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Feb 2021 · 500
The Golden thread
Lorraine day Feb 2021
To all you fellow poets
Who inspire me to write
I read your work for hours
Well into the night
Just knowing there are others
That take the time to share
Makes me feel I’m not alone
you people really care
So many may not realise
What positivity they sew
Just by writing comments
To a poet they don’t know
Each time you contribute
A golden thread is sewn
Into the very heart
Of the poet yet unknown
This leads to a tapestry
Woven over time
Knitting us together
By the spirit
Heart and mind
Priceless is this tapestry
No naked eye can see
I’m grateful to everyone
On hello poetry ........
Thanks to all of you especially Timothy who has never failed to read comment or inspire me to keep writing
Feb 2021 · 330
Lorraine day Feb 2021
Today the sun shines
In unison with my heart

Today I will give that sunshine away
From this heart I will speak

Warm comforting words
Planting seeds that will grow smiles

Smiles of happiness that will impact positively
On any one who sees them

Spreading warm rays of hope
Contentment and peace

the sun is shining in unison with many more hearts 💕
The beautiful energy source of the sun fills me with a warmth I like to spread to others especially during the darkest times
Feb 2021 · 1.8k
10 words
Lorraine day Feb 2021
He asked me to marry him
But he hated himself
Jan 2021 · 591
Lorraine day Jan 2021
My mind made a movie
Of the two of us last night
When everything was beautiful
And all the wrongs were right
The wind blew the storm clouds
The rain washed away the pain
The love we had returned
And the sun came back again
Feb 2019 · 505
Lorraine day Feb 2019
The time of your passing etched in my mind
Like a branding iron
It Sears through my heart
As the pain of your loss
Encompasses my soul in limbic state
I search for parts of you to keep
That death may not steal
In a box I place your ring with a lock of your hair
A receipt from the last place we went
Where we exchanged smiles
sharing the closest bond of love

Then ~~your touch was warm
As comforting as the sun
Your energy ~was always gentle and light
As a distant breeze
Oh how I hanker after your essence
Each passing day
The gap widens between us
As I grapple to find ways to not let you go
I stand alone in deep solitude
Finding comfort only in the refuge of the bed
Where you last lay

Breathing your last breath
As I comforted you
Watching the clock
No other could ever love me
As you did so beautifully
Thanking you gratefully

My inspirational mother
Oct 2018 · 473
10 words
Lorraine day Oct 2018
Whats wanted isn't always needed
What's needed isn't always wanted
Oct 2018 · 752
Life's Road.....
Lorraine day Oct 2018
In life there's a road we must travel
Some parts are winding and long
There's bumps n cracks that knock us off track
Sometimes there's no light and no song

There are times when this road is too steep
As we wonder just how can we climb
So we stumble along hoping we've not gone wrong
Then somehow once again we are fine

This road we're all on is a journey
There's lessons to put us to test
Only mistakes do show
What we once didn't know
So we learn then to just do our best

In life there's a road we must travel
We may think there's no end in sight
As darkness descends
No sign of friends
It's then we look for the light

Your path had already been crafted
By one who won't leave nor forsake
His hope is you'll seek to find him
As life's road leads to .....heavens gate
Oct 2018 · 333
Your Purpose
Lorraine day Oct 2018
For what reason do you rise to face another day
Do you live to work or work to live
Is your main concern the pay

For what reason do you rise and use the time you spend
Do you live to please or to appease
Friends and family who offend

For what reason do you rise as each second passes by
Do you treasure heartfelt memories
Do you walk in truth or lie

