
It matters not where you’re from
If you believe in GOD- then you believe in his son.

They spoke of him long before his existence
That he was on the way
And to him the world would pray.

Lands, and the earth, and people have changed
But one thing remains the same.
The faith , the belief in GOD above
For he is the one true love.

Men trying to rule other men for power and glory
But this was just part of the story.
They wanted to conquer all nations
And they killed without hesitation.

They traveled by land and sea
And did not care about humanity.
Silver, gold, diamonds , and pearls
This is what made their world.

Then the poor, the humble, the meek
Needed strength for they was weak.
A prophet told the people that he saw a vision
Of angels coming down from the skies
That would affect all mankind.
Every day for centuries they awaited his arrival
Their faith gave them the strength
For their survival.

Rome had become the strongest of nations
And this is where they would find salvation.
GOD would lead the Jews to the promised land
For the holding of his people was out of hand.
This was the turning point to Christianity
And all the miracles made for the world to see.
So if you believe in GOD then you should know
Through his son is the way to go.
Aug 2010 · 683
louis rams Aug 2010
I felt the love so deep in my heart
Like a knife tearing me apart
I felt your breath in every
Pulsating blood vessel  flowing
Through my veins, and I knew
That my life would never be the same.

I felt my heart wanting to break
Every time I’d look at your face.
Your eyes would take me on a long journey
To places I’ve never been before
Like in a whirlpool going round and round
And my self going further down.

You are every breath of my life
Every desire in my soul
And you are the one I want to hold.

My heart has become an open book
Pick it up and take a look.
My heart no longer has anything to hide
So come on down and climb inside.

Look at the way a heart truly beats for you
And there is nothing that I wouldn’t do.
To capture your love and put it in a bottle
For all the world to see, that your love
Belongs to me.

This is my heart and I give it to you
Like a bee gives us honey
Taste the sweetness and the joy it brings
For your love is my everything.
Aug 2010 · 830
louis rams Aug 2010
The many faces of JESUS, I see it everywhere
Staring from a rug, staring from a chair.
He is in the trees so green, and in the grass so high
In the mountains , and in the sky.
In the rivers, and in the ocean blue
He is all around- he’s inside of you.

In your generosity, and in your caring ways
In the love that you show, from day to day.
In the newborn child that is laughing with you.
In the sounds of the birds, and the beasts of prey.
He is everything that we do and say.

He is in our churches,  mosques, and synagogues
And every place we pray.
He is every breath we take
And he helps us to find the way.

He is in the sun at daytime
And in the moon at night
In every good thought and dream
And always in plain sight.

In our cemeteries where our
Loved ones are laid to rest.
He’s even on our currency
and that’s the best one yet.
     ( in god we trust)

He is everywhere that surrounds
Our every being.
This is my LORD, this is what I’m seeing.
louis rams Aug 2010
Living in the ghettos in the big city
Rats and roaches was his company
No one to turn to, nothing to see
Living in poverty and misery.

A wife and two teenage girls is what made his world.
When he had made his wedding vows
He did not expect a change from then to now.

People losing their jobs every day
Hours being cut, and drops in pay.
He thought he had the future in his hands
But with life it’s just a scam.

From the suburbs to the ghetto streets
But he landed on his feet.
He found out that anyone can get
To the low point in life.
Where it affects him, his children, his wife.

Everything had to be put in storage
And then finally sold.
His furniture , his personal possessions
And what ever gold.

Surrounded by so many people in the same boat
He had to find a way to stay afloat.
He found other people who felt the same as he
And was tired of living in this poverty.

They decided to pool their monies every week
A new way of living they would seek.
They decided that abandoned buildings
And homes was the way to go.
And recognition the banks would soon know.

Every house and building they redid
With pride and care, and with the community
Their work they’d share.
Soon the entire community started
To take pride, and real estate they
Started to buy.

Now this community is the best around
Better homes can not be found.
Made this fantastic creation.
If they can do it, so can you
You just have to follow through.

Not many people do get out.
But this is what HOPE,
and  DETERMINATION is all about.
- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
Aug 2010 · 1.8k
louis rams Aug 2010
Mans best friend that I see, is our dogs and cats.
      Don’t you agree?
They will not argue with you, bicker or fight
They will love you with all their might.
It matters not the stature of them
They will love you till their end.

They know when your body and soul
Are in aches and pains
And they’ll try to lick it all away.
They’ll kiss and cuddle up next to you
For what else can they do.

