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lorilynn Oct 2010
the changing prismatic leaves in autumn
tis the season in annual repose
embalmed in cocoon
seasons for all mankind
foliage and animals and winter snow
in evanescent inactivity
only to come hither
waking from slumbered  hibernation
when spring befalls
rewarding us with splendid surprises
painting a ubiquitous canvas
of emerging butterfly
spreading gossamer wings
to be reborn in realms
we may not have known.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
i am feeling blue for no reason
how can i feel blue
if there is no reason
i have a wonderful soulmate
a nice home
critters who snuggle
i tell you i am blue
maybe i am not blue
but i think i am
how about if i be red
what is red
fiery mixed emotions
maybe that is it
emotions not having a name
maybe it is the full blue moon
how can a moon evoke emotions
the wolf man comes in the full moon
might as well dracula
and frankenstein come too
what does this call me
blue moon lady it is.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
torrential teardrops join pavement
transforming surface to sheets of glass
patient trees plants flowers quenching their thirst
stray animals bemused hovering with caution
only to find shelter in the rustic shed
the good samaritan leaves scraps
through the makings of savory soup
passing cars washed in rain
will sparkle come sun
lounging indoors focusing through drenched windows
raindrops like opals
pattering on copper roof
cascade as peaceful shower
fairytale sound, sight and smells
invite nestling with a book
cup of tea and scone complete the pallet
with glowing candles
a sanctuary of chopin preludes
surrendering to peaceful sleep.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
listening to spacial music
notes resonating with wind chimes tinkling quarter tones
tranquility filling my space with wanton serenity
visual sounds of cascading crystalline streams
birds trilling their innocence in the air
willow trees swishing soft breezes
scents of fresh cut dewy grass
with misted sparkling drops
from morning’s fog
aromas of lilac
sweet jasmine co-mingling
enrapturing my breath
cocktail of exotic gases
at day’s end
evening welcoming
the distant crescent moon
stars dancing in complete synergy
lighting the sky while stilling the night
thundering with complete calm.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
ever wonder what is going on
behind pretty ornate windows
or not pretty windows

sublime windows
ornately decorated
adorned with ivory lace
revealing perfection
with a keen eye to detail
limpid glass showcasing mistress in her den
sitting fancy in her pink chintz chaise
curled up with a book
her white persian sprawled
about her lap
licking her chops

ordinary windows
peeling blue paint
with smeared glass
lacking class
the home-keepers contending
important matters
bills piling up
whilst disaster pending
sitting in the kitchen contemplating
what ifs what nots and how tos

no matter the difference
windows tell the story
of what is.~~lorilynn

copyright~~*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
once upon a time
in my distant memory
no longer my reality
i had a gelding quarter horse
sixteen hands
burnt sienna chestnut
a white diamond on his forehead
he was my universe
a bond like no other
no one could go near him but me
didn’t trust mankind
i kissed his rubbery muzzle
braided his crimson mane
breathed the essence of sweet horse life
i could do anything with my trusted friend
when he lay out in the pasture
i would sit next to him
in companionable silence
i would ride him without a saddle nor bridle
he ever so gentle knowing
his light weight master upon him
i steered him with his red mane
to a nearby unspoiled shimmering creek
see a school of minnows
reflecting in the translucent sparkling waters
rich hues of blues and silver
in the summer we would go deeper into the water to cool off
i would lie back on his arched spine
look up at the radiant robin’s egg blue sky
the only sounds heard
the gushing stream
croaking frogs and
a small plane airborne in no-mans land
wondering its destination
whilst my friend and i
were in a world its own
we had a special connection
worth more than diamonds.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
i love fantasizing fields of sunflowers
a disk with matching color clustered petals
in the form of a ballerina's skirt
oranges, yellows or reds
i have come to call
them happy flowers with smiley faces
i lie embraced with jubilant faces
looking at dark thunderous clouds  
white lightening bolts
doing a roaring fiery show at a distance
crystal dewdrops upon my face
the sun of mild temperature
creating an oasis through the clouds
as i lie in dreamy state
the rain that is suppose to be
but only prism dewdrops
misting the chasm of sunflowers
with a rainbow in vibrant colors
monarch butterflies of burnt orange
with black borders sprinkled white dots
fluttering about
all except one that lands on my hand
as i lie still watching
to see what she is doing
only to wonder if
she is thinking the same thing.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
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