For what reason have you been given life
It's purpose have you found
As time it waits for no one
It ends in silent sound
Oct 2018 · 481
Open your hearts
Lorraine day Oct 2018
Have you ever sighed and wondered
Why some people just don't see
That we all are part of the universe
Significant as every plant and tree
Have you ever hoped that somehow
A power or force Unknown
Would stop them in their weary tracks
As though a storm had blown
Have you ever thought how different
The lives they live could be
If only they would seek to find spirituality
Have you ever known the love the peace
His eternal grace
That nothing here on earth can bring
Regardless of what we face
Have you ever wanted everyone
To feel that love today
This is my hope for all mankind
As I bow my knee to pray
Sep 2018 · 368
Lorraine day Sep 2018
Each day I live To seek your face
As I bask upon your warm embrace
My soul then filled with. Heavenly scent
by a humbled bow I then repent
I rise refreshed renewed once more
To walk this path as I've done before
Each day you give as I'm living
My quest to be much more forgiving
To relish thoughts of the purest kind
Reflecting you with heart and mind
My aim to love more than before
Til I stand and knock on heavens door
Each day I live to seek your face
I ask you fill me with your grace
And light my pathway from above
Comforting with unconditional love
Sep 2018 · 392
In life here's what matters
Lorraine day Sep 2018
Value that which can't be paid for
Be grateful for what we have already
Use your time wisely
Live in the present moment
Don't worry about that which can't be changed
Tell those close you love them
Be true to yourself
Find your life purpose
Speak words of healing
Touch others lives with kindness
Know your own value
Don't be one to judge nor criticise
Let your presence be of peace
Always be hopeful
Give with no intention to recieve
Embrace your uniqueness
Enjoy this gift called life
Sep 2018 · 554
The present is the gift
Lorraine day Sep 2018
Remembering past
Enslaves the mind
We are on rewind
So many things we can't change
So much time and energy-wasted
Re living
Harbouring feelings and thoughts of regret
Guilt shame anger and resentment

Life wasn't created to live backwards

When we live in the present moment
We are aware of where we are now
Even if things are tough
There are gifts we hold that money can't buy
Sight sound taste touch breath

We are here

A grateful heart allows us to embrace the moment
The now -to find inner peace
When we look to our future
apprehenshion anxiety and fear
Can fill our thoughts
As this walk is blindfolded
No one knows
What lies ahead

The answer to -is there life after here?
Envokes the same reflective emotions
As life itself is a gift
The best place to be is ironically called   ..... The present.
Lorraine day Sep 2018
I smile as I watch you sleeping
I sigh as I watch you grow
I listen for your return
I love you more than you know
I give you all that I have
I care that your ok
I dread that you won't be here
You will want to leave one day
I laugh when you tell me stories
I cry when your in pain
I wish I could hold you forever
Like a new born baby again
I see that your now a young lady
I know you now want to fly
From my nest I created for you
Oh how time just passes us by
I want you so much to be happy
I m here when you feel low
I will always be here for you
I love you more than you know
Sep 2018 · 519
It hurts
Lorraine day Sep 2018
Every little detail that's etched within the mind
Every passing comment negative or unkind
Every act against us be it large or small
Every single experience
We can't forget them all
Every critical thought
Filled with judgement
Every stare
Is enough to cause great harm
Devastation and despair
Every ones responsible for the choices that they make
Everyone's accountable for making their mistakes
Each and every one of us
Can choose to change our ways
By speaking words of kindness
Encouragement and praise
Little acts of thoughtfulness
Letting someone know your there
A hand to hold
A smile
A hug
Just showing that you care
Why choose to stand in judgement
Causing harm with all your might
Embrace each other's differences
As you do not have that right
Oct 2017 · 655
Angels are every where
Lorraine day Oct 2017
Angels come in many forms
There when times are tough
There when we feel sorrow
When we feel we've had enough
They may not present with feathered wings
Nor have the power to fly
But don't despair
They are still there
They'll never pass you by
They may reach you
Through a stranger
Who suddenly appears
Or through a friend
Who unexpectedly calls
You've not seen for years
They may appear in your garden
As a robin day to day
When you need them
They are with you
They are never far away
Oct 2017 · 404
When Nature Speaks
Lorraine day Oct 2017
We strive we toil to make ends meet finding other paths
When faced with defeat
We chase the desired *** of gold
Till the mirror shows
We have grown old
Only then do many with furrowed brow
Begin to stop and look at now
As regrets then fill our weathered minds
We become aware of passing times
Alone with thoughts
Not much time to borrow
Hoping there still may be tomorrow
Our lives played out in a hurried haze
In the mind we watch as our memory plays
So much we missed
Things that went unseen
Like the beauty of the silent stream
The call of natures sacred sound
Encompassing beauty all around
The crystal dew upon the lawn
Sunrise displaying early morn
Winter frost glowing beneath our feet
Slowing our pace helping us retreat
The rain the floods
The winter snow
Makes us more mindful as we go
Always been with us
Though not embraced
Until our final chapters faced
Jan 2017 · 569
You ~
Lorraine day Jan 2017
When you feel uncertain and troubled thoughts remain
I will be the one to shelter you from the rain