They can not talk to you to let
You know that everything will be alright.
But the things they do are such a sight.
They’ll give you those big sad eyes
And their love , you can’t deny.

They will jump and dance around
Till you laugh so hard your on the ground.
Each animal has its own personality
Which is something that you must see.

Some love to chase their tails all around
While others love to jump high
in the air and then back down.

Like my daughters dog CHLOE who
Loves to scratch at your feet
The first time that “she” you meet.
Man oh man what a wonderful treat.

And then there is  ASIA who runs in circles
When she gets excited, and then jumps in the air
To let you know that she is there.

Then we have RAVEN he is the king of this mountain top
They jump on him and bite him and will not stop.
He is the most calmest of them all
And has the biggest saddest eyes you want to see
And the oldest of the three.

They all have their ways to make you forget
That is why they’re your best friends yet.
Aug 2010 · 953
louis rams Aug 2010
He was known as the roof top poet
He was good , but he wouldn’t show it.
He wrote about everything on the streets
While listening to the Latin beat.

His upbringing inspired him
To write about crime and sin.
He wrote about street drugs everywhere
And ***** needles that they would share.

He played the conga and bongos too
This is what he had learned to do.
There was not a topic that he would not touch
For he loved life much to much.

He wrote about robberies, muggings
And ****** , prostitution, gambling
Corruption and all the rest
His talent for street writing made him the best.

But there was a soft side to him
That people did not know
And where ever children needed him
He would go.
He was a volunteer in the children s hospital
And the orphanages too, which was
Something that nobody knew.
He would give them love, affection, and laughter
Wealth or fame he wasn’t after.
He gave them the key elements for the
Children to survive,  HOPE, LOVE, FAITH
With hope in their hearts and faith in GOD
There was nothing that they could not do.
If to themselves they would be true.
Now if we could be such as HE
The world would be better for the children you see.
Aug 2010 · 528
louis rams Aug 2010
I dreamt that the LORD came to me
And a message he did give me.
        In this dream:
I came upon the face of the LORD
Long before I was born.
He came and touched my soul
And made me completely whole.

He said: you are going down to earth
To this woman who will give you birth
She will show you all there is to know in life
who will show You how to bear the struggles and strife.

there is so much that you must learn
And many a life you must turn.
There are so many people who have gone astray
I need you to show the way.

Your mothers love will strengthen you every day
It’s a beautiful price that you will pay.
Strength from above and strength from below
We’ll show you the way you have to go.

She has prayed for you for many a year
Now it’s time for your love to share.
The love that she gives to you
Will help to see you through,

Open your heart to all that are around
They will come to you in leaps and bounds.
You will have a purity that every person
Will feel and see, this is the way that it must be.

In this dream I saw myself learning the bible
Although I had not opened up one in quite a while.
I started to read the stories of his life
And the miracles he created, and lives that
Were turned around that were devastated.

    Then I awoke and I felt empty inside
Tears rolling down my cheeks that I tried to hide.
I knew that it was a dream and that it could never
Happen to me, for it was something that I could not see.
And although I can’t recall the features of his face
FAITH, LOVE, HOPE,  in me he did place.
Aug 2010 · 1.0k
louis rams Aug 2010
If you’re not a parent then you don’t know
The aches and pains that do not show.
When we see our child sick in bed
And so many thoughts go through your head.
When your child is in the hospital with 103
And by their side is where you want to be.

Recalling the first time that they ride a bike
And they fall and scrape their knee
And it seems they cry endlessly.

When you play with their imaginary friends
And it seems like it will never end.
then they go to pre-k
and for hours They have to stay.
Then they go to kindergarten and they
Meet children their same age
And it becomes fun and games.
Soon they’re out of elementary
And go to junior high
And then the aches and pains
Really begin to fly.
They already experienced their
First kiss, and possibly a ******
Affair, and with you they will not share.
Soon it’s high school and college to follow
And you don’t see them for quite a while.
Then you get a call that they’re engaged
And you know your life has changed.
Then comes a marriage and a family
And a grandparent you will be.
But as a parent our love will never
Grow old, and this is something
That you are now told.
We are your parents and we will
Always be, we’ll love you now
And thru eternity.
Aug 2010 · 848
louis rams Aug 2010
I am the shark and you are the fish
The taste of you is the perfect dish.
Like a shark who smells the blood of its prey
I smell your perfume and I want to stay.

The aroma that comes out of your pores
Makes me want to stay forever more.
I taste the softness of your lips
And the movement of your tongue
And I know I’m your only one.

I run my fingers thru your hair
And pull your head gently to me
For I know it’s where I want you to be.

