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lorilynn Oct 2010
where have the years taken me
all my streaks of silver
put on my head
subtle character lines on my face
to show my age
is this what they call
the mature woman
when looking in catalogs
to dress appropriately
i don't know if i like this
my mind is still in my earlier years
my body tells a different story
aches that crept up
sorry ma'am but you have
a little arthritis from
old injuries
so now what
go about your business
with tender care
here is your prescription
don't over do it
eat a balanced meal
exercise moderately
keep that twinkle in your eyes.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
there upon the antique mahogany dresser
sit crystal bottles in every shape
squares, oblongs, round, rectangles
filled with liquid of ambers
greens yellows and clear
intoxicating fragrances
of musks lilies and jasmine
clearing the passageways    
evoking a stupor of exhilarating senses
heightened to ecstasy
he presses his lips behind her ears
she is all woman
she is his.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
i am often mystified
when i see a painting
one dimensional canvas
capturing the subject
long before the days
of cameras
i am often piqued
when i look at the portraits
sitting very astute and poised
or rather smug and pompous
wearing swathes of fabric
medals of valor on his dressing
his long jet black curly hair
loose upon his collar
proudly displaying his sword
i am often intrigued
with his prize
sitting beside him
draped in rich hues of velvet
drowning in pearls and rubies
with a matching tiara upon
her coiffed auburn hair
her delicate porcelain hands
folded under the lace sleeves
holding her silk fan
i am often bemused
with the expression
on the blemish free complexion
ruddy cheeks hiding
their naughty flush
with gleam in their eyes
not a care in the world
except to bet  
upcoming competition
who is the best dueler
a grand feast to follow
i have often wondered
what it would be like to live
in the days before the camera
to encapsulate every nuance.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
when i see a painting
it speaks to me
for i am in union
with the one
looking back at me
i feel every fiber  
seeing the sparkle
come alive
in the azure eyes
that speak of wisdom
as it sees the glint
in my eyes
we understand each other
when in each other's presence
we speak in silence
looking with approval
she reaches out  
with her weathered hands
from working the fields
feeding her cattle
i see the life
behind the demure smile
or the subtle sadness
that cannot be hidden
all that matters
is that we are one.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
peacemaking is rewarding
when all agree to agree
even they say it is ok
to disagree and agree
to disagree
what is the point
of disagreeing when
we can agree on
agreeing to disagree
why does everything
have to be so complicated
when it is much easier
to just be simple and
not convoluted
it must be the mind
is a complicated thing
since the mind really
isn't that simple.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Oct 2010
i love them as own
when one, two
or three are hurting
so am i
why does it have to be this way
why can't we all get along
and spread the love around
friends friends friends
i love you as my own
life is too short
don't we have enough
trouble as it is
with people fighting
killing each other
blowing themselves up
thinking they are making a stand
when all it is
is dissension in the making.
friends friends friends
i love you as my own
all i ever wanted
was everyone to get along.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Sep 2010
there sits secrecy above
my mind’s private mountain.
the domes proudly *****
displaying friendly aubergine
flags atop the spires.
welcome, come one come all.

a world unto its own
with striped colored domes;
ruby, jade, sapphire, gold
running circular with no end.

the way to odyssey is by
the plume vessel that treks
afar the healing sparkled waters
only to bring the lost and the
ones who already know
to the land of euphoria.

upon entering the black and white
checkered entrance
transformation in motion.
hear the lovely bells and chimes
accompanying the chorus
the gregorian chant.

you have come to the place
never to leave the same
amassing great blessings.~~lorilynn
art~~aimee stewart

copyright*lorilynn 2010
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