When your heart is heavy and feeling non but sorrow
I will paint a rainbow to brighten your tomorrow

When your path is rocky and the road aheads not clear
I will guide your way to a path that's without fear

When all your plans have changed and your mind is filled with doubt
And no longer can you see a way to work things out

Remember who you are and all you have achieved
Someone who's succeeded much more than they believed

Remember how much your loved with admiration and respect
Remember the positive impact you've had on all you've met

Remember the wonderful mother~ daughter sister and friend you are
Someone I know and love who shines like the brightest star
One person in this world On who I know I can depend
Remember you changed my life
The day ~you became my friend .............
Dec 2016 · 784
So many reasons~
Lorraine day Dec 2016
So many reasons to be happy
So many reasons to live
So many reasons to love
So many reasons to give
So many things to do
So many places to go
So many things to celebrate
So much more I'd like to know
Going for walks
Looking at trees
Enjoying the wonderful air I breathe
Painting a picture of a beautiful scene
Writing poems about what life means
Chatting to friends that make me smile
Watching films I haven't seen for a while
Making cakes til my hearts content
Singing ~dancing
such time well spent
Being able to walk ~ hear and see
So many reasons to be ~   happy
Dec 2016 · 550
Time~ love~death
Lorraine day Dec 2016
Time ~does not wait
Nor stand still
Holds memories of our past
It is not ours forever
No one knows
How long it lasts
It's often watched
By all of us
It leads all
By night and day
It's a gift
We have been given
Use it wisely
In every way
Respect each waking moment
Fill as much of it with -~love
Until your cup is empty
And you return to him ~above
Dec 2016 · 656
Shut down
Lorraine day Dec 2016
I've shut down no more speak
Heart punctured
Voice week
Thoughts frozen stuck in time
Energy reserved to lick these wounds of mine
People I've loved given too
Don't realise what they say and do
Has an impact on the heart the soul
I feel robbed  their words
Taken their toll
I'm so confused by what they say
I try so hard this game to play
But somehow I have lost my way
Shut down
Tomorrow's another day
Dec 2016 · 810
Cyber spell
Lorraine day Dec 2016
So many things in life we see
Are an illusion of reality
Our young no longer taking place
At the dinner table
Now there's just a space

While  many parents sleep
The children are awake

Heads buried deep

theres a spell they can't  break

Even in the morning
As I drive my child to school
I see no conversation
That would break their spell
And rule
There's earphones in their sockets
iPhones in their hand
They are not here
Their under the spell of the illusion
Of our land

Their way of chat is to tap a screen
Holding many secrets in between
So much time stolen never
to be seen

Their in another world- almost like a dream

What can be done what can we say
Reality seems so far away
Dec 2016 · 569
Just pray
Lorraine day Dec 2016
Like every passing snow flake that gently falls on winter ground
He sees you
Like each leaf that clings to barren trees in deep despair
He feels you
As the wind that howls into turbulent storms enraged in darkness
He hears you
As sure as darkness will turn to light
He loves you
When hope is gone and fears your plight
He's near you
When your heart is heavy weighed down with sin
He forgives you
If life's path is non but rocky ground
He'll carry you