I cover you like the night covers the sky
And to make you completely mine.
With you I feel the rhythm of the ocean
I could feel your love and devotion.

This shark has but one goal
And that’s to make you completely whole.
louis rams Aug 2010
An educated man, yet he was a fool
He put drugs in his body and let it rule.
He started off slowly with just some ***
He enjoyed the high and would not stop.

He then decided to try *******
This was the turning point and what a shame
Everyone was talking about free basing and crack
Once he did that there was no turning back

He became the street poet - for all to see
The poetry he spoke, he spoke beautifully.
Words flowed thru his mind
Like a smooth river of rhyme.

He spoke of days of old when knights were bold
Of wars and loves of histories past
And he knew that this would not last.
His dabbing in drugs was destroying his life
He lost his friends, his family
His children and wife.

And as he stood on the corner that day
Across from him a church a bit away.
He walked over to it not knowing
What to expect, worse than this it could not get.

He walked inside and began to pray
“ help me LORD for I’ve gone astray
Put me on the path of light
Help me to make this wrong a right.
Give me the strength to stop all of this
For the things I had I truly miss.

His chest started to swell up inside
He fell to his knees and began to cry
He felt someone touch his head
And these words was simply said:
Help yourself and I will help you
Put faith and love in your heart
Is all you have to do.

He stopped his crying and turned around
No one was there to be found.
He committed himself to the hospital
That day, and from then on
He did not stray.

Now he preaches in a store front church
And with GOD sits high on a perch.
There is nothing that can bring him down
For CHRIST  he has found.
- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
Aug 2010 · 675
louis rams Aug 2010
I stood where things are worth fighting for
I fought until there was no more
I stood where hunger controlled the earth
I stood when a mother was giving birth
I stood where there was racism to be found
I stood- I held my ground
I stood where there was poverty and pain
I stood- and my heart will never be the same
I stood - when I found true love
I stood- because it came from above
I stood - on the unemployment lines
I stood-and didn’t ask for a dime
I stood - when everything around me was falling apart
I stood-because he gave me a heart
I stood- when there was no place to go
I stood- when there was little to show

Now I stand here to meet my maker
I am ready for the undertaker
I stand here on my judgment day
But before I stood I began to pray

LORD ! I feel I’ve stood up for
all the injustices in life
I’ve tried to change the wrongs to right
I’ve lived my life the best I could
Now I stand here before you.

This is the last time that I stand
For you had always given a helping hand.
Let me stand on the other side
And forever be by your side.
Aug 2010 · 453
louis rams Aug 2010
The night came following the day
And on my knees I did pray
I prayed to the lord for the children
Of the world, for every little boy and girl.

So much suffering, so much pain
And yet everything stays the same
Children all over the world looking to see
If they could find a bite to eat.

All they want are the little things
That we take for granted
A shower, clean clothes, food and a bed
And a roof over their heads.

Parents who could love them
and send them to school
So that they would not be
Considered the little fool.

They have their dreams
like any other child
And they’ve been held
back for quite a while.
Now it’s their time to live
And to show what they could give.

Let us give these children the opportunity
So that this world could see
With love and education they
Could do anything.
louis rams Aug 2010
My head was up in the clouds
No daylight to be found.
White and gray clouds  covered my sight
I could not see for my mind was in flight.
I looked all around and all I could see
Was the clouds covering me.

I felt like I was in a plane
And all the passengers seeing the same.

So I know I’m not the only one
Who feels this way
Millions of people go through this
From day to day.

It doesn’t matter to you what
The others are going through
Just that it’s happening to you.
You don’t like this feeling
of being up in the air
And with others your thoughts
You can not share.
Is this a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s
Disease ,And can I set myself free.
They say “ the mind is a terrible thing to lose”
It is not something that we choose.
Will I forget my loved ones
And everything that’s around
Will I stumble and fall to the ground.

Right now we still have our faculties
But for how long will that be?
So let us continue to write while we can
For tomorrow we can not plan.
Write everything that you think
See and feel, for in the future
Your mind may reel.
Head up in the clouds? Who is to say.
Until the medical fields find a better way.
louis rams Jul 2010
I came across a friend today
It had been so long I didn’t know what to say.
The words seemed to escape my mind
For it had been such a long time.
She asked me about my family
and how life was treating me.

Not wanting to tell her all I had been through
I said : fine! How about you?
She sensed that there was something on my mind
That I did not want to speak about.
She carefully chose her words , and told me
What she was going through
And all the things that she had to do.