Just pray.........
Dec 2016 · 460
Reflect his love
Lorraine day Dec 2016
It's here the season of good cheer
As Christmas time again draws near
For some it's filled with dread and fear
As they miss the ones they once held dear

It's here the season of good will
A time for us to give fulfill
To meet the needs of others and give
To those struggling just to live

A time to reach out to those alone
No one to visit
No telephone
A time to share a time to care
Light a candle and pray
For those in despair

It's also a time to celebrate
The birth of one above
Rejoice God sent a saviour
Now let's reflect his love.
Lorraine day Sep 2016
All that glitters is not gold
All you hear is not the truth
All you want is not required
All the waste it shows the proof
All the time that you've been given
All the things you should have said
All the times you could  have loved
All the times you fought instead
All the opportunities you missed
All the days you chose to waste
All the decisions not thought through
All the times you'd act in haste
All the things that really mattered
Allthe times you never cared
All the times you didn't listen
All those times you never shared
All because you chased the rainbow
The material gains you'd rather hold
All the time to loves been lost
All that glitters is not gold .................
Sep 2016 · 609
Lorraine day Sep 2016
Hope is like the lantern
That shines on darkened nights
When times in life are testing
And sorrow is our plight
Hope still shows a future
We must find the strength to see
Regardless of the weight we bear
In our misery
Hope is still a chance
When the hearts filled with despair
Hope is what we cling to
When we find nobody's there
Hope is there to guide us
To a path that leads the way
Leaving all our fears behind
To tomorrow's brighter day
Sep 2016 · 445
Just A Tree?
Lorraine day Sep 2016
Standing tall rooted to the ground
We watch the world go by
witnessing many happy sights
And some that make us cry

So many secrets do we hold
Locked in silence never told
We can be bought
We can be sold
And just like you We too get old

At times we change when seasons end
On rain and sun.
We must depend
Till We're felled by those
Who're not a friend

They cut us down with chain and saw
Believing  we do not feel
But that's not true
We hurt like you
as scientists
Have revealed

Our roots connect to others
We warn of harm or threat
We have the greatest of respect
For those we've never met

We're here to  serve a purpose
Not just for paper
Or for wood
So please help to preserve us
Our intentions are all good

Next time when you pass us by
Don't think it's just a tree ?
As without us theres no life force
We provide the air
You breathe ................
Sep 2016 · 627
Lorraine day Sep 2016
If the hill you must now climb gets steep
And the summits out of sight
Remember I am here my friend
Always day or night

Don't fret about tomorrow
Please live for today
Knowing you are not alone
I'm never far away

My ears are here to listen
My hands are here to hold
A heart of love is here for you
Always to unfold
Together we will walk this path
I will carry half the load
I will cry with you
Laugh with you
As we walk this rocky road
No matter how
No matter when
This road we walk must end
You'll never be alone again

Remember (Me your friend)
Dedicated to my friend diagnosed with breast cancer
Sep 2016 · 798
Lorraine day Sep 2016
(You look so lost )

Like a ship sailing aimlessly
Lost in oblivion
Solitude becoming its closest friend

(Your mind)

Like a clouded day intermittently
Showing a glimmer
Of the sun

Where have you gone dad

Somewhere in a far off land
From which there is no return

I touch your hand calling your name
You respond with confusion
Anger and fear
Who are you ? You ask
When I explain
You deny me once again
All those years of love and memories wiped
Just as the tears from my face

I see you
But no longer do you see me
My heart aches longing to reconnect
I stand     hug you goodbye

Then you say my name
We both cry
Today for us the sun has shone again........
Sep 2016 · 393
Make it count
Lorraine day Sep 2016
The only divide
between this world

And the next
Is Time ........
Sep 2016 · 950
Lorraine day Sep 2016
Right here now in the present is where I ought to be
But my thoughts they travel forward or back in history

I must embrace the minutes
The hours and the days
Connecting and enjoying life
I must change my ways

Right here now in the present
Is what matters most alone
As the past cannot be changed
And the futures yet unknown ......
Aug 2016 · 359
When I write
Lorraine day Aug 2016
When I write I enter a different realm
A very different place
A place that holds no boundaries
No room for airs nor grace

When I write my minds no longer
Trapped and full of woe
No limits no distractions
It's where I like to go

Such freedom of expression
Within my heart and mind
It's the one thing that I like to do
Then its happiness I find

My favourite time to do this
Is late into the night
Nothing can compare
To the pleasure
When I write.
Aug 2016 · 2.0k
Reflections of my mother
Lorraine day Aug 2016
Your hair stripped of the colour that once was dark as night
Now reflects the years gone by as it's slowly turned to white

Those loving hands that held me and taught me right from wrong
No longer look the same they bend as each new day goes on

Your eyes which did once sparkle like emaralds of green
Look so tired and almost vacant a look I've never seen

Your posture is no longer ,upright standing tall
You move so slow ,I stand behind to catch you if you fall

Your voice a silent whisper
Your memory long but gone
But your heart of love it's never changed
Like a light it's always shon

So many years have passed us by
Now i can clearly see
How the roles have now reversed

You once looked after me

I'm here to show you patience
Tender loving care
Reflecting all that you have shown by always being there
I'm here to tell you thank you
Speaking from a grateful heart
I will be with you until the end
As you've been with me right from the start
Aug 2016 · 362
The last time
Lorraine day Aug 2016
I Never knew just how precious time really was
How important each second that ticked by would be treasured
Etched in my memory
Imprinted in my heart
I never thought this would be
The day you were born
The same day you'd leave
Such devastation
The end of my dreams
Entering into the darkest tunnel
Of nothingness
Not knowing my way back
Wondering if somehow you could still see my silent tears fall
Hoping you were somewhere beautiful and safe
Knowing that my love for you is forever
I never knew the first time I held you would be
The last time
In loving memory of my child always on my mind and in my heart
Nov 2015 · 514
My Prayer to all
Lorraine day Nov 2015
Dear god I pray for everyone
Who reads these words I write
Help them all to seek you
When things just don't seem right
I ask that you may comfort them
With compassion and your love
That they shall kneel
And lift their heads
To you who's up above
Send to them an angel
To guard them and protect
In the hope that they will come to know
Your heart with much respect
Heal them Lord
And guide them through this journey
We call life
Help them when their troubled
When their path is filled with strife
Shine your light Upon them
When life seems dark and grey
Reveal to them your truths
Your word
please show to them the way.
Nov 2015 · 442
Thinking out loud
Lorraine day Nov 2015
Is it not the life in our years
That truly matter
Other than
The years in our life .......
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
A portrait of my love~
Lorraine day Oct 2015
My eyes have captured so many visions of you
The way you smile
How beautifully you dance
I see your heart
It's so gentle and white in the purest form

Your strength is relentless
Your determination always prevalent

My eyes have captured so many visions of you
I've had the honour
The time
To watch you grow
My aim was to guide you
To teach you
Yet you have taught me so much more
Your energy
Shines like the brightest star

My eyes have captured so many visions of you
From the first day I held you
And each night since
I have watched you sleep
Stroked your beautiful face
Wishing all the best for you
Hoping all your dreams will come true
Being your mother
Has been the greatest blessing
As I remember each moment
Treasured Memories
My eyes capturing so many visions of you
Painting daily........
A portrait of my love ~
Written for my beautiful child who teaches me so much about myself and life in general I have watched her over the last 13 years with such interest and the depth of love felt moves me to tears  thanking God for this blessing
Oct 2015 · 707
A letter from heaven ~
Lorraine day Oct 2015
When tomorrow starts without me
And no longer do I see
If the sun should rise
Then find your eyes are
Filled with tears for me
Do not let your heart be troubled
Nor be filled with dismay
While thinking of the many things
We didn't get to say