She had lost her job, lost her family to divorce
It was the only solution, it was the only course.
She had fallen into a depression
All because of the economic recession
She started to bicker and fight
And blame her husband , which wasn’t right.

I then started to tell her that I was in the same boat as she
And I felt that the world was closing in on me.
I found the bills so hard to meet
And that soon I would be in the street.
I was supposed to be the man, the bread winner.
And I couldn’t even buy a TVs. dinner.

She looked at me and said : I know !
But there was a place to go.
To go to the house of GOD, and you will
Find the strength within, for there is your
Family , and there is your friend.

I went with her to the house of  GOD
And as I walked in, I felt  a sense of relief
For I had been released of all my anguish and grief.
I walked towards the altar and got down
On my knees to pray.
There was so much to GOD  that I had to say.
Why is it that I’m going through all these aches and pains
I have been good, and there is nothing of which I am ashamed.
I am trying to meet my obligations to all the ones I love
But I need your help , so send me an angel from the heavens up above.

I then heard music, and a voice so gently say .
Your angel has been with you, and you met her just today.
I did not understand just what he had meant
The only one I met was just an old friend.
The thought then entered my mind and I looked back to see.
She was an angel which GOD had chosen for me.
to lead me on this path,   to his house of prayer
For that is where he wanted me to show that he cared.

I walked out of the church with a new found HOPE
For he had given me strength and showed me how to cope.

- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
louis rams Jul 2010
Silence is golden or so they say
But how many can keep quite for a full day?
What about the people who were born to preach?
What would they do if they could not teach.

Then I take the opposite view: what would you do ?
If you was born deaf never hearing a sound
No birds chirping, no dogs barking, no cats meowing
No laughter. These are the things the deaf are after.
SOUNDS !sounds of music, of joy, happiness.
               But I was born blind.
I had hopes to one day see, and all my classmates laughed at me.
They said : you was born in darkness, and in darkness
You will be, from now and through eternity.
I learned colors, not by sight, but by emotions
And I practiced it with devotion.
They said my mother was traumatized during
her pregnancy, and somehow it affected me.
The doctors checked and could not understand why
That I had turned out blind.
My blindness became my greatest strength
Because it fine tuned my hearing.
I am blind and the deaf can not hear
But we have instincts beyond compare.
The deaf can not hear all the sounds of the world
Including a child at play, and for
my hearing I thank GOD every day.
The school then put me with a roommate who was deaf
And we got along swell, we showed each other how
It was to live in each others hell.
He covered up my ears so that I could not hear a sound
And I learned how to get around.
I did the same thing to him and blindfolded him
So that he could not see, and with all this we lived in harmony.
By doing this we learned a lesson that no one could teach
That even being deaf and blind, they could be reached.
I showed him that with a metal tip on a walking stick
You could feel the vibrations of different things
Foot steps ,cars , “even music.’
Now that he could hear through the tip of a stick
He learned to dance really quick.
And although I could not see.
I held on to his waist
And he said : “follow me.’

Now I am going for some surgery, that they said
May help me see.
HOPE has rekindled in my heart, but from my friend
I did not want to part.
He let me know that he would stay by my side
And not to give up my hope, but to continue to strive.
He was with me every step of the way, and to GOD
I did pray. I thanked my lord up above for sending
Me this friend and sharing his love.
Three weeks later they took the band aids from my eyes
And the first thing that I saw when my eyes were clear
Was my friend standing there.
Tears filled our eyes as we embraced
For I was blessed by the HOLY GRACE.

He still can not hear, but he was the best man
At my wedding, and showed all the guests how to dance
If there Is someone who will give you a chance.

- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
louis rams Jul 2010
There wasn’t anything left, except a ray of hope
That ray of hope was so strong that it took control of me.
So strong that my eyes would not see.
Hope is the foundation of the human race
Hope is the foundation that can never be replaced.

Hope can be as strong as love, for it is given to us from above.
I found out something which I always knew
That where there is hope, faith follows too.
And with the faith then comes love
And it fills your heart like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
It pounds in your chest like the waves against the shores.

You feel the goose bumps travel
from your head to your toes.
And that is when those three words show.

Those three special words that are
Imbedded in our hearts and soul.

Those three words can be taken
whichever way you like.
The father, the son, the holy ghost
Hope comes with the father
Faith comes with the son
Love comes with the holy ghost
And all these simply say to
The LORD up above

So which three do you choose?
And if you don’t choose any, then you lose.
- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
louis rams Jul 2010
The HOPE was fading from his mind
For he had been in the water a very long time.
When the boat started to take water in
He grabbed the life vest and dove
in the water and started to swim.
He had no time to place a distress call
Or to shoot up a flair, because the
gasoline was spreading everywhere.