For I know how much you love me
As much as I love you
I only hope you realise
How much I'll miss you too

When tomorrow starts without me
Don't think we're far apart
As that's not true
I'm still right there
Next to your beating heart

I promise I haven't left you
It's just a journey that's begun
Life holds so many facets
The earth is only one

Just think of me as resting
From all suffering pain and fears
In a place of warmth and comfort
Where there are no days or years

When tomorrow starts without me
Smile for me ~just look above
Have faith ~for I'm in heaven
Surrounded by gods love
I often get asked to write for funerals as well as other occasions as people often find it hard to know what to read out this is one I wrote recently as a Christian I do not fear death and know his everlasting love is overwhelming
Sep 2015 · 587
Lorraine day Sep 2015
Eerily quiet there it stood still
That old rugged cross
Upon the hill
A shadow strewn across the face
Of the one who died
For the human race
Such pain suffered
Such a loss
As they hung him high
Upon that cross
With bloodied crown
And anchored feet
His demise reluctantly
He must now meet
For all of us
Our sins to bear
truth is
Do we care
If your heart is closed
filled with doubt
Please read his words
Then you'll find out
Sep 2015 · 519
His hope
Lorraine day Sep 2015
Never will I leave you
When you are in despair
Never will you be alone
For I am always there
Never will I look at you
With repulse or disdain
Always I will hope
You kneel to pray
And call my name
Never will you realise
My love for all mankind
My hope is that material things
Don't seek to make you blind
Sep 2015 · 439
Our ~Love
Lorraine day Sep 2015
As clear as a blue sky
Pure as the driven snow
Delicate as lace
Steadfast as a tree
Colourful as a rainbow
Glistening like a star
Beautiful as a garden
As gentle as A stream
Relentless as a storm
Pretty as a flower
Our ~Love
Sep 2015 · 593
Lorraine day Sep 2015
A poets channels must remain free
No room to accommodate adversary

A poets mind must remain clear
No room to accommodate slander~ fear

A poets heart must remain sincere
No room to accommodate those who leer

A poets spirit is like a fire that burns with passion
As the flame grows higher

No room to accommodate jealousy or doubt
Nor those who wish to put that flame out

A poets thoughts like artistic vapour
Reflect the soul as they land on paper
Poets are chosen to illustrate
Words others need to delegate

Poets are sensitive an extraordinary breed
Adversary provokes the heart to bleed
When angers felt or a mocking tone

So think before you cast that stone ...........
Sep 2015 · 648
Magic of music
Lorraine day Sep 2015
I was feeling lonely
Really rather down
Burdened by life problems
Wearing a heavy frown
So I went out walking
Got some fresh air for a while
Hoping to feel better
Turn that frown into a smile

Then I listened to some music
It held magic
I cant explain
Lifting up my spirit
Helped me get back up again

As I  quietly listened
I Thought ~there is a chance
My heart will be unburdened
As my feet began to dance
Then all of a sudden
I began to sing
As the magic of the music
Helped me
Forget ~everything

My mood became ecstatic
In a long time I felt free
I wondered why
Oh how could I
Let life's troubles
Get to me

But now I've found an answer
When Theres
uncertainty and care
Revival in the magic
Of the music  ~ always there ~
Music is one of life's beautiful forces that can move us in a way like no other thing can    It is the source that woke my sister from a coma after a serious road accident and I have used music so many times to help children with learning difficulties.  Some times when we are down we forget it's there of course it  mostly helps if its upbeat songs you listen too.
Sep 2015 · 598
Lesson learned
Lorraine day Sep 2015
She shared her love
He left her crying
She told him truths
He began lying
She praised him
With each word spoken
He repaid her
With a heart left broken
No harmony
No mutual love was felt
The day to her this card dealt
She's moved on now
Met someone nice
Never to make
The same mistake twice ...
Sep 2015 · 769
Weight ~ or ~Wings
Lorraine day Sep 2015
I've discovered what matters
Can change as we age
Life seems faster
As we turn each page
A garden gives pleasure
In ways we can't measure
Family visits enjoyed
In our leisure