As he got about 200 yards away, he heard the explosion.
Bits of fiberglass flying all around him
The chances for survival was looking mighty grim.
He knew that land was to the west
And he had to swim and then take a rest.
He thanked the LORD that he had
The time to grab the vest.
For without that he could not stay afloat
While searching all around for signs of a boat.
As he looked across the horizon, he could see
The beauty of the sky touching the ocean
The water was calm and without motion.
He knew he had two things in his favor
Grabbing the vest, and having his diving
Watch on his wrist, which showed depth, time, and compass.
He knew he had to keep his mind active and awake.
So he started to sing songs of faith.
As he floated on his back and looking to the skies
Is when he realized, that the LORD cannot be denied.
He felt a chill go up and down his spine
But it wasn’t from the cold, it was a chill of the divine.
He saw clouds above his head and they seemed
To be taking shape , as it spread like ripples
From east to the west. Then as he looked again
He saw the center of the cloud start to pull in and darken
And stretch from north to south ,then a cloud puff
Floated above the center, and a face came into sight
It was of my GOD, and I screamed with such delight.
His arms were outstretched and I heard a voice
Within my head, it said: I am with you and will
Always be by your side.
It is not your time for me to take you away
For you believed in me and you began to pray.

Look to the west, for there is a boat
On the horizon, searching for survivors of
That deadly explosion who may be in the ocean.

Spread the word of what you heard and saw
For I will be with you from now and evermore.
you showed HOPE when there was none around
You did not scream and curse, complain
or make a sound.

- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
louis rams Jul 2010
Stories of hope series #4                      
                  The elder

His wife died fifteen years past, and he knew
Living with his children would not last.
They would want to put him in a assisted living home
Just so that they could be left alone.
They could not foresee that one day they would be elderly.
They joked about him becoming senile
But he knew that would not happen for quite a while.
He was only sixty two with so much more living to do.
He knew the only thing he had left was HOPE.
And with life’s burdens he would have to cope.
So he decided to go back to school
And learn a new trade, and show his family
that he could make the grade.
He learned carpentry, and bought all the necessary tools
And what he couldn’t get , he borrowed from the school.
He already had in his mind of what he’d like to make.
And he knew that a long time it would take.
He decided to get the WESTERN RED CEDAR
For its softness and durability, and aromatic smell
This wood he knew would work quite well.
He found the perfect picture of what he had in mind
And viewed every detail and every line.
He wanted it to be about three feet tall
And two feet wide because that size would be just fine.
He started off very slowly, just chiseling away.
And sanding it down perfectly
For that’s the way it had to be.
He used each and every sculpting blade he could find
To define each and every line.
He did each part with delicate care
For with this piece there was a love he shared.
Slowly but surely it started to take shape
He was impatient, he could not wait.
But he knew that this was the way it was meant to be
So that everyone could see the beauty that had to be.
He worked on it every day, and his worries
Seemed to slip away.
Being put in a home was no longer his concern
And that his children would have to learn
That as long as he could breathe and walk
All of this was just talk.
This sculpture became his obsession
and his passion and made him grow strong
And doing this is where he belonged.
His teachers were very impressed and said
He was the best student yet.
They said that this was a work of art and of beauty
And should be put on display
And that for this the public would gladly pay.
He knew there was something missing
And that it was not complete,
and this problem he would defeat.
Then it dawned on him that it was needing color.
He needed the darkest blue and the deepest brown
And went about painting it without making a sound.
The darkest blue was for the piercing eyes
And the brown for the shoulder length hair
This was the perfect pair.
For three months he had toiled with perfection
For this was of the LORD and his resurrection.
And this was how it came to be
That this elder found harmony

- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
louis rams Jul 2010
She was wheeled into the maternity ward
With pains minutes apart.
The doctors knew that they would have to start.
An hour later she gave birth to twin boys
You could see in her face she was full of joy.
She had complications that the doctors did not see
And she began hemorrhaging , she started screaming
I don’t care what happens to me , but please
Take care of my babies.
She died that very day, and the twins
Had no family with which to stay.
They became wards of the county, and up for adoption
They would go, but adoption moves very slow.
The doctors found that they had dwarfism syndrome.
Which did not allow them to grow
Which was something the mother did not know.
Growing up with the other children, they was teased
And laughed at because of their size
And that made them open their minds.
They knew that if they wanted to accomplish
Something in their life, and not have anyone ridicule them
They would have to find a friend.
Someone that they could confide in and tell their troubles to.
So this is what they set out to do.
There was a woman there who taught them the true meaning
Of the word HOPE, and with that they learned to cope.
She always instilled in their minds, that they could
Be as big As their dreams, for with HOPE
Anything Can be achieved.
To reach their goal there would not be any hesitation.
For HOPE was fueling their determination.
They received a scholarship to the college of
Business administration. They were filled with joy and exhilaration
Being dwarfs they had a lot of adjustments to be made
But they were strong, they were not afraid.
They both got jobs in an accounting firm
And doing this they did learn, they learned how
To run a business starting from scratch
And there was no turning back.
Now as the business started to grow, they took
Care of the woman that they did know.
For she had became a mother to them
They considered her more than a friend.
She was getting up in her years, and her death brought them tears.
But they always remembered her words
That with HOPE anything can be achieved
And you had to follow your dreams.
They are now nationwide and her spirit is by their side.
And in the office you will see a sign above their desk.


(dwarfism- is a growth hormone deficiency)
Also known in the u.s. as the little people
- From stories of hope series (continuing series)
Jul 2010 · 600
louis rams Jul 2010
Lucy the cat

She has a cat that she named Lucy

The news she got was quite juicy.

Her vet told her that Lucy was a guy

He could not change it

No matter how hard he tried.

She argued with the vet

That this could not be

He didn’t have any *****

That she could see.

He said his ***** were really small

And he removed that bit of gall.

The people were laughing in the room

She had to run out real soon.

She headed for the door with cat in hand

For the laughter she could not stand.

She finally got her cat back home

Knowing he could no longer roam.

She picked up her cat and looked in total awe

She was positive of what she saw.

But apparently his ***** were laying to the side

She looked and began to cry.

LUCY ! How could you do this to me?

Now I’ll have to watch when you ***.

She had to change the name to LOU.

What else can she do?

Surprisingly enough he stood up on his back two

And ****** all upon her shoe.

Then told her : I still love you!
Jul 2010 · 492
louis rams Jul 2010
His love is transparent, it can not be seen
For every beat of life-there is a beat for him
For he is the one who takes away our sins.

Look at the loves around you and the love
They have to give, but none like GODS love
Where every day you want to live.

With the LORD it grows every day
And there is no one who can take that away.

For his love fills every void
that lies within you
And when you need him
you know exactly what to do.
You call upon the love that he
Put within your soul A love so strong
And a beauty to behold.

It rises to the top and exits thru every pore
And the joy and contentment
Will be forever more.
Your heart feels like a balloon
Floating high into the sky
And you feel so lightheaded
And you know the reason why.

Where else in the world can you
Feel a love so strong
He resides in you, and that’s
Where he belongs.
His love is transparent
And he shares it with everyone
Just call upon his name
And “ his will”- will be done.
Jul 2010 · 603
louis rams Jul 2010
Two children walking down the street.
Seven or eight years old, the most that they could be.
Looking through the garbage for something to eat.
They found a half eaten hamburger that was thrown away
This treat would make their day.
They broke it in half , and together they ate
But they had to hurry for it was getting late.
Sooner older kids would be around and they
Knew that they would have to scramble and fight
For every morsel and every bite.
They hurried through the garbage
to see what else they could find.
Then they would have to run and hide.
The older kids would always bully the young
For on the streets this is how it is done.
They found a cup which still had soda and ice
And a small bags of fries
and with that they could get by.

They ran to an abandoned building where they slept
This is where they sat and wept
On a ***** torn mattress, and rags to use as a pillow.
And the sounds of rats in the rafters.
They huddled next to each other, and they began to pray.
This is what their mother showed them before she passed away.
They didn’t have any relatives that they knew of
But they prayed to the one above
For his guidance and his love.
Oh GOD ! We are your children, why do we suffer so?
My sister and I have done nothing wrong.
This is not where we belong.
Mom told us that you watch over all your children
And all we see is poverty and misery.
The older children know how to survive
But we are younger, and we’ll continue to try.
I saw a church just the other day
Which isn’t too far away.
Children playing and having fun
In the sprinklers and away from the sun.
Why can’t we be there?
Maybe some of the toys with us they could share.
This is my prayer for my sister and I
On these streets we do not want to die.

Their prayer had been answered on the same day
When a preacher who had been passing by that way.
He took them in and Fed them, cleansed them
and gave them clothes to wear
And with the other children some toys to share

The brother and sister went to the church
And got down on their knees , and thanked
Their mother who had given them hope
When there was none to be found.
And for telling them that GOD is always near
And listens to every word and every prayer.

Jul 2010 · 636
louis rams Jul 2010
The lord put millions of lives on this earth today.
To replace the ones that he took away.
We all have destinies that we must follow.
To keep the balance of nature true.
It is all up to me and you.

The crossroads that we come to in life
Can lead us straight or make us fight.
The straight and narrow is the path
That god has put for us.

And in his infinite wisdom-he gave
Us a choice at the crosswords.
One can lead to love abound.
While the other can make us fight
For all that is found.

The road that leads us to the fight
Is the road that we must take
So that we can use our hearts and mind
And fight to get to his heavenly throne.
So in death we’ll never be alone.

The road to love abound will look
As beautiful as can be
But it can hide lots of treachery.
Life is not always what it seems to be.
But this is the crossroads leading
To our destiny.

So when we think of a loved one who
Has been taken away.
They have gone to a better place.
They have achieved the goals that was given
To them. And left memories beyond compare.
For all the loved ones with which to share.
Jul 2010 · 693
louis rams Jul 2010
58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam war
our soldiers being sent to far distant shores.
war is not the key to our salvation
let peace reign throughout every nation.

how much more tragedies must we see
before we try to save humanity.
don't you think we have enough disasters
without wars taken lives even faster.

we are now in the middle east
in a country where we are detested
in this country that is terrorist infested.

who do not care who they ****
and they say that it's allas will.

I do not believe that any god
can be so cruel
to use terrorist as a deadly tool.

so let us stop this fighting I pray
that peace will reign from this day.
it must spread throughout the world
for all to see, that this is the way
life is meant to be.
Louis rams
Jul 2010 · 748
louis rams Jul 2010
'free will' for people to choose
will be the reason that you lose.
it is easy to die, but harder to live.
so for you, their life they give.

is your mind and will power so weak
that it will sway.
and for Osama Bin Laden your life you will lay?

do you think that he would give up his life
for this fight?
not while you're in plain sight!

heroes and martyrs fight for their rights
and the rights of others.
and when they go to heaven
they are sister and brothers.
they do it instinctively without purpose
or gain, for they are not looking
for fortune or fame.

there are no heroes or martyrs
residing in hell.
the suicide bombers, I’m sure can not tell.

innocent lives they have taken
and left the families barren and forsaken.

you wasn’t put in this world to commit suicide.
OBL told you a lie.
never being able to raise a family.
is this what your life was meant to be?

OBI- hear my words and hear them well
for what you are doing you will burn in hell.
Louis rams
louis rams Jul 2010
the hunt for Osama is narrowing down
in Afghanistan he will be found.
he is running out of places in which to hide
on that my friend it is no lie.

he will be captured or killed you see
and will go down miserably.
he has no place in which to go
but time is moving very slow.

people like him can not survive
for he is running out of time
just like Hussein in Iraq
who was sold out when he turned his back.

he will meet his fate like in waterloo
that is what he has to look forward to.
they say a million dollar bounty was put on his head
and that is something he does dread.

obama hear the words of each nation
for that is what you'll be facing.
the Arab countries that hid you today,
will tomorrow have to pay.

you will have to look at all your soldiers
to see which one will betray
and take your life on any day.

in the caves you are sweating
and now you must sweat some more
for change is coming now and forever more.

Louis rams
Jul 2010 · 571
louis rams Jul 2010
In the midst of war with bodies lying on the ground.
Walks a band of children- their families can’t be found.
Searching through the rubble of homes that used to be.
Looking for food and clothes just to survive
Because of their elders who choose to live a lie.
As I look through their eyes-all I can see
Is death and destruction staring at me?
These children are not to blame for what is all around.
But if it’s not stopped they’ll be laying on the ground.
They search thru this destruction in hopes that
They’ll find-others to join them.
As they walk down the streets-the elders stop their fighting
To let them pass.
But this is just temporary -they know it will not last.
Other children see them-marching down the streets
They drop what they are doing to join this band
Knowing in their hearts it’s time to take a stand.
This band is getting larger and the children start to shout.
What is this war? What’s it all about?
“Can’t you see the lives that have been taken?
Because of this war the ground is still shaking.”
The elders stop their fighting as the children all sit down.
They scream “we are not moving until this fight is through.
If this is what you want we will die with you.
You think only of yourselves and not what we’re going through.
And when we die -what are you going to do.
There will be no one to carry on your name.
There will be no heritage to be found
It will be burned to the ground.
Look at our faces and you know what you
Will see-death and destruction surrounding me.
So we ask you from our hearts-it’s time
To change.
It is not something which is hard to do.
It’s all up to every one of you.
Jul 2010 · 352
louis rams Jul 2010
I looked all around and asked: is this all there is?
What in the world do I have to give?
I looked around and I saw the beauties of the trees
And then I heard the humming of the bees.