Photographs treasured
Proudly hung in a frame
Bitter sweet memories
As nothing's the same
Gentleness kindness
A hug or a kiss
Is really what matters
These things I'd miss

A chat to a Neighbour
A smiling face
Simple treasures
That brighten the days

Of the people I've met
Over all these years
Some have brought fun
Some only tears
I discovered what matters

Only one of two things

People are weights

Or simply wings ~ ( )
Sep 2015 · 464
Just a thought ?
Lorraine day Sep 2015
Just another crisis
Just another day
Just another problem
That won't go away
Just another story
We read and forget
Just some people
We never met
Just more images
That make us sad
Nothing to do with us
For that I'm glad
Just the media
Playing with our head
Showing us photos
Of a child that lay dead
Just some people
Who are now in despair
Carry on
We're ok
Why should we care
Look within
ask the question
To yourself be true
Just how would you feel
If that someone was you ?
Sep 2015 · 817
Reflective love~
Lorraine day Sep 2015
Whenever I can
I serve gladly
Whenever I love
I love madly
Whenever I speak
Truth you'll find
Then I will listen
with open mind
If you need to borrow
Then I shall give
It's the way in which
I choose to live
Have no hidden agenda
Nor airs n graces
What you see's who  I am
I don't have two faces
Some people say
I'm too good to be true
I smile and I think
If only they knew
The person who guides me
I walk with each day
Is here for mankind
He's not far away
He sees us as equal
And loves us all
He's there to catch us
If we should fall
His love is the light
That eliminates fear
If you give him your heart
He will draw you near
There's no fancy words
You have to say
Just ask for guidance
As you kneel and pray
Submit your will
To his alone
The greatest love
You've ever known ...........
Sep 2015 · 349
A mothers love ~
Lorraine day Sep 2015
As you took your first breath
I held mine !
Closing my eyes
I said is everything fine?
There was a pause
You let out a yell
I knew by your sound
All was well
I asked could I hold you
My bundle of joy
Then I said
What is it?
A girl or a boy
I didn't mind
At least you were here
Stroking your hand
Feeling you near
I held you close
To my beating heart
Never wanting us ever
To be apart
Lovingly I stared at those rosebud lips
I traced your face
With my finger tips
I counted your fingers
Then your toes
Smiled as I touched
Your cute little nose

This love unique
Beyond any other
The day that I became

Your Mother .......
Jul 2015 · 412
Angels Amongst Us
Lorraine day Jul 2015
Today I met a stranger
Who asked me for some help
And when I pondered should I
His smile made my heart melt
His request though rather simple
Made me think have I got time?
But after I had helped
He simply put his hand on mine
He told me he'd been asking
Lots of others who walked by
I looked at him and noticed
A tear drop in his eye
He thanked me for my kindness
Then slowly he walked on
I turned around to smile and wave
But suddenly he'd gone
A feeling of warmth washed over me
All at once I realised
I'd just met an angel !
An angel in disguise ........
This actually happened to me and I had a feeling that I can't explain when this old man approached it was like I was being tested and he knew, still don't know where he went and felt great after speaking to him his last words were it's been a pleasure to meet you thank you so much . There was no where he could have gone so fast he looked about 85    Guess I can't explain this one  .
Jul 2015 · 538
I wonder ?
Lorraine day Jul 2015
I wonder why the earth we tread is treated such as this
I wonder where the beauty once was harmony and bliss
I wonder how we have arrived at this now common place
Iwonder what now should be is nothing but disgrace
I wonder if we stopped to think for just a moment took the time
I wonder if we realise no longer are things fine
I wonder now what's happened to this world in which we live
I wonder where's our ability to love and to forgive
I wonder how we're destroying one another every day
I wonder if we will ever find peace and joy
Some Way .........
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