I looked around and I saw the rivers and the streams
Then I thought- life is not what it seems.
We have four legged animals running all around
Every conceivable creature I know can be found.

We have birds of flight, with their wings of might
My oh my ! What a glorious sight.
Creatures that crawl above and below the ground
Some are quiet, while others make some sounds.

Then I looked at the ocean and it was
A beautiful bluish green
A sight which had to be seen.
Then I looked up to the skies
And watched the clouds floating by.
The sun a bright yellowish white
What a beautiful sight.

I thought again: what do I have to give?
And a thought flashed through my mind
The LORD made all this beauty that I see
But the most beautiful thing he made was you and me.
He gave us a shell which we call a body
And we walk straight and tall.

Then he gave us a soul, a brain, and a heart.
And this was the start.
He told us that we could use all three
It depends on you and me.
With this he added one more thing “ choice”.

A Brain to decide which way to go
A Soul with every feeling known to man
This was all of GODS plan.
Then he gave us the Heart to store all the feelings
That the soul did hold.

What do I have to give?
The answer is plain to see
I give my love to GOD
And then humanity.
Jul 2010 · 546
louis rams Jul 2010
Do not be afraid -for I am here
Do not be afraid- you know I care
Do not be afraid- for the love we share
I come to you with my heart in my hand
And I know you’ll understand.

My heart is given to you ever so freely
Like the free air that we breathe
Like the stars in the sky
In the hopes that one day you’ll be mine.

All I ask is that you open your heart too
For there is nothing together
That we can not do.
Strength in numbers, or so they say
But just with you, we’ll find the way.

You have shown my heart how to soar
And it will not roam ever more.
Our hearts will join together
And it will become as one
We will roam the earth, the stars, the sun.

We will show the world how true love can be
All I ask is that you trust in me.
True love starts with trust, and our hearts
Will fill to the point of bust.

Man is supposed to love woman
And woman , man - so that in heaven
We will walk hand in hand
Like an elderly couple with fifty years together
How can anything be better.

( smile my friend, for this is the beginning and not the end)
Jul 2010 · 554
louis rams Jul 2010
GOD made the universe, the world, and all
Of life as we know it to be
Then he created humanity.
He gave us the five senses for us to use
Some were born without, and some just plain abused.
He gave us a brain for us to be able to think
Then he gave us the two most important things
To make our lives complete
He gave us a heart and soul to use with this brain
And if we don’t use it- then it’s a crying shame.

I was born and raised a catholic
And I would ask the nuns: “where did GOD come from”
And they would always say: GOD IS, GOD ALWAYS WAS
GOD ALWAYS WILL BE -that was the answer given to me.
You need not see to believe- the blind were cured
The deaf could hear, the scared lost all their fears.
All these things were done through belief
It was something that the church did teach.

“I would walk into the mouth of death
And my life I would not regret.”

Put your faith in GOD and you will see
All of life s possibilities.
Such things as “paradolia” which most of us see.
When we see faces and images in the clouds
And we don’t know how.
Religious images being found in the skies
On some trees, and in the ground.

When your belief in CHRIST becomes so great
That you do not hesitate.
And your life has changed so drastically
That there is nothing else you see.
This is what my almighty GOD created
And my life has become belated.
Jul 2010 · 419
the promise
louis rams Jul 2010
There was a promise made to me
That you would love me eternally.
Eternity is supposed to be forever
And I know that things are much better.

Paint me the colors of my life
Make each one cheerful and bright
Paint me the colors for all the world to see
All the love that’s hidden in side of me.

You know me more than I know myself
For in my heart you do dwell
You’ve seen my good points and my bad
You’ve seen me happy and you’ve seen me sad.

You can paint the pictures of my life
In any way that you like
Because you’re the only one that can see
Everything that’s inside of me

You say you love me as you never loved
Anyone before, for I have opened up
Your hearts door .
So I will hold you to the promise that you made
And I’ll take that to my grave.

I will love you eternally
For our love is finally free